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Former Member

Lots of wicked PNC will be people going to jail.

PPP can no longer repeat mistakes of the past and allow criminals to walk free.

Part of the democratic process is to ensure that criminals don't control GECOM and how Volda's signature appeared in Mingo's declaration. Former Ministers who handed out contracts illegally must be jailed.

In addition, all of Granger's illegal appointments must be revoked.

Time to move Guyana forward without criminals walking free. President Ali has a tremendous task ahead. Bharat should be in charge of cleaning house.

Long live Democracy !!!

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Na bai, unless Guyana exterminates these rouge elements, the country cannot become democratic or progress. It's time to Clean house and Bharat should be in charge of this process. No other way.

Failing to do will result in a repeat of the same mistakes. PNC must NEVER be allowed to hold the nation hostage again.

Last edited by Former Member

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