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Fear stalks the land

Dear Editor,
Over the past months, we have pointed out ominous signs of our country once more slipping back into a state without freedom and democracy.
Today, things are becoming more crystallised and the actions of the Government are generating fear in the population. At the same time, important institutions are being undermined, misused and being turned into tools of harassment of our people.
In the first place, the fears expressed in Parliament in relation to Guyanese being detained for having more than $10 million in their possession are turning out to be real.
The regime has transformed SOCU from being an independent law enforcement body to fight money laundering into an instrument for the harassment of citizens and exerting political pressure.
This institution is now under the control of the Office of the President.
Over the past few days, we have learnt that SOCU is invading people’s homes in the wee hours of the morning, seizing their personal property, etc, and traumatising their families.
Last week, a prominent Regent Street businessman had his home and store raided by SOCU officers and property was removed from his premises.
There has been more than one case where passengers have been taken off their flights and their possessions seized. It is suspected that some financiers of the APNU/AFC are using their influence and possibly money, to get the Government’s cooperation in seizing their competitors’ property to either destroy the competition or to get the property in their possession.
All these actions suggest that extortion and bribery have already spread in many parts of the Government.
Guyanese citizens should not be subjected to this kind of behaviour once they earn their money honestly; that’s the main issue.
This latest action by the regime will have a dire impact on the Private Sector. Many business persons, out of fear, may close their businesses and migrate, taking their investments with them. This will severely affect the economy of our country.
The racial discrimination continues as many house lots and turnkey homes which were allocated to Indo-Guyanese are being repossessed. Street lights have been removed by the regime in some areas, including Bath and Bush Lot, on the West Coast, Berbice,
Much has been written about the plight of rice farmers without a finger being lifted to assist. This, too, is going to severely affect our economy.
The regime has also embarked on the process of closing the sugar industry. The PNC has always held a hatred for sugar workers, and now that it is back in power, one of its first acts against the industry is to announce plans to close the Wales Estate.
This is just the beginning.
This regime will move to close other estates once it can get away with closing the Wales factory.
In the meantime, the situation in the National Assembly has gotten from bad to worse.
The Speaker, Dr Barton Scotland, appears to believe that his responsibility is to protect the Government MPs and disrupt the Opposition members from freely expressing themselves.
Dr Scotland intervenes in the current Budget debates, often on trivial issues such as what words to use, etc; he calls ‘time’ on Opposition members while they are in the midst of their speeches and uses the guillotine to help the Government side.
At the same time, attempts are being made to muzzle the press as Ministers are demanding that the Speaker block media personnel who report without fear of victimisation. They want a tame press to allow them to get away with the many wrongdoings without public exposure.
People are now living in a state of fear and intimidation; their future indeed looks bleak.
The regime is definitely on a witch hunt in our country. No effort is being spared in browbeating citizens.
These actions are taking us back along the road to the 1970s and 1980s when freedom and democracy were among the scarcities in Guyana.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Ramotar

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The same CRIMINAL Entity and their GNI Dummy supporters were bawling about the very thing 9 months ago. Some of these people are beyond shameless. I would not trust any of them with a Jill. Their humanity is in question and their existence is a real DANGER to humanity!!!


The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

Awesome progress!!! He can now sign his name to a prepared document.

baseman posted:
alena06 posted:


Fear stalks the land

Dear Editor,
....There has been more than one case where passengers have been taken off their flights and their possessions seized. .

.....These actions are taking us back along the road to the 1970s and 1980s when freedom and democracy were among the scarcities in Guyana.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Ramotar

I was a lil bai in the 70's and remember at Timehri Airport there was a building where countless passengers (mostly Indians) were taken stripped and beaten to give up information to the PNC goons.  I witnessed one incident myself where an Indian man, maybe in his 60's, was beaten and brutalized and his one son and two daughter beaten with batons when they tried to save their father.  The wife/mother was chucked by an African goon and fell over.  I remember even some local Blacks were not happy at what they saw, but PNC tyranny reigned supreme!!

And don't tell me shyte, I SAW AND WITNESSED IT!!!

This is what the AFC crab louses brought to the Indians of Guyana!!!


The DARK DAY are here again!!!!!!  The thing is some on GNI gets pleasure at these HORRIFIC actions and are OK with the worst form of DICTATORSHIP. I feel for their Families cause it tells us who they are: sadistic, cruel, inhuman Bastards!!!!


For me it is not just an Indian thing. It is about the worst of the worst. People who are so LOW in the food chain that they are pleasured by the worst humanity has to offer.  Would you want to be around such elements???

Bibi Haniffa posted: The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

Unfair. Donald Ramotar was a much admired, respected and competent PPP functionary until Bharrat Jagdeo made him a puppet.

