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Amral, I do appreciate your approach to clean things up. All I will ask is let the Rules be applied equally to everyone.

I have to make note that prior to May 11, every terminology, bad words, Cuss were displayed and the Ex Admin ruled them as FREE Speech.  I understand there is a new Sheriff in Town and as I said I appreiate the effort to change things. Make it an equal opportunity Forum is all I ask.


may not be posting often on the Forums, but from time to time on a daily basis I will be spot checking the Political forum. I may not be reading every post or thread. But if while reading a thread I see personal attacks on each other,vulgarity, verbal abuse, or racial remarks or taunts, I will suspend. It is not who throw the first stone, but rather who I happen to catch at that moment while reading. So at times my decision will be unfair, but like the cop with the radar gun, it is who gets caught


Noted Sir.


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