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PPP Candidate mounts legal challenge to appointment of Trevor Williams

June 8, 2015 4:39 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

AFC Member, Trevor Williams. [iNews' Photo]

AFC Member, Trevor Williams.

[] –The controversy surrounding the pending appointment of Alliance For Change (AFC) Member, Trevor Williams continues to grow with the latest move being a court action by Candidate of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Saleesha Gafoor.


In a motion filed in the High Court and seen by iNews, the 26 – year – old Executive Member of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), is challenging Williams’ pending appointment as Director of Youth, stating that he violated the constitution by firstly not applying for the post nor is he qualified for the position.

Williams has not been officially appointed to the post and Junior Education Minister, Nicolette Henry clarified that he is merely a candidate who is being “considered” by the APNU+AFC government.

In the motion, it states that Williams has to go through the legal process of being interviewed by the Public Service Commission before being appointed as Director of Youth.

According to the motion, Williams also has to meet the qualifications which includes: A Master’s Degree in Social Work from a recognized University along with a minimum of five (5) years in Social Work, at least two of which must be involved in youth work; or a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from a recognized University PLUS a minimum of seven years in Social Work, at least three of which must be involved in youth work; knowledge of and experience in using social research methods would be valuable.

Gafoor in her motion states,“I verily believe that the said Trevor Williams is not qualified to hold the said office as per the job description issued by the Public Service Commission…That I inquired from the Public Service Commission and was duly informed and do verily believe that this appointment was not made by the Public Service Commission.”

According to the motion, Williams is already functioning as the Director of Youth, which has been deemed illegal. The matter comes up for hearing in the High Court on June 17.

The PPP Candidate is being represented by former Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP want nothing to do with this Government and will use the Courts to undermine the Government.


They will also use sugar strike, rice strike and paid political assinsins to carry havoc in Guyan if the Granger / Nagamootoo Government does not PUT their foot down.


What qualification Neil Kumar had to be Director of Sports?



May as a equipment teif?



See source



Major probe underway to recover missing equipment form NSC and Sports Hall

Days after the elections, reports surfaced that millions of dollars in sport equipment had been shipped out from the storage area of the Sports Hall which was under the control of the National Sports Commission and its Director Neil Kumar.

Major probe underway to recover missing equipment form NSC and Sports Hall

Former People’s Progressive Party Member of Parliament Neil Kumar has vacated his post as Director of Sport as investigations continue into allegations of equipment being removed from the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall as well as financial documents going missing just after the May 11 elections.

Minister of Education with responsibility for Youth, Sport and Culture, Dr. Nicolette Henry said Kumar has not submitted a letter of resignation but has indicated that he will not be continuing in the position.

Former APNU Member of Parliament, Christopher Jones has since been appointed as the new Director of Sport.

Henry confirmed that several other persons have also vacated their posts and said efforts are currently being made to fill those position at the earliest possible time.

She explained that in the case of Kumar, he had proceeded on leave and during a telephone conversation he indicated that he understood his tenure had ended. “It was a very good conversation and I thanked him for serving in the position.”

Days after the elections, reports surfaced that millions of dollars in sport equipment had been shipped out from the storage area of the Sports Hall which was under the control of the National Sports Commission and its Director Neil Kumar.

Kumar has not been able to give account for the equipment but has denied any wrongdoing.

Henry said an investigation has since been launched to track and recover that equipment which cannot be accounted for.

“I can’t say if it was a case of theft at this point but we are looking to identify where they are and attempt to recover them,” Henry said.

There were also reports of missing financial documents at National Sports Commission.

In this case Kumar claimed that his office was broken into.

The Minister refused to comment in details on the issue when pressed by the media. She claimed she did not want to interfere in the ongoing investigations.

“I will not micro manage, I will not usurp functions and I will not interfere at all stages.”

She said the public will be briefed on all developments at the appropriate time.

The Government of Guyana under the PPP/C had allocated millions of dollars to the National Sports Commission (NSC) which the entity said was spent on procuring sports equipment for distribution around the country. However, many athletic groups have complained about not being beneficiaries.


Is good for them.


Who is the Public Service Commission.


Mostly PPP stooges and they leaking information to Freedom House left right and center.




We want independent people in these commissions, not PPP lackeys.


