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Hooray for Gay Animals! 9 Species That Are Also Celebrating

By Natalia Reagan, 07/06/2015 08:30 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017,

Unless you’ve been hiding under the pot of gold at the end of the #marriageequality rainbow, you probably know that on June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that all marriages are legal and considered equal under the 14th amendment- regardless of gender or sexual orientation- in ALL 50 states. This isn’t just a victory for the LBGTQ community, but a victory for love!

This may be a progressive move for Americans, but this is nothing new for animals. Did you know that at least 1500 species of animals have been engaging in homosexual activity sans judgment from their peers for eons? Yes, that’s right. Homosexual encounters have been documented in a multitude of species ranging from penguins, in matching tuxedos, to giraffes to bonobos to bison! However, there is only one species that propagates widespread discrimination against homosexual individuals of their species and let me tell you- it ain’t ferrets. Nope. It’s humans. But, lately it seems like our species is catching up with the rest of the animal kingdom and taking notes from our feathered, furry, and scaled animals pals.

So, in honor of the Obergefell vs. Hodges historic ruling, I would like to present 9 animal species that are hopefully celebrating in their own fabulous fashion.

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