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I regard Ralph Ramkarran as the third most intolerant leader the PPP birthed

The quote below is taken from Ralph Ramkarran’s Stabroek News column of Sunday April 21. I will ask readers to peruse it twice because that extract tells an old, tragic tale about this country long before I came out of short pants.
I am in my sixties and I don’t see this tale having an ending, anytime soon. My heart goes out to the hundreds of thousands of young people whose future will be shaped by this land.
This is what Ramkarran wrote; “When the PPP/C came to office in 1992, I advised that libel actions should not be utilized as weapons against the press and that offensive, even libelous criticism should be answered as vigorously as they were made.
“One of the reasons was the growing attitude of the courts to view criticisms of public officials with a greater degree of liberalism. However, the culture of attack by libel was difficult to eradicate. My waning influence in the PPP by the mid to late 2000s saw a number of libel actions being filed by leading Government officials.”
I urge readers and others in Guyana not to accept what Ralph Ramkarran wrote. It is palpably untrue. What occurred after 1992 in terms of PPP leaders suing for libel was in fact started by Mr. Ramkarran himself. Ironically, the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.
The story of this first post-1992 libel by Ramkarran is one that obviously will be found on the pages of the history of Kaieteur News when such a project is published in book form. Ramkarran sued me and this newspaper for critical comments on the PPP’s executive committee.
Here is another irony. In writing the column, I expressed positive words about Ramkarran and concluded that I found it strange he could have been part of such an “evil” meeting.
His affidavit argued that by being a part of the PPP Executive which was described as evil by me, I besmirched his character. I never thought one can be sued for libel by criticizing an organization without directly saying negatives things on specific members. But I learnt the hard way when Ramkarran sued.

I had a personal friend in the PPP at that time who was the head of the PPP’s youth arm, Khemraj Ramjattan. I asked him to intervene with Ramkarran. He did that and openly told Ramkarran that he cannot sue someone like me who fought for democracy.
Ramkarran agreed but asked for a million dollars and a front page apology. The paper agreed. Now read on keenly.
While the publisher Mr. Glenn Lall was away, Ramkarran wrote the apology himself. It was carried on the front page. The then editor, Nills Campbell, if he had any decent vein in his body would have consulted me. I didn’t see the apology before publication. The retraction was a libelous condemnation of my character.
How ironic. Ramkarran sued for libel and ended up libeling me. I was livid. When Mr. Lall returned I complained bitterly at what Campbell did.
From that time, twenty-five years ago, Ramkarran had episodically threatened me with libel, the latest being 2017. It didn’t turn out right for him on that occasion and he was severely embarrassed. He cited two items in one of my columns that defamed him.
First, I argued that as the lawyer for UG, he advised that UG ignore two nisi orders to restore Dr. Mark Kirton as acting Vice Chancellor. Then he claimed that I damaged his character by referring to him as a Leviathan.
When my column was carefully analyzed by the editors, the Leviathan reference did not refer to Ramkarran and I produced his two letters of instruction to the university to ignore the nisi orders.
The Kaieteur News then did a piece on the controversy and referred to Ramkarran’s threat of libel as “attempt at dishonesty.” In January 2018, Ramkarran sent an email to Kaieteur News. It was read by senior management, I quote a section of it; “If Kissoon so much as mentions my name again in anything he writes, for any purpose whatsoever, whether benignly or defamatorily, I will file a case for libel.”
I will now ask readers to juxtapose what was written above with the “valorous,” “wise, “humane” claim of Ramkarran that after 1992, he advised the PPP government leaders to be tolerant and not sue critics for libel.

I kindly request Ramkarran’s fans to ascertain from him if what is written above is the truth. I have left out the many other times, Ramkarran wanted to sue.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look like Ramkarran will win this election.  All of a sudden he has become the most popular politician .  Just so easy.  Y’all watch the third force.  Picking up steam fast fast.

Someone mentioned that Cuzzo is a PPP reject by the curb.