The new members of the PSC are Carvil Duncan, Patrick Yarde, Patricia Went, Mohamed Akeel and Vidyawattie Looknauth. 





At least two of them are PPP lackeys.


Ducan and Loaknauth.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Is good for them.


Who is the Public Service Commission.


Mostly PPP stooges and they leaking information to Freedom House left right and center.




We want independent people in these commissions, not PPP lackeys.


The new members of the PSC are Carvil Duncan, Patrick Yarde, Patricia Went, Mohamed Akeel and Vidyawattie Looknauth. 





At least two of them are PPP lackeys.


Ducan and Loaknauth.

tool, aren't you better off in some carna with yuh buckta round yuh ankles engaging in some deh baad onanism rather than tying up bandwith here with the cyber version?

Last edited by Former Member

If you look carefully at Redux comment, guess who is being idle and when last has she posted anything that added any value to the board.


All she is a  cuss bird.  Jagdeo learn her well.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The PPP want nothing to do with this Government and will use the Courts to undermine the Government.


They will also use sugar strike, rice strike and paid political assinsins to carry havoc in Guyan if the Granger / Nagamootoo Government does not PUT their foot down.

Are you denying the person her legal right. The courts are there to address these issues. The government must adhere to established procedures or face the consequences. It said that it was going to do things differently. How is this different from what they were criticizing?

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The PPP want nothing to do with this Government and will use the Courts to undermine the Government.


They will also use sugar strike, rice strike and paid political assinsins to carry havoc in Guyan if the Granger / Nagamootoo Government does not PUT their foot down.

Are you denying the person her legal right. The courts are there to address these issues. The government must adhere to established procedures or face the consequences. It said that it was going to do things differently. How is this different from what they were criticizing?

Poor Ian Chang, the PPP will kill him with wuk.  If the Granger Government fart too hot, OH Nandolalolo will run to Chang and Singh.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The PPP want nothing to do with this Government and will use the Courts to undermine the Government.


They will also use sugar strike, rice strike and paid political assinsins to carry havoc in Guyan if the Granger / Nagamootoo Government does not PUT their foot down.

Are you denying the person her legal right. The courts are there to address these issues. The government must adhere to established procedures or face the consequences. It said that it was going to do things differently. How is this different from what they were criticizing?

Poor Ian Chang, the PPP will kill him with wuk.  If the Granger Government fart too hot, OH Nandolalolo will run to Chang and Singh.

There will come a time when his legal cases will we thrown out for abuse of the court's time.






What a jackass, this uncle of Baseman - Mr. OH Nandolalolo.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

If you look carefully at Redux comment, guess who is being idle and when last has she posted anything that added any value to the board.


All she is a  cuss bird.  Jagdeo learn her well.

the definition of an idle onanist in this context is the klown who starts a thread and engages in animated conversation with himself on it . . . piqued that someone is pointing in disgust at the spilled semen in his dirty hand and on the floor before him

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

If you look carefully at Redux comment, guess who is being idle and when last has she posted anything that added any value to the board.


All she is a  cuss bird.  Jagdeo learn her well.

the definition of an idle onanist in this context is the klown who starts a thread and engages in animated conversation with himself on it . . . piqued that someone is pointing in disgust at the spilled semen in his dirty hand and on the floor before him

Let us pick sense from nonsense.  To fulfil your argument, if you think I am talking with myself, why the fruck you joining the conversation.  It clearly show you are a mad ass.


Now run along and haul your dutty ass.


Show me the evidence JOKER.


It take a multi -blogger to know a multi blogger and you know Redux you are the resident expert at multi handles and you now trying to run yu shyte on other.


LOOK Haul your ass. YEH.


Do not think I do not know the name of your many handles.




Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

If you look carefully at Redux comment, guess who is being idle and when last has she posted anything that added any value to the board.


All she is a  cuss bird.  Jagdeo learn her well.

the definition of an idle onanist in this context is the klown who starts a thread and engages in animated conversation with himself on it . . . piqued that someone is pointing in disgust at the spilled semen in his dirty hand and on the floor before him

Let us pick sense from nonsense.  To fulfil your argument, if you think I am talking with myself, why the fruck you joining the conversation.  It clearly show you are a mad ass.