Not for nothing did the PPP Central Committee elect Donald as the party General Secretary/Leader after Cheddi Jagan's death, with blessings from Janet Jagan.

I have known Donald personally for 42 years and I can attest that he was always intelligent, knowledgeable and smart. That is why the PPP recommended him to the Editorial Board of a now defunct international ideological journal, World Marxist Review, based in Czechoslovakia, where Donald served from 1984 to 1988. 

Bharrat Jagdeo discovered very early that Donald was a nice guy who was always willing to please and was not power hungry. He saw how calmly Donald accepted President Jagan's decision not to make him a Cabinet member in 1992. Jagdeo calculatedly used Donald to further his own aims. Too bad that Donald acquiesced.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

He is a smart man. But Jagdeo stifled him.

baseman posted:
Nehru posted:
baseman posted:
alena06 posted:


Fear stalks the land

Dear Editor,
....There has been more than one case where passengers have been taken off their flights and their possessions seized. .

.....These actions are taking us back along the road to the 1970s and 1980s when freedom and democracy were among the scarcities in Guyana.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Ramotar

I was a lil bai in the 70's and remember at Timehri Airport there was a building where countless passengers (mostly Indians) were taken stripped and beaten to give up information to the PNC goons.  I witnessed one incident myself where an Indian man, maybe in his 60's, was beaten and brutalized and his one son and two daughter beaten with batons when they tried to save their father.  The wife/mother was chucked by an African goon and fell over.  I remember even some local Blacks were not happy at what they saw, but PNC tyranny reigned supreme!!

And don't tell me shyte, I SAW AND WITNESSED IT!!!

This is what the AFC crab louses brought to the Indians of Guyana!!!


The DARK DAY are here again!!!!!!  The thing is some on GNI gets pleasure at these HORRIFIC actions and are OK with the worst form of DICTATORSHIP. I feel for their Families cause it tells us who they are: sadistic, cruel, inhuman Bastards!!!!

Crab louse Indians are Indians worse enemies!!

And that is apt description of Jagdeo using Donald as his puppet.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

He is a smart man. But Jagdeo stifled him.

Is Uncle Tom a smart man and if so who is stifling him??????????

Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

He is a smart man. But Jagdeo stifled him.

Is Uncle Tom a smart man and if so who is stifling him??????????

At 70, Uncle Tom is happy and laughing all the way to bank.

Mitwah posted:
Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

He is a smart man. But Jagdeo stifled him.

Is Uncle Tom a smart man and if so who is stifling him??????????

At 70, Uncle Tom is happy and laughing all the way to bank.

Hope he dont choke on his vomit!!!!!!!!!  I am not surprise at that PARASITE!!!!

Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

He is a smart man. But Jagdeo stifled him.

Is Uncle Tom a smart man and if so who is stifling him??????????

At 70, Uncle Tom is happy and laughing all the way to bank.

Hope he dont choke on his vomit!!!!!!!!!  I am not surprise at that PARASITE!!!!

I agree they are all parasites for using Jagdeo's compensation and generous benefit package as the benchmark for revising their renumerations.

alena06 posted:


Fear stalks the land

  1. Dear Editor,

    Over the past months, we have pointed out ominous signs of our country once more slipping back into a state without freedom and democracy.

  2. Today, things are becoming more crystallised and the actions of the Government are generating fear in the population. At the same time, important institutions are being undermined, misused and being turned into tools of harassment of our people.

  3. In the first place, the fears expressed in Parliament in relation to Guyanese being detained for having more than $10 million in their possession are turning out to be real.

  4. The regime has transformed SOCU from being an independent law enforcement body to fight money laundering into an instrument for the harassment of citizens and exerting political pressure.This institution is now under the control of the Office of the President.

  5. Over the past few days, we have learnt that SOCU is invading people’s homes in the wee hours of the morning, seizing their personal property, etc, and traumatising their families.

  6. Last week, a prominent Regent Street businessman had his home and store raided by SOCU officers and property was removed from his premises.

  7. There has been more than one case where passengers have been taken off their flights and their possessions seized. It is suspected that some financiers of the APNU/AFC are using their influence and possibly money, to get the Government’s cooperation in seizing their competitors’ property to either destroy the competition or to get the property in their possession.

  8. All these actions suggest that extortion and bribery have already spread in many parts of the Government.
    Guyanese citizens should not be subjected to this kind of behaviour once they earn their money honestly; that’s the main issue.

  9. This latest action by the regime will have a dire impact on the Private Sector. Many business persons, out of fear, may close their businesses and migrate, taking their investments with them. This will severely affect the economy of our country.

