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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Come shut it JACKASS.  Bloody leach to Society!!!!!!!!!!!!

You cannot get to use Jagdeo and the peolple of Guyana credit card so everyone turn leech.

I am still a Consultant and gets paid well.

now who in their right mine will seek your advise 

People who are smarter than you are.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Come shut it JACKASS.  Bloody leach to Society!!!!!!!!!!!!

You cannot get to use Jagdeo and the peolple of Guyana credit card so everyone turn leech.

I am still a Consultant and gets paid well.

now who in their right mine will seek your advise 

People who are smarter than you are.

u might have a point there 

Originally Posted by Chief:


I have to fill you in about the positive developments in Corriverton under this new Government.

I'll be going there in a few months. Corriverton was always a progressive place though. People took pride in their surroundings(except the massive garbage pile up which the city council neglected to pick up.).

Originally Posted by warrior:

why the ass the government wasting time changing names when their is so much more important things to do maybe this is a distraction for the guyanese to focus on than things like crime.u celebrating independence with the same old shit what is there to celebrate did guyana move forward,do some thing positive then u can celebrate 

Finally you ketch sense after years of posting nonsensical opinions. This govt is using the name changing of streets to deflect away from the more serious issues affecting Guyana, the economy, crime and corruption under its watch.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I have to fill you in about the positive developments in Corriverton under this new Government.

I'll be going there in a few months. Corriverton was always a progressive place though. People took pride in their surroundings(except the massive garbage pile up which the city council neglected to pick up.).

Thank you for being honest, the PPP city council damged Corriverton.

Originally Posted by Drugb:
Originally Posted by warrior:

why the ass the government wasting time changing names when their is so much more important things to do maybe this is a distraction for the guyanese to focus on than things like crime.u celebrating independence with the same old shit what is there to celebrate did guyana move forward,do some thing positive then u can celebrate 

Finally you ketch sense after years of posting nonsensical opinions. This govt is using the name changing of streets to deflect away from the more serious issues affecting Guyana, the economy, crime and corruption under its watch.  

Too much licks on the man. You can't beat 'em; follow 'em.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I have to fill you in about the positive developments in Corriverton under this new Government.

I'll be going there in a few months. Corriverton was always a progressive place though. People took pride in their surroundings(except the massive garbage pile up which the city council neglected to pick up.).

Thank you for being honest, the PPP city council damged Corriverton.

You think the PNC city council is different? Where will they get the funds to do the clean up?

Originally Posted by Drugb:
Originally Posted by warrior:

why the ass the government wasting time changing names when their is so much more important things to do maybe this is a distraction for the guyanese to focus on than things like crime.u celebrating independence with the same old shit what is there to celebrate did guyana move forward,do some thing positive then u can celebrate 

Finally you ketch sense after years of posting nonsensical opinions. This govt is using the name changing of streets to deflect away from the more serious issues affecting Guyana, the economy, crime and corruption under its watch.  

The PPP named a street after my dad, not that I want to bring parents in on the topic. What about you?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I have to fill you in about the positive developments in Corriverton under this new Government.

I'll be going there in a few months. Corriverton was always a progressive place though. People took pride in their surroundings(except the massive garbage pile up which the city council neglected to pick up.).

Thank you for being honest, the PPP city council damged Corriverton.

You think the PNC city council is different? Where will they get the funds to do the clean up?

The city council is still PPP and may continue be so after LGE.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I have to fill you in about the positive developments in Corriverton under this new Government.

I'll be going there in a few months. Corriverton was always a progressive place though. People took pride in their surroundings(except the massive garbage pile up which the city council neglected to pick up.).

Thank you for being honest, the PPP city council damged Corriverton.

You think the PNC city council is different? Where will they get the funds to do the clean up?

The city council is still PPP and may continue be so after LGE.

It not a matter of PPP or PNC. It's a matter of getting funds for the clean up. Most of the people are self sufficient there. They make a good living.

Did you LGE? When"?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I have to fill you in about the positive developments in Corriverton under this new Government.

I'll be going there in a few months. Corriverton was always a progressive place though. People took pride in their surroundings(except the massive garbage pile up which the city council neglected to pick up.).

Thank you for being honest, the PPP city council damged Corriverton.

You think the PNC city council is different? Where will they get the funds to do the clean up?

Much different!!

The funds will come and it is coming. Last night I spoke to Everett and things are happening for the best.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I have to fill you in about the positive developments in Corriverton under this new Government.

I'll be going there in a few months. Corriverton was always a progressive place though. People took pride in their surroundings(except the massive garbage pile up which the city council neglected to pick up.).

Thank you for being honest, the PPP city council damged Corriverton.

You think the PNC city council is different? Where will they get the funds to do the clean up?

Much different!!

The funds will come and it is coming. Last night I spoke to Everett and things are happening for the best.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Originally Posted by Chief:


yOU WILL be pleasantly surprised.

Chief, you have to realise that I grew up at the time when Bookers took care of the workers and their families. They made sure the people got everything. I would like to see Corriverton return to those days. They even use to spray your homes, latrines and cleaned the drains, cut the bushes etc.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

why the ass the government wasting time changing names when their is so much more important things to do maybe this is a distraction for the guyanese to focus on than things like crime.u celebrating independence with the same old shit what is there to celebrate did guyana move forward,do some thing positive then u can celebrate 

Rass, you mek lil sense deh bai.

whoaaa!!!! whoaaa!!! i=I see luv is in de air tarasssss hhahahahahahaha

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


yOU WILL be pleasantly surprised.

Chief, you have to realise that I grew up at the time when Bookers took care of the workers and their families. They made sure the people got everything. I would like to see Corriverton return to those days. They even use to spray your homes, latrines and cleaned the drains, cut the bushes etc.

too bad they did not clean the shit trench u swim in 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


yOU WILL be pleasantly surprised.

