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@Former Member posted:

Jagan could have roller over. Bharat took his fight and bloodied some PNC noses.  Bharat is a true hero indeed. Liked by all in the PPP, disliked and feared by his foes. 

You are right. No one could confront his decisions at the CC or in government. Like Ramator, Ali is another puppet, with Jagdeo leading the jackass.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

Women love the man.   He still got it...     You don't.    I know why you hate him..   

His decisions and appointments  wrecked many young Indian  lives, when others had to pick up the pieces. Some pieces could not be picked up, but they did not care.  Hate is too strong, dislike is more appropriate.  I used to meet him when I visited Gossai in the same compound. I also knew Cheddi [and brothers] well and  there was no  comparison.  Why do I hate him ? 

How do you know that I don't still have it. When I can  easily visit 'friends' in Chiapas, Tanzania,  Switzerland, Denmark, India, and Tortola.      

Last edited by Tola

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