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Former Member

I have been dismayed at the direction of the Republican (Trump) race for the WH since the two conventions.  What bothered me the most is the spat with the Khan family.  I understand and feel their pain.  The reaction of Trump towards the mother in particular was disheartening.  Her pain and sorrow is so clear in her voice and face, she will take the sorrow and pain to her grave.  I deeply respect them and their son for the ultimate sacrifice they made for the nation.

I understand the rant against Trump at the convention warranted a response however,  this could have gone so differently had he taken the time to think of their feelings how best to turn it in his favor, which he could have.

By now, I expected the race to pivot and broaden and start dealing with the issues of the nation, i.e. Islamic terrorism and the economic demise brought about by the Obama/Clinton JV squad!

Trump has started a movement however, someone else will be needed to take it forward and deliver to the people.  I hope Hillary will be kept in check until a new GOP leader emerges and continue this fight!

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Good morning Baseman

Nice to see, at last,  you recognized the tone and message of Mr. DONALD TRUMP as one that is not Presidential.

Hopefully one day you will also come to the realization that the atrocities that is being carried out by the evil ISIS in the name of Islam has nothing to do with the noble religion, that is why so many intelligent people refuse to use the term Islamic terrorism. 

However the issue at hand is your admission about Trump and his insensivities and for this I must commend you.

Have a blessed day and I pray for God Almighty to cause all of us to see right as right and for us to stay away from evil.


Muslims in the Military: The Few, the Proud, the Welcome


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Members of the Muslim American Veterans Association at a wreath-laying at the National World War II Memorial in Washington in 2015. CreditZach Gibson/The New York Times

When Donald J. Trump said last fall that he would consider making Muslims in the United States carry special identification cards, Tayyib Rashid reached into his wallet and pulled out his military ID, then posted a picture of it online, adding:

“Hey @realDonaldTrump, I’m an American Muslim and I already carry a special ID badge. Where’s yours?”

View image on Twitter

 Follow @MuslimMarine

Hey @realDonaldTrump, I'm an American Muslim and I already carry a special ID badge. Where's yours?#SemperFi#USMC

1:23 PM - 19 Nov 2015




Now, Mr. Rashid, who served five years in the Marine Corps infantry, deploying three times, has been outraged again by Mr. Trump.

This time it is because of the Republican presidential candidate’s disparaging comments about Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of an Army captain killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004, who criticized Mr. Trump’s proposed policies toward Muslims at the Democratic National Convention.

The episode “brought tears to my eyes,” Mr. Rashid said. “These are people who sacrificed their own child, their own blood.”

But, he said, his anger is tempered by his own experience in the military, where people were overwhelmingly accepting and supportive.

“I experienced nothing but love and camaraderie from all the Marines I served with,” said Mr. Rashid, who joined the Marines in 1997. “I was often the first Muslim many of them had ever met, but there was no racism, no bigotry. It doesn’t really matter your faith: We were all Marines first.”

Still, as Mr. Rashid acknowledges, Muslims in the military face numerous challenges. For one, 15 years of war in Muslim countries has made serving in the military a cultural minefield. Among some non-Muslim soldiers, Islam itself, not extremism, is often seen as the problem.

In interviews, Muslim soldiers said they had all encountered at one time or another what one called “knucklehead” comments equating them with terrorists. Things got worse after 13 people were killed at Fort Hood in 2009 by a Muslim Army psychiatrist who said the United States’ wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wars against all Muslims.


Tayyib Rashid, a Marine veteran who served for five years, said he felt outraged by Donald J. Trump’s comments about Muslims.CreditWhitten Sabbatini for The New York Times

Other problems come from the cultural barriers, like a ban on facial hair, and dealing with military food that is often rife with pork, forbidden by Islam. Few bases have Muslim prayer services, and only five of the Army’s roughly 2,900 chaplains are imams.

“It can be challenging,” said Mr. Rashid, whose family moved from Pakistan when he was 10. “The nature of military service is not very conducive to practicing your faith, but Islam is flexible.”

“I am here as an American,” he added. “I benefit from the liberty and opportunity of this country, and it is my obligation to serve this nation in some way.”

Thousands of Muslims have served in the military since at least the Civil War, but they make up a disproportionately small portion of the force. Just 3,939 troops currently list their faith as Islam, according to Pentagon data. They make up just 0.3 percent of the military; Muslims are estimated to make up about 1 percent of the civilian population.

Their numbers are so few that some go most of their career without meeting another Muslim in uniform.

