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David Granger

September 3, 2021


…Granger assures he has not demitted office
…will be in Guyana on ‘well deserved leave’

Amid speculations that he was about to bow out as Leader of the PNCR, former President David Granger has assured that he has not demitted office, but rather has decided to take some ” well deserved leave.”
He said he will be in Guyana and can be contacted by top party executives.

On Thursday word got out that Granger had proceeded on indefinite leave and that was a precursor for him exiting as leader, owing to the criticisms of his leadership in recent months.
However, the former Guyanese leader in a letter to the party Central Executive dispelled any such speculations.
Below is the full letter by Granger to the CEC

Members of the
Central Executive Committee,

Dear Comrades,
Leave of absence

I write to inform you, members of the Central Executive Committee of the People’s National Congress Reform, that I have taken temporary leave of absence to enjoy a brief vacation.

I remind you that Congress elected me as PNC presidential candidate in February 2011. I led the Party into three General and Regional Elections in 2011, 2015 and 2020 and two Local Government Elections in 2016 and 2018 since that time. I was elected as Party Leader at the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Biennial Delegates’ Congresses.

I had a steady governmental work schedule as Leader of the Opposition and as President of Guyana for much of the past ten years. During this long period, I have never had a vacation. I have now decided to take this opportunity to proceed on leave so that I could enjoy a period of well-deserved rest and attend to personal matters.

I have not demitted office as Party Leader. I shall spend my vacation in Guyana. I can be contacted by the Party Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, General Secretary, officials and other members of the Central Executive Committee.

Yours sincerely,
David Granger

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Burnham would do anything for Cheddie Jorgon to remain the leader of the PPP because he knew Jorgon was a FK up of a leader and America will do anything in their power for Burnham to remain the ruler. Learn from this.

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad

Burnham would do anything for Cheddie Jorgon to remain the leader of the PPP because he knew Jorgon was a FK up of a leader and America will do anything in their power for Burnham to remain the ruler. Learn from this.

== Cheddie Jorgon ==   

Prashad also uses that name for Cheddi Jagan.


Something happening!

Sep 05, 2021 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...something-happening/

Dem Boys Seh…

Kaieteur News – Dem boys never hear bout somebody acting as Leader of de Opposition. Dat gat to be a fuss in Guyana. Cheddi was always Leader of the Opposition as was Hoyte and Granger. Dem boys never hear bout anybody acting fuh de Leader of de Opposition

Dem nah know which law or which part of de Constitution give anybody de right fuh select somebody fuh act as Leader of de Opposition (LOO) when de substantive wan gan pun leave.

De Leader of de Opposition is wan elected office and no provision mek in de law fuh anybody fuh act, regardless of de circumstances. Dem boys know dat is de non-government Members of de National Assembly does appoint de Leader of de Opposition. And parliament in recess till October.

And de laws of Guyana nah seh nothing bout wah gan happen if de person gone away for a short time. So dem boys wan know who give who power fuh put somebody else fuh act.

Is nat as if de President going out de country and somebody gat fuh hold de fort. And dem boys know dat even when de President out de country, he does still be de President when he out de country. De only reason somebody else does get swear in is in case something terrible happen to de President when he outside, de country can’t be without a President at any time.

But dem boys nah know nuttin bout acting Leader of de Opposition. But dem boys suspect dat it gat more to what meets de eye. Could it be dat we seeing a changing of de guard in de Pee N See? Or is some deal mekking between de Pee Pee Pee and de Pee N See?

Talk half and wait fuh de surprise.


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