Now run along and haul your dutty ass.


Show me the evidence JOKER.


It take a multi -blogger to know a multi blogger and you know Redux you are the resident expert at multi handles and you now trying to run yu shyte on other.


LOOK Haul your ass. YEH.


Do not think I do not know the name of your many handles.


ahmmm, i am not in your conversation sir . . . i am the one pointing in disgust at the spilled semen, remember?


separately, i am amused that u join nehru and the lo-IQ brigade in fantasizing about my many supposed handles


perhaps u too have permanently anchored your common sense in the far reaches of your arsehole, never to see sunlight again


If there are rules violations, then it seems the PPP's challenge is in order.

That's why the PPP has to stop the theatrics and get into Parliament and challenge the Coalition when they do wrong.


One of the failures of the Opposition in last Parliament is that they make allegations of wrong doing but never brought a conviction of anyone through legal action, as in Trinidad when Panday was found guilty of wrongdoing.


WE don't want PNC, PPP, or Coalition wrong-doing.  WE want a just and fair society.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

The PPP want nothing to do with this Government and will use the Courts to undermine the Government.


They will also use sugar strike, rice strike and paid political assinsins to carry havoc in Guyan if the Granger / Nagamootoo Government does not PUT their foot down.

These AHs would rather destroy Guyana, if they cannot have it for themselves. Lock them up if they break the law.


Using the Courts cannot undermine Govt.


Terroristic acts will, but the Govt will deal with that.  However, don't think the PPP will do that.


You can bet the PPP will be a formidable Opposition.


That's why our Coalition has to be above board, and I have confidence in our Comrade Leaders.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Using the Courts cannot undermine Govt.


Terroristic acts will, but the Govt will deal with that.  However, don't think the PPP will do that.


You can bet the PPP will be a formidable Opposition.


That's why our Coalition has to be above board, and I have confidence in our Comrade Leaders.

Indians are not terrorist, we lave that to the PNC Buxton.  There is more than one way to "skins a cyat", just ask Caribj.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Indians are not terrorist, we lave that to the PNC Buxton.  There is more than one way to "skins a cyat" . . .

so, was it PNC "terrorists" who pumped all dem bullets into Courtney Crum-Ewing's skull?


was it PNC "terrorists" who slaughtered Sash Sawh and his family?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Using the Courts cannot undermine Govt.


Terroristic acts will, but the Govt will deal with that.  However, don't think the PPP will do that.


You can bet the PPP will be a formidable Opposition.


That's why our Coalition has to be above board, and I have confidence in our Comrade Leaders.

Indians are not terrorist, we lave that to the PNC Buxton.  There is more than one way to "skins a cyat", just ask Caribj.

Indians are not terrorists !! Were you around in the 60s.

How do you skin your cyat baseman? 

Originally Posted by Tola:

Indians are not terrorists !! Were you around in the 60s.

How do you skin your cyat baseman? 

I was and there were thousands of Indian terrorists.  All those who are over 50 must be laughing at this notion of the "meek Indian".

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Indians are not terrorist, we lave that to the PNC Buxton.  There is more than one way to "skins a cyat" . . .

so, was it PNC "terrorists" who pumped all dem bullets into Courtney Crum-Ewing's skull?


was it PNC "terrorists" who slaughtered Sash Sawh and his family?



Do you know something the rest of us do not. If so, provide the proof instead of making insinuations.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Indians are not terrorist, we lave that to the PNC Buxton.  There is more than one way to "skins a cyat" . . .

so, was it PNC "terrorists" who pumped all dem bullets into Courtney Crum-Ewing's skull?


was it PNC "terrorists" who slaughtered Sash Sawh and his family?



Do you know something the rest of us do not. If so, provide the proof instead of making insinuations.

i asked 2 important questions in response to assertions by a well-known bigot that "PNC Buxton" are the only terrorists in Guyana


what "proof" are u braying about jackass?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Indians are not terrorist, we lave that to the PNC Buxton.  There is more than one way to "skins a cyat" . . .

so, was it PNC "terrorists" who pumped all dem bullets into Courtney Crum-Ewing's skull?


was it PNC "terrorists" who slaughtered Sash Sawh and his family?



Or spinoffs more likely than not!


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