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One big failure is when Mustapha can't deliver on their huge campaign promise of reopening the sugar estates and giving back the workers their jobs. He was a failure as replaced regional officer and most disliked by farmers. Excuses started with reports for restoration to be done and billions needed for the short term. Jagdeo needs one more term to accumulate more wealth and dem rass is toast after this election.  Never say never with the other parties.    

@Django posted:

It's coming soon ,the people will take the country from power grabbers .The truth is out they were installed .Troubles ahead when they can't fulfill the promises.

The rubber stamp PM office in the Presidential Complex was moved out ,watchman keeping an eye on him.

They were installed?  This is only a figment of your imagination.  What makes you think that the PPP/C would be a failed Government? With what yardstick do you measure failure? They haven't started to develop the country, and yet they did more in one week than what the coalition did in 5 1/2 years. Your rhetoric is are amazing.


@Ramakant-P posted:

They were installed?  This is only a figment of your imagination.  What makes you think that the PPP/C would be a failed Government? With what yardstick do you measure failure? They haven't started to develop the country, and yet they did more in one week than what the coalition did in 5 1/2 years. Your rhetoric is are amazing.

Yes they were installed , promises will not be kept .

@Tola posted:

One big failure is when Mustapha can't deliver on their huge campaign promise of reopening the sugar estates and giving back the workers their jobs. He was a failure as replaced regional officer and most disliked by farmers. Excuses started with reports for restoration to be done and billions needed for the short term. Jagdeo needs one more term to accumulate more wealth and dem rass is toast after this election.  Never say never with the other parties.    

So when Moses promised the people in 2015 to fix the problem and didn't, that was not a failure. Eh!  You already concluded that Mustapha can't deliver on their huge campaign promises. You then claimed that Jagdeo wants to accumulate more wealth. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your negative responses are pathetic.  Where is your intelligence that you claimed to have had? I can't imagine you as an advisor to any political party.

The next 5 years will show that the PPP/C is the only party to govern Guyana.

@Django posted:

It's coming soon ,the people will take the country from power grabbers .The truth is out they were installed .Troubles ahead when they can't fulfill the promises.

The rubber stamp PM office in the Presidential Complex was moved out ,watchman keeping an eye on him.

I don't disagree with u that the PPP started off on the wrong footing. One of which is placing individuals in positions where they are not suited. However, that can be corrected. I will keep my powder dry for the time being.


You are not neutral as you shamelessly claimed to be.  The above is misinformation to give the supporters of the defeated coalition some hope.  

U need to understand Jango's position. He is not a PPP supporter. Said it so himself awhile back. Due to some issues. That said, I don't see any hope being offered here. The PPP won the election and it is now left to see how they will move the country forward in a unified manner

@Django posted:

It's coming soon ,the people will take the country from power grabbers .The truth is out they were installed .Troubles ahead when they can't fulfill the promises.

The rubber stamp PM office in the Presidential Complex was moved out ,watchman keeping an eye on him.

This is a Trumpian behavior. A very assinine projection from bitter losers. BTW - the people already took back the country from the riggers and power grabbers. Until you have tangible proof, you can at least pretend to be civil.

Last edited by Django

This is a PNC propaganda Thread. There will NO election Petition, no water to stand on.

The Messenger is doing his work.

 Look out for Nation Wide protest. If that happens, the PPP MUST declare a state of emergency and lock up the criminals. Implement a Covid 19 curfew , put the army on the streets to maintain Law and Order. Show them who is BOSS.


@Former Member posted:

I agree. Why would anyone want to resist economic growth?

Notice how the PNC ad is continuing their racist agenda. It talks about "empowering our own". These chaps will NEVER govern again. Guyana's political landscape has changed yet PNC is still in the 70's mode.

Imagine Dinosaur Granger is still in charge of those idiots and insists that he is their Comrade leader and will lead APNU into the future.  

Good thing PNC lost !!

Last edited by Former Member
@GTS posted:

This is a Trumpian behavior.

A very assinine projection from bitter losers. BTW - the people already took back the country from the riggers and power grabbers. Until you have tangible proof, you can at least pretend to be civil.

Bitter for what ? the real riggers are the FRAUDULENT government in office ,the proof is there ,supporters of the PPP will never believe it. Can one imagine the PM office is no longer in the Office of the President complex , why ?

Lastly where in the post there are any form of not being civil ?

@Django posted:

Bitter for what ? the real riggers are the FRAUDULENT government in office ,the proof is there ,supporters of the PPP will never believe it. Can one imagine the PM office is no longer in the Office of the President complex , why ?

Lastly where in the post there are any form of not being civil ?

SHOW THE PROOF. How about 10 dead people who voted? In Django's eyes, no matter what the PPP does, it's still evil for Guyanese. Time to leave that hate and ill will behind now. The PNC riggers, frauds, nepotists, criminals, and thieves can do no wrong.
You call out posters who bash the PNC/FLAPNU, but I do not see you calling out posters who bash PPP for no reason. You would not give the PPP a chance for a year but you gave the PNC 5 1/2 years. They bullied 5 more months than they were entitled to, but that was no wrong committed by them. Let's call a spade a spade.

@Tola posted:

Complacency is unavoidable when there is so much temptation with greed. But we can only wait  and see if the stripes will change. A doubt exists, because its a natural instinct for some to be complacent.  

It’s natural to grow complacency.  The PPP grew complacent approx 12/15 years into the reign. The PNC grew complacent in 6/10 months. 

@Former Member posted:

SHOW THE PROOF. How about 10 dead people who voted? In Django's eyes, no matter what the PPP does, it's still evil for Guyanese. Time to leave that hate and ill will behind now. The PNC riggers, frauds, nepotists, criminals, and thieves can do no wrong.
You call out posters who bash the PNC/FLAPNU, but I do not see you calling out posters who bash PPP for no reason. You would not give the PPP a chance for a year but you gave the PNC 5 1/2 years. They bullied 5 more months than they were entitled to, but that was no wrong committed by them. Let's call a spade a spade.

Told you many times the PPP under Jagdeo is a rotten party ,they current crew are no saints. Regarding PROOF supporters don't see ,if glaring in front of their eyes.

Every other statements are regurgitating to conceal the wrong doings of Jagdeo PPP. It's sort of rowdy.

There are no doubt ,there are few bad eggs in the PNC ,heard they are being rooted out. Will there be cleansing of the rotten PPP ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Told you many times the PPP under Jagdeo is a rotten party ,they current crew are no saints. Regarding PROOF supporters don't see ,if glaring in front of their eyes.

Every other statements are regurgitating to conceal the wrong doings of Jagdeo PPP. It's sort of rowdy.

There are no doubt ,there are few bad eggs in the PNC ,heard they are being rooted out. Will there be cleansing of the rotten PPP ?

PNC rotten.

Good thing they lost. 

@Former Member posted:

Simona Brooms just got a major promotion. How come she wasn't rooted out when she is on video calling for other to commit crimes?

Simona have some unpleasant behavior for a politician ,on the other hand she have lots of supporters. Simona fought against Human Trafficking and received an award from the US .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Simona have some unpleasant behavior for a politician ,on the other hand she have lots of supporters. Simona fought against Human Trafficking and received an award from the US .

If lots of supporters is the criteria, then Jagdeo is completely legitimized as he must have more supporters than anyone else in Guyana.


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