  10. The racial discrimination continues as many house lots and turnkey homes which were allocated to Indo-Guyanese are being repossessed. Street lights have been removed by the regime in some areas, including Bath and Bush Lot, on the West Coast, Berbice,Much has been written about the plight of rice farmers without a finger being lifted to assist. This, too, is going to severely affect our economy.

  11. The regime has also embarked on the process of closing the sugar industry. The PNC has always held a hatred for sugar workers, and now that it is back in power, one of its first acts against the industry is to announce plans to close the Wales Estate.

  12. This is just the beginning. This regime will move to close other estates once it can get away with closing the Wales factory. In the meantime, the situation in the National Assembly has gotten from bad to worse.

  13. The Speaker, Dr Barton Scotland, appears to believe that his responsibility is to protect the Government MPs and disrupt the Opposition members from freely expressing themselves.
    Dr Scotland intervenes in the current Budget debates, often on trivial issues such as what words to use, etc; he calls ‘time’ on Opposition members while they are in the midst of their speeches and uses the guillotine to help the Government side.

  14. At the same time, attempts are being made to muzzle the press as Ministers are demanding that the Speaker block media personnel who report without fear of victimisation. They want a tame press to allow them to get away with the many wrongdoings without public exposure.

  15. People are now living in a state of fear and intimidation; their future indeed looks bleak. The regime is definitely on a witch hunt in our country. No effort is being spared in browbeating citizens. These actions are taking us back along the road to the 1970s and 1980s when freedom and  democracy were among the scarcities in Guyana.

    Yours sincerely,
    Donald Ramotar

The law was written by the PPP who were going to house the enforcement arm of SOCU in the Finance Ministry. The difference of it not being housed in the finance ministry but instead  housed in the office of the Presidency, suffers from the same weakness. This is the ability of malicious political agents to target individuals for political ends.

That is one of our quintessential constitutional weakness. We have no instutitional structures twith instutitional memor that survives succeeding administratrions. All are effectively shaped by the presiding administration as they see fit. Ramotar's Party had the opportunity to changing the constitution wherer the peoples needs are conserved. They preferered the autocratic powers and sough court authority to conserve these exessives avenues of authority. Now they see the evil  of  that neglect as  the sword of Damocles dangles over their heads instead of the PNC.

THat being said the enforcement of the rules laid down in 2009 should not bring complaints. The PPP did not enforce any anti laundering laws for 14 years. Their lack of doing so allowed many bad practices to become habit. People should not have large sums of undeclared money at hand.

Ramotar complaining about Wales closing is another political horse he is trying to ride. There is no rational reason to have a failing enterprise open  "for  the sake of workers". Business exists to make money and when they fail one reorganizes and this include closing them and focusing on alternative business development.

They PPP has no leg to stand on with press freedom. They USED NCN and GINA as propaganda tools. One only has to peruse the daily headlines of the paper pre election to see what they did there. They suffocated independent voices and subverted national assets to party politics.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

What "bloomed in his head" if not they usual whining and strong dog whistle? The man is daft. Every time he speaks I fear he will swallow his tongue and suffocate himself. There is a natural "duh", "duh","duh" rhythm to his diction. He sounds slow and what comes out of his mouth mirrors that.


When? I am looking forward to that moment when there is some cognitive resonance between what I say and what leads you to an expanded view of the world. I perceive that is a long time coming since bigotry and ethnic nepotism stands in the way.

Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:


Fear stalks the land

  1. Dear Editor,

    Over the past months, we have pointed out ominous signs of our country once more slipping back into a state without freedom and democracy.

  2. Today, things are becoming more crystallised and the actions of the Government are generating fear in the population. At the same time, important institutions are being undermined, misused and being turned into tools of harassment of our people.

  3. In the first place, the fears expressed in Parliament in relation to Guyanese being detained for having more than $10 million in their possession are turning out to be real.

  4. The regime has transformed SOCU from being an independent law enforcement body to fight money laundering into an instrument for the harassment of citizens and exerting political pressure.This institution is now under the control of the Office of the President.

  5. Over the past few days, we have learnt that SOCU is invading people’s homes in the wee hours of the morning, seizing their personal property, etc, and traumatising their families.

  6. Last week, a prominent Regent Street businessman had his home and store raided by SOCU officers and property was removed from his premises.

  7. There has been more than one case where passengers have been taken off their flights and their possessions seized. It is suspected that some financiers of the APNU/AFC are using their influence and possibly money, to get the Government’s cooperation in seizing their competitors’ property to either destroy the competition or to get the property in their possession.

  8. All these actions suggest that extortion and bribery have already spread in many parts of the Government.
    Guyanese citizens should not be subjected to this kind of behaviour once they earn their money honestly; that’s the main issue.

  9. This latest action by the regime will have a dire impact on the Private Sector. Many business persons, out of fear, may close their businesses and migrate, taking their investments with them. This will severely affect the economy of our country.