In Europe, some countries have made moves to encourage Muslims to enlist. The British Army, which has similarly low participation among Muslims, two years ago launched a recruiting initiative, the Armed Forces Muslim Forum. The armed forces allow fasting during Ramadan and make accommodations for daily prayers, setting up prayer rooms on bases and recently adding one to a warship.

The Pentagon does not track how many Muslim troops have died in combat since 2001, but they have served in all branches — as officers, combat troops, interpreters and intelligence gatherers.

Some say that life in the military became harder after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

“After 9/11, I really started noticing a change,” said Mansoor Shams, who was born in Pakistan and served in the Marine Corps from 2000 to 2004. “A few guys made negative comments, sometimes half-joking, calling me the Taliban. I decided to nip it in the bud, and most of the guys understood.”

Some troops also find it difficult to fight in countries their families may be from. But when it comes to religious liberty, they say, the military has gone to considerable lengths to be accommodating. Troops have time to pray and can fast during Ramadan. The military even makes halal versions of M.R.E.s — meals ready to eat, its plastic-wrapped field rations — along with kosher and vegetarian versions.


Capt. Nadi Kassim, with his parents, said he had felt nothing but support from the Army since he was a cadet at West Point. CreditMichael Stravato for The New York Times

“The halal M.R.E.s are actually pretty good, maybe even better than regular M.R.E.s,” said Capt. Nadi Kassim, a company commander in the Army’s Second Cavalry Regiment.

Captain Kassim, a child of Palestinian refugees who graduated from the United States Military Academy in 2010, has felt nothing but support from the military since he was a cadet, he said.

“I was never singled out for being a guy named Nadi Kassim,” he said. “The Army minimizes differences and rewards achievement, and I really thrived in that.”

When a recent field exercise fell during Ramadan, Captain Kassim said, the support unit doing the cooking set aside meals so he and another Muslim could eat after sunset. “We did not ask them to,” he said. “They just did it on their own to show they supported us.”

Though easy to overlook, Muslim culture has a firm toehold in the military, said Cmdr. Abuhena Saifulislam, a chaplain who serves as an imam in the Navy and Marine Corps, a job he has held for 20 years. Every Friday, he said, an imam holds prayers in the Pentagon, and at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, where he is stationed, he leads prayers daily.

Commander Saifulislam has been invited to lead prayers at the White House by President George W. Bush and President Obama. On his latest visit, during the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr, he walked into the White House with a 95-year-old Muslim who had fought in World War II.

“Many times I have been to Afghanistan,” he said. “I let them know there how we as Muslims live in America. And I have made great relationships.”

Commander Saifulislam oversaw the building of a mosque at Camp Lejeune, complete with separate entrances for men and women. And in his long career in the military, he said, he has ministered to many more Christians than Muslims and has never faced a backlash.

“When I was young, I came here from Bangladesh without a family,” he said. “And in many ways the military became my family. I wouldn’t have stayed 20 years unless I felt welcome.”



Trump dilemma can be summed up in one of his often repeated comments "they didn't/don't support me". He sounds like the guy from North Korea.

But his rise to the top of the Republican Party was cultivated to their attitude to President Obama since they seem uncomfortable with a black man living in the White House. Remember one of the very first derogatory comments that now there will be fried chicken in the White House every day. The Muslim bashing is always good fodder for a sizable segment of the Republican Party but so far this year, they have been too busy and haven't gotten to their customary mosque protests or Qur'an burning frenzies. This election is Hillary's to lose. One more thing. There is no such thing as Islamic terrorism. There is Muslim terrorism. The Democrats seem to understand that. The Republicans either don't or prefer to ride that misrepresentation.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump should apologize to the Khan family.  He is wrong.

So far Trump seems to lack humility so I don't expect him to do so. There was a video of him and his entourage yesterday. Outside of his Secret Service guards and Pence, they were all his family including his big bobby daughter in law. Not even Pence's family were there. That video shows who would be in Trump's Cabinet.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump is bad.  Hillary is worse.  God help America.

The only thing worse about Hillary is your partisan opinion she is bad with no evidence. She is hardworking, she is american as you can get, she is grassroots from birth and despite her email fiasco she is patriotic to the core. Turmp on the other hand is a draft dodger, racist, narcissist and monumental windbag with no history of an affinity for the common man. The differences are stark

Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

Me hear Bibi is waan smarty [respect for her accomplishment],i dunno how she does think suh.

Last edited by Django
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Then look in the Mirror, you are a GNI Snakeoil consumer.

Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Sage words from the Oracle refreshingly profound. 


