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Look at De "Tyrone" cleverness wuking overtime......

Quote TK...." People got permanent hard-on for TK"


TK tell abee why yuh think so....

(1) Because you join the PNC?????......or

(2) Because of the Rear Turtle Flesh??????....or

(3) Because of the Tattoo????.....or

(4) Because Nehru very yuh Sweet....and...yuh think yuh Clever?????

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Why is Mr TK and his five finger and jumbies so obsessed with Mr. Sasenarine Singh.  Let the man go, why this obsession, like the man interfere with you and your LOSER LIFE Mr. Tyrone.


From the Press, I read the man resigned and he finished with the AFC and politics.  But it appears you have a mental obsession, you are a social media follower.  Please lead for once.


But I hold no brief for Mr. Singh; I am sure if he needs to he can defend himself.


What my concern is, and I continue to challenge anyone on this blog to prove I am KishanB .


Many of time I do not agree with KishanB.  Sometime he does write some real shit, but at other he does push some piercing points that really peal away at the real issue.


The hypocrisy of the PNC Gang including  Mr. Tyrone and the five jumbie handles is appalling.


But of course when the boisee brain Mr Tyrone Khemraj ak TK ak anti palm and the five jumbies wake up, he so fed up masturbating and disgusted with himself and Mr. Granger that he become a hateful negaholic every morning.


HATE THEM HATE East Indian boys and girls like Dr. Dolly Hassan who blocking Mr. Granger from advancing.




Brian Teekah cannot stop Mr. Granger if he is HONEST, sincere and remorseful with a plan of action to help the people.


But Mr. Granger stand busted, he just want power for revenge against the East Indian population and he has these Krulli DAAGS like TYRONE Kemraj and Gergard Raswaroop sucking egg for a back bench on the APNU side.

uh uh, apparently Tarron Khemraj is now a "tyrone" . . . having lost his 'Indian[ness]' . . . race traitor morphing into [blackman?] demon (ravana), hmmm?


this is the dark, shameful sliver of America that ungrateful refugees like 'Brian Teekah' have sought out and embraced . . . the Stormfront KKK part


perhaps the slur on his betters makes this unhinged, 2-head punk feel better about himself . . . just perhaps

Last edited by Former Member

Jailil, you notice, this whole thread is continuing becasue TK No. 1 Redux, pass it off to TK No. 2 JB and then TK NO. 3 Kapidilla.


It absolute amdness.


One man using his five handles talking to himself all day and all night.


Rass he nah sleep.  Like he running mad or wuh.


Desperation fuh powa driving Tyrone K (TK ) to insanity.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jailil, you notice, this whole thread is continuing becasue TK No. 1 Redux, pass it off to TK No. 2 JB and then TK NO. 3 Kapidilla.


It absolute amdness.


One man using his five handles talking to himself all day and all night.


Rass he nah sleep.  Like he running mad or wuh.


Desperation fuh powa driving Tyrone K (TK ) to insanity.

yesss . . . i know u and jalil would prefer that i leave y'all alone to lick your wounds and do your little racist wine downs undisturbed


i know that's why u hide in the bushes and pretend to talk to ghosts


rev used to be upset too

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jailil, you notice, this whole thread is continuing becasue TK No. 1 Redux, pass it off to TK No. 2 JB and then TK NO. 3 Kapidilla.


It absolute amdness.


One man using his five handles talking to himself all day and all night.


Rass he nah sleep.  Like he running mad or wuh.


Desperation fuh powa driving Tyrone K (TK ) to insanity.

Mr Singh not everybody need mental help like you.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jailil, you notice, this whole thread is continuing becasue TK No. 1 Redux, pass it off to TK No. 2 JB and then TK NO. 3 Kapidilla.


It absolute MADNESS.


Them rass going insane fuh powa.

paging Dr. Freud and de rubber room bais


kishan overcome implmenting "de smartness"


pleeese hurry

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Is the spanner TK want. Is the Spanner Kwame want.


So what really going on here, who really giving?


Hammie to the rescue.

Quote TK....Wow this tred have racism.


Since De Yard Fowl join PNC he claiming Exposing Buggery is Racism.



paging Dr. Freud and de rubber room bais


jalil and kishanB overcome with TK[itis] . . . we continue to hope that it's not sexual


pleeese hurry

Last edited by Former Member

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