  10. The racial discrimination continues as many house lots and turnkey homes which were allocated to Indo-Guyanese are being repossessed. Street lights have been removed by the regime in some areas, including Bath and Bush Lot, on the West Coast, Berbice,Much has been written about the plight of rice farmers without a finger being lifted to assist. This, too, is going to severely affect our economy.

  11. The regime has also embarked on the process of closing the sugar industry. The PNC has always held a hatred for sugar workers, and now that it is back in power, one of its first acts against the industry is to announce plans to close the Wales Estate.

  12. This is just the beginning. This regime will move to close other estates once it can get away with closing the Wales factory. In the meantime, the situation in the National Assembly has gotten from bad to worse.

  13. The Speaker, Dr Barton Scotland, appears to believe that his responsibility is to protect the Government MPs and disrupt the Opposition members from freely expressing themselves.
    Dr Scotland intervenes in the current Budget debates, often on trivial issues such as what words to use, etc; he calls ‘time’ on Opposition members while they are in the midst of their speeches and uses the guillotine to help the Government side.

  14. At the same time, attempts are being made to muzzle the press as Ministers are demanding that the Speaker block media personnel who report without fear of victimisation. They want a tame press to allow them to get away with the many wrongdoings without public exposure.

  15. People are now living in a state of fear and intimidation; their future indeed looks bleak. The regime is definitely on a witch hunt in our country. No effort is being spared in browbeating citizens. These actions are taking us back along the road to the 1970s and 1980s when freedom and  democracy were among the scarcities in Guyana.

    Yours sincerely,
    Donald Ramotar

The law was written by the PPP who were going to house the enforcement arm of SOCU in the Finance Ministry. The difference of it not being housed in the finance ministry but instead  housed in the office of the Presidency, suffers from the same weakness. This is the ability of malicious political agents to target individuals for political ends.

That is one of our quintessential constitutional weakness. We have no instutitional structures twith instutitional memor that survives succeeding administratrions. All are effectively shaped by the presiding administration as they see fit. Ramotar's Party had the opportunity to changing the constitution wherer the peoples needs are conserved. They preferered the autocratic powers and sough court authority to conserve these exessives avenues of authority. Now they see the evil  of  that neglect as  the sword of Damocles dangles over their heads instead of the PNC.

THat being said the enforcement of the rules laid down in 2009 should not bring complaints. The PPP did not enforce any anti laundering laws for 14 years. Their lack of doing so allowed many bad practices to become habit. People should not have large sums of undeclared money at hand.

Ramotar complaining about Wales closing is another political horse he is trying to ride. There is no rational reason to have a failing enterprise open  "for  the sake of workers". Business exists to make money and when they fail one reorganizes and this include closing them and focusing on alternative business development.

They PPP has no leg to stand on with press freedom. They USED NCN and GINA as propaganda tools. One only has to peruse the daily headlines of the paper pre election to see what they did there. They suffocated independent voices and subverted national assets to party politics.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

Remember that it was during Ramoutar's  administration that David Granger unofficially became the real President. That dummy made Granger and the PNC walk all over him. And to top it off, he gave us the Official APNU/AFC Coalition.

baseman posted:
alena06 posted:


Fear stalks the land

Dear Editor,
....There has been more than one case where passengers have been taken off their flights and their possessions seized. .

.....These actions are taking us back along the road to the 1970s and 1980s when freedom and democracy were among the scarcities in Guyana.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Ramotar

I was a lil bai in the 70's and remember at Timehri Airport there was a building where countless passengers (mostly Indians) were taken stripped and beaten to give up information to the PNC goons.  I witnessed one incident myself where an Indian man, maybe in his 60's, was beaten and brutalized and his one son and two daughter beaten with batons when they tried to save their father.  The wife/mother was chucked by an African goon and fell over.  I remember even some local Blacks were not happy at what they saw, but PNC tyranny reigned supreme!!

And don't tell me shyte, I SAW AND WITNESSED IT!!!

This is what the AFC crab louses brought to the Indians of Guyana!!!


Base Bhai,

I witnesses worse in Berbice. The days of PNC brutality and oppression surfaced in less than a year after the rigging of the recent election.

Sadly, these AFC/PNC fools will destroy Guyana beyond recognition.

Dondadda posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The duck is a late bloomer, but sure looks like he is coming up the learning curve like a ballistic missile.

All of a sudden he is looking like a star compared to the jokers we have in there now.

Remember that it was during Ramoutar's  administration that David Granger unofficially became the real President. That dummy made Granger and the PNC walk all over him. And to top it off, he gave us the Official APNU/AFC Coalition.

The Duck allowed the election to be rigged under his watch. 


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