This will be a critical election.  People already experimented a third force the results have been very disappointing.  Don't expect people to experiment at this time when the cloud of dictatorship of over us. No time to play. Time to get the government out of office.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Labba posted:

Hey hey seh de fake university professah...dem bais seh he never publish wan single papah in 30 year at UG. He tek he rass pass mr ramkarran. 

What did freddy teach?

yuji22 posted:

Na, he and Shuman will knack glass and drink likka after PPP buss dem balls. Hey hey hey.

You can never cobble words with out leaving the impression one has  breached the border of informative discourse.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This will be a critical election.  People already experimented a third force the results have been very disappointing.  Don't expect people to experiment at this time when the cloud of dictatorship of over us. No time to play. Time to get the government out of office.

To the contrary. It has to date acted to hobble the PPP for two elections cycle. That would have been three had they not appropriated with dubious math;  one seat from the AFC. It is not only the PNC who practice magical math!

Mitwah posted:

the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

You better tell you two friends them.  He don’t mek joke.  They may want to start by deleting all the trash they have written about him on this site.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

The Rank is something else.

I read through last night late but didn’t post. Renovation going on at home.

Shows what crooks and cons these people are.  It runs deep. No wonder he got kicked out.  He should just retire and disappear as Yugi said.  He already has a foot in the grave.

I am posting on my handle no one else. I changed a few things because I heard the con might sue me for defamation of his defamed character.

Leonora posted:
Prashad posted:

The Rank is something else.

I read through last night late but didn’t post. Renovation going on at home.

Shows what crooks and cons these people are.  It runs deep. No wonder he got kicked out.  He should just retire and disappear as Yugi said.  He already has a foot in the grave.

I am posting on my handle no one else. I changed a few things because I heard the con might sue me for defamation of his defamed character.

Gyurl Leonora what kind of renovation you have going on at your home?  

Bibi Haniffa
Leonora posted:
Prashad posted:

The Rank is something else.

I read through last night late but didn’t post. Renovation going on at home.

Shows what crooks and cons these people are.  It runs deep. No wonder he got kicked out.  He should just retire and disappear as Yugi said.  He already has a foot in the grave.

I am posting on my handle no one else. I changed a few things because I heard the con might sue me for defamation of his defamed character.

He is a public figure. As long as posters don’t post misleading information about him, expressing one’s opinion is fair play. 

He has a blog and does the same. 


Prior to 2015 AFC leaders met with diaspora in NYC and Toronto to talk about giving Guyanese a better life. Since the coalition government took over they have stopped visiting the diaspora. If they do it's usually a private affair. The diaspora has been betrayed.  AFC leaders have become corrupted and vindictive. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Bai Billy, these AFC PNC politics as are conmen. The amount of lies that they spread is unbelievable. 

People like Gil were conned and even donated to the AFC. Well, the AFC took their money and kicked them in the behind despite myself warning these people about the PNC which was going to use the AFC to get into power. Removing the PNC is now like pulling teeth. 

To be fair, the PPP also abandoned organizations like the ACG after they got into office and today they are leaning on the ACG for support. I hope that it is a lesson learnt. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Prior to 2015 AFC leaders met with diaspora in NYC and Toronto to talk about giving Guyanese a better life. Since the coalition government took over they have stopped visiting the diaspora. If they do it's usually a private affair. The diaspora has been betrayed.  AFC leaders have become corrupted and vindictive. 

Dr Ramaya frig up Rumjhaaatan on a talk show lately. Calling him a LIAR and worst!!  Bloody Neemakaraam Parasite. Is weh the Chief Neemakaram Crabdaag? Cleaning Granger Batty???

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I do all my own renovations because I am a poor immigrant.

I was a poor immigrant too. I do my own renovations and use the savings for my vacations. 

You are a very intelligent "poor immigrant" 

Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Prior to 2015 AFC leaders met with diaspora in NYC and Toronto to talk about giving Guyanese a better life. Since the coalition government took over they have stopped visiting the diaspora. If they do it's usually a private affair. The diaspora has been betrayed.  AFC leaders have become corrupted and vindictive. 