Please dont get carried away, no kumbaya moment.  Baseman supports much of Trump's positions, just not the style and attitude and especially his handling of the grieving Khan family.  Baseman supports:

The Mexican Wall

Stopping/deporting illegals (in principle)

Wiping out ISIS and their allies by any means, even unconventional.

Tightening up on Islamic immigrants from terrorist regions.

Increase hurdles for outsourcing

make the tax regime more equitable


ba$eman posted:

Please dont get carried away, no kumbaya moment.  Baseman supports much of Trump's positions, just not the style and attitude and especially his handling of the grieving Khan family.  Baseman supports:

The Mexican Wall

Stopping/deporting illegals (in principle)

Wiping out ISIS and their allies by any means, even unconventional.

Tightening up on Islamic immigrants from terrorist regions.

Increase hurdles for outsourcing

make the tax regime more equitable


So you think Trump is the only one espousing controlling the border, destroying ISIS, keepinf terrorists out, dis-incentivizing outsourcing where possible and having a more equitable tax regime? My goodness, where were you when President Obama keeps haranguing to pass these measures?

So Basicman here's the deal:

  • Mexican wall - nah gon happ'n - eva. Not American at all!
  • Illegals - Obama holds the record and gets beaten up for it. In fact have you seen no net Mexican migration to the US in the last few years?
  • Wiping out ISIS - slow but steady progress in the right way is happening now. America will not send troops there and smart people want the right people in charge the nextt morning.
  • How many Syrian refugees came in to the US since it started? Enough to fit in a balla-hoo. that much....that's why Obama is getting flak.
  • Outsourcing - bannah dah is a matter for yuh Republican Congress to send Bills to Obama. They rass gat too much special interests ova dey shouldas.
  • Tax regime - you remember when Obama, with the help of Warren Buffet called out people who pay less percentage of their income than their secretaries? Remember who have to pass tax bills and send to the President - good bright's CONGRESS!!

I can give you plenty "other" Obama is doing that you want. And some with Executive action.

Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

Hate and envy for the rich is part of his DNA. 

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

I guess you like con men, Jagdeo, Trump and all.

You know, I am a NewYorker, I know a con when I see one....finish off the rest :-)

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

I guess you like con men, Jagdeo, Trump and all.

You know, I am a NewYorker, I know a con when I see one....finish off the rest :-)


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

I guess you like con men, Jagdeo, Trump and all.

You know, I am a NewYorker, I know a con when I see one....finish off the rest :-)


Yes, that I am not as successful as Michael Bloomberg, the real deal.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

I guess you like con men, Jagdeo, Trump and all.

You know, I am a NewYorker, I know a con when I see one....finish off the rest :-)

I'm sure you do, whatever that means!  If you know they are cons, then go to the authorities, we live in the greatest democracy and your goons and in power in Guyana!!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Oh r@ss....base finally dumped that idiotic avatar. .....Never thought I'd see this - bibi used a Muslim name in good light. What comes next - hailing the PNC as the next best thing to sliced bread? 

YOu can NEVER be like Baseman. You for a decade now hailed the PNC and Uncle Tom as the best thing since slice bread AND continue to do so. So dont even try to compare you slave self to Baseman. Baseman is NOT SHAMELESS and BRAINLESS. He thinks for himself and intelligently.

Dude, shut up. Baseman selected the wrong and reckless side despite evidence of such behavior over decades and he is backing away. He is embarrassed for wrongheadedness. 

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

What a hapless response? Did anyone use that line as a response to your criticism of Mrs Clinton? Truly pathetic. There are thousands of successful people out there calling this man a nut case.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

Baseman knows why he selected Trump and baseman knows why he pulled back!  What Trump has awaken in the USA will not go back into recess for a long long time!

Trump like demogogues do, conned some poor white folks feeling left behind and unfortunately he has nothing to offer them.  The reality is that they will be better served by the democrats rather than by Trump's  plan of trickle down economics. The madman said he will sell government bonds and raise 500 billion for infrastructure rebuilding. Who would buy those bonds at present interest rates? Note, there has already been a trillion in the pipeline and another 300 billion just voted in for such rebuilding. He is ignorant of domestic policies a  disaster in his foreign policy. He is said to asked twice at a prep why is it he cannot use nuclear bomb!

Boy, you rass hate successful people!!

What a hapless response? Did anyone use that line as a response to your criticism of Mrs Clinton? Truly pathetic. There are thousands of successful people out there calling this man a nut case.

Everyone has their Achilles heal and many times it's the very thing which makes them successful.  Trump is not a politician and makes comments in gist and the Liberal media takes it out of context!


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