Chief, you have to realise that I grew up at the time when Bookers took care of the workers and their families. They made sure the people got everything. I would like to see Corriverton return to those days. They even use to spray your homes, latrines and cleaned the drains, cut the bushes etc.

too bad they did not clean the shit trench u swim in 

Dis ah Sunday manin. Nah mek me get pun me nerves and start pun you cottage cheese brain.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


yOU WILL be pleasantly surprised.

Chief, you have to realise that I grew up at the time when Bookers took care of the workers and their families. They made sure the people got everything. I would like to see Corriverton return to those days. They even use to spray your homes, latrines and cleaned the drains, cut the bushes etc.

too bad they did not clean the shit trench u swim in 

Dis ah Sunday manin. Nah mek me get pun me nerves and start pun you cottage cheese brain.

u take your medication or did u put any mala on bar-rat picture this morning  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


yOU WILL be pleasantly surprised.

Chief, you have to realise that I grew up at the time when Bookers took care of the workers and their families. They made sure the people got everything. I would like to see Corriverton return to those days. They even use to spray your homes, latrines and cleaned the drains, cut the bushes etc.

too bad they did not clean the shit trench u swim in 

Dis ah Sunday manin. Nah mek me get pun me nerves and start pun you cottage cheese brain.

u take your medication or did u put any mala on bar-rat picture this morning  

Go feed you calves.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


yOU WILL be pleasantly surprised.

Chief, you have to realise that I grew up at the time when Bookers took care of the workers and their families. They made sure the people got everything. I would like to see Corriverton return to those days. They even use to spray your homes, latrines and cleaned the drains, cut the bushes etc.

50 years and 4 generatins have passed sine your latrine days.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:


yOU WILL be pleasantly surprised.

Chief, you have to realise that I grew up at the time when Bookers took care of the workers and their families. They made sure the people got everything. I would like to see Corriverton return to those days. They even use to spray your homes, latrines and cleaned the drains, cut the bushes etc.

Yet you scream when all Lindeners still get from the old Demba days is subsidized electricity.


It fills me with absolute disguss and outrage to read some of the names on Kissson's list. Some of these people are some of the most vile, heartless and ruthless people I have every encountered. The late Benazir Bhutto once stated governments come and they go.  Hopefully future some future government will find the courage to dename some areas that named after these monsters.  Every day more ansd more this Glen Khan alias Glen Lall fills me with rage.  It is a bottomless pit of hate that East Indians have for their fellow East Indians


The one thing you can count on the coolie man for is to scratch each other's eyes out.  The minute one of them look like he has a cent more than the other one war begins.  Granger read this card well and he used it to his advantage.  I can't blame him.  It's called politics.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

The one thing you can count on the coolie man for is to scratch each other's eyes out.  The minute one of them look like he has a cent more than the other one war begins.  Granger read this card well and he used it to his advantage.  I can't blame him.  It's called politics.


Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

The one thing you can count on the coolie man for is to scratch each other's eyes out.  The minute one of them look like he has a cent more than the other one war begins.  Granger read this card well and he used it to his advantage.  I can't blame him.  It's called politics.

One sure sign of our ethnic insecurity is that both blacks and Indians think that their own entertain jealousy of them, should they succeed, but that the other race supports their own more.


FACT.  Indians have a very defined ethnic identity, and a hardline view of who is in, and who isnt.  Douglas, despite being part Indian, are usually out.  Indians are ethnically exclusive (polite way of saying clannish).  There is no disagreement, either among Indians or of Indians by non Indians as to what being Indian is. 


There are very severe penalties for Indians who decide to have an identity which goes beyond their ethnic identity, and in fact the PPP used this skilfully to mischaraterize statements made by Nagamootoo when he was still part of the PPPs leadership.


African and mixed Guyanese are a product of almost 400 years of living in the Americas. 


Our specific African indentities were long ago wiped out, as enslaved peoples from specific African ethnic groups were mixed with others.  Given their position, whether one spoke Twi, or spoke one of the hundreds of languages of the Congo basin, ceased to matter. 


The result being that Afro Guyanese no longer have ties to any specific region of Africa, and their "African" retentions are pan African creations of the Americas, as each ethnic group had to find ways to unite against the system of slavery and oppression.  While Kwekwe, or Comfa are African in scope, they do not belong to any specific African ethnic group, or region.


So we identify 100% with our lives in Guyana, and have no real sustainable interest in Africa on the day before, or trhe day after Freedom Day.


Eventually as more became admixed, even boundaries as to who was "black", and who wasnt became blurred.  We don't even agree as to what we should be called, and in fact African, AfroGuyanese, black, and negro are all in use, with different implications.  Because our identities are fluid, we easily accept those of mixed background, so we cannot even agree who is mixed and who is black.  Trotman says taht he is mixed while Granger self identifies as black, even though he is lighter in skin coloring.


Afro Guyanese formed the basis of the Creole culture, which eviolved as a reaction to slavery and colonialism, so has varying degrees of Euro and Afro retentions, and in fact exists on a cultural continuum, so being involvedx in the Anglican church is creole, as is being involved in Comfa.


The creole culture has emerged as a national culture, and is the culture which various ethnic groups use to engage people from other ethnic groups.  Its no accident that Srnan Tongo is the 2nd most spoken language in Suriname, behind Dutch, or that the Afro Guyanese derived Creolese forms the basis of Guyanese speech, even if modified by other ethnic groups.


Afro Guyanese are ethnically INCLUSIVE.  Any one who says that they are black, are accepted as such.  I have seen IndoGuyanese play this game skillfully, and even receive college scholarships from black groups.


Indo Guyanese fight amongst each other, but gang up when they feel threatened by other ethnic groups.


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