Dr Ramaya frig up Rumjhaaatan on a talk show lately. Calling him a LIAR and worst!!  Bloody Neemakaraam Parasite. Is weh the Chief Neemakaram Crabdaag? Cleaning Granger Batty???

Ramaya finally ketch sense. Moses and Ramjattan used him good and prappa and dumped him in the trash.

They used Gerhard too.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

You better tell you two friends them.  He don’t mek joke.  They may want to start by deleting all the trash they have written about him on this site.

 He is full of it. Has he ever been successful in any libel case? Freddie  get A+++ for exposing the hippokrit. Why did the PPP kick him to the curb?

Since you know everything, please tell why Mrs. Ally not accompanying him on the campaign trail. Is she not the potential First Lady?

yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I do all my own renovations because I am a poor immigrant.

I was a poor immigrant too. I do my own renovations and use the savings for my vacations. 

You are a very intelligent "poor immigrant" 

I am fixing my fence. Just removed 3 posts, replaced them and poured the concrete.… may put on the panels tomorrow if no rain.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

You better tell you two friends them.  He don’t mek joke.  They may want to start by deleting all the trash they have written about him on this site.

 He is full of it. Has he ever been successful in any libel case? Freddie  get A+++ for exposing the hippokrit. Why did the PPP kick him to the curb?

Since you know everything, please tell why Mrs. Ally not accompanying him on the campaign trail. Is she not the potential First Lady?

He is one of the few Guyanese lawyers to ever win a case at the British Privy Council. Potential First Lady’s name is Janet.  

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I do all my own renovations because I am a poor immigrant.

I was a poor immigrant too. I do my own renovations and use the savings for my vacations. 

You are a very intelligent "poor immigrant" 

I am fixing my fence. Just removed 3 posts, replaced them and poured the concrete.… may put on the panels tomorrow if no rain.

You working very hard.

Listed my Vaughan property for sale and bought in Bradford. Moving in July. Builder says that they will mark the areas for fencing. I am the type of Guyanese who will get the fence done with a few friends.

Feed dem rass veggie food and Pepsi.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Bai Billy, these AFC PNC politics as are conmen. The amount of lies that they spread is unbelievable. 

People like Gil were conned and even donated to the AFC. Well, the AFC took their money and kicked them in the behind despite myself warning these people about the PNC which was going to use the AFC to get into power. Removing the PNC is now like pulling teeth. 

To be fair, the PPP also abandoned organizations like the ACG after they got into office and today they are leaning on the ACG for support. I hope that it is a lesson learnt. 

They were all taken for a ride.  AFC supporters have returned to the PPP. The PNC is fighting to avoid free elections like they did in the past.  They know they cannot win even with the support of the AFC. Guyana is going through a crisis now.  Too many unemployed people. The US embassy has drastically reduced the number visitor visas to Guyanese.  All racial groups are feeling the pressure. The PPP has a lot of work to do to ensure free elections. We are back to where we were 30 years ago when force and fraud was the method of rule in Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Prashad posted:

Good stuff. Those Canadian work men want a pile of money to do any renovations. In the United States you just have to hire a few Mexicans to do the renovations and you are okay.

Bai, I watched dem Mexican worked on houses and they are like machines.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai Billy, these AFC PNC politics as are conmen. The amount of lies that they spread is unbelievable. 

People like Gil were conned and even donated to the AFC. Well, the AFC took their money and kicked them in the behind despite myself warning these people about the PNC which was going to use the AFC to get into power. Removing the PNC is now like pulling teeth. 

To be fair, the PPP also abandoned organizations like the ACG after they got into office and today they are leaning on the ACG for support. I hope that it is a lesson learnt. 

They were all taken for a ride.  AFC supporters have returned to the PPP. The PNC is fighting to avoid free elections like they did in the past.  They know they cannot win even with the support of the AFC. Guyana is going through a crisis now.  Too many unemployed people. The US embassy has drastically reduced the number visitor visas to Guyanese.  All racial groups are feeling the pressure. The PPP has a lot of work to do to ensure free elections. We are back to where we were 30 years ago when force and fraud was the method of rule in Guyana.

PPP hired a PR firm in Washington to lobby and influence US Politicians. They are waaaayyy ahead of the Game. Guyanese in USA and Canada are no longer the dominant foreign force.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

You better tell you two friends them.  He don’t mek joke.  They may want to start by deleting all the trash they have written about him on this site.

 He is full of it. Has he ever been successful in any libel case? Freddie  get A+++ for exposing the hippokrit. Why did the PPP kick him to the curb?

Since you know everything, please tell why Mrs. Ally not accompanying him on the campaign trail. Is she not the potential First Lady?

He has been exposed as a crook and extortionist!  He can come sue me here in the Maryland.

Prashad posted:

Them Mexicans know what hard work is all about. They are like those old timer Guyanese East Indian people.

There are a few working on my house project.  Hard working people.  The contractor say they are legal.

Leonora posted:
Prashad posted:

Them Mexicans know what hard work is all about. They are like those old timer Guyanese East Indian people.

There are a few working on my house project.  Hard working people.  The contractor say they are legal.

Wink! Wink!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

You better tell you two friends them.  He don’t mek joke.  They may want to start by deleting all the trash they have written about him on this site.

 He is full of it. Has he ever been successful in any libel case? Freddie  get A+++ for exposing the hippokrit. Why did the PPP kick him to the curb?

Since you know everything, please tell why Mrs. Ally not accompanying him on the campaign trail. Is she not the potential First Lady?

He is one of the few Guyanese lawyers to ever win a case at the British Privy Council. Potential First Lady’s name is Janet.  

So why is Janet not on the campaign trail with Irfan?

I urge readers and others in Guyana not to accept what Ralph Ramkarran wrote. It is palpably untrue. What occurred after 1992 in terms of PPP leaders suing for libel was in fact started by Mr. Ramkarran himself. Ironically, the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

You better tell you two friends them.  He don’t mek joke.  They may want to start by deleting all the trash they have written about him on this site.

 He is full of it. Has he ever been successful in any libel case? Freddie  get A+++ for exposing the hippokrit. Why did the PPP kick him to the curb?

Since you know everything, please tell why Mrs. Ally not accompanying him on the campaign trail. Is she not the potential First Lady?

He is one of the few Guyanese lawyers to ever win a case at the British Privy Council. Potential First Lady’s name is Janet.  

So why is Janet not on the campaign trail with Irfan?

I urge readers and others in Guyana not to accept what Ralph Ramkarran wrote. It is palpably untrue. What occurred after 1992 in terms of PPP leaders suing for libel was in fact started by Mr. Ramkarran himself. Ironically, the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

Heading home soon see how my renovation coming along.  

Rumor Janet is with child!

If ANUG prevents the PPP from winning, soup will flow your way.  Ramkarrans are known soupies!

Leonora posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

You better tell you two friends them.  He don’t mek joke.  They may want to start by deleting all the trash they have written about him on this site.

 He is full of it. Has he ever been successful in any libel case? Freddie  get A+++ for exposing the hippokrit. Why did the PPP kick him to the curb?

Since you know everything, please tell why Mrs. Ally not accompanying him on the campaign trail. Is she not the potential First Lady?

He is one of the few Guyanese lawyers to ever win a case at the British Privy Council. Potential First Lady’s name is Janet.  

So why is Janet not on the campaign trail with Irfan?

I urge readers and others in Guyana not to accept what Ralph Ramkarran wrote. It is palpably untrue. What occurred after 1992 in terms of PPP leaders suing for libel was in fact started by Mr. Ramkarran himself. Ironically, the first leader in the PPP hierarchy to sue for libel after the PPP came to power in 1992 was Ralph Ramkarran.

Heading home soon see how my renovation coming along.  

Rumor Janet is with child!

If ANUG prevents the PPP from winning, soup will flow your way.  Ramkarrans are known soupies!

Janet died.  Arya is with child.

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Ralph is looking for people in Toronto to help raise election funds for ANUG. Are you interested? 

What's in it for me? 

Two Dhall Puri and sweet rice. 


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