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'I think you're a tyrant': Two more singers decline Trump's inauguration invite

The Associated Press, Published Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:08PM EST,

inaugIn this Feb. 25, 2016 file photo, Welsh singer Charlotte Church poses during a photocall to launch the inaugural Festival of Voice, in London. (AP Photo / Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

NEW YORK - British singers Charlotte Church and Rebecca Ferguson have declined to perform at President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.

Church wrote on Twitter on Tuesday that Trump's "staff have asked me to sing at your inauguration, a simple internet search would show I think you're a tyrant. Bye."

A spokeswoman for the transition did not to respond to a request for comment.

Ferguson, a runner-up on "The X Factor" in the U.K., wrote on her website Tuesday that she would have only performed at the Jan. 20 inauguration if she were allowed to sing Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit," a song that protested racism and the lynching of African Americans.

She wrote: "I wanted to try and help educate the people watching of where division and separation can lead to if not corrected."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Trump turning out to be real JACKASS. But he will will be good for America. However, he has an egotistical attitude like Obama. Is no wonder they differ and never will get along.

If Trump doan curb his ways, I can see him being impeached in 2 years. 

As for his son-in-law, he will want to over-ride Mike Pence. The REpulicans in the Congress and SEnate will stamp on him. 

It appears as if TRump taking his family down. Taking them up to great heights for fatal family fall and decline.

As for the entertainment, it has no value for the people of America. It is more for TV and TV ratings and being dressed up in Name Brand garments.

However, it be nice if the red-necks show up in Washington for a He Haw lowdown. Now, that would be the real America. The people who built the country.

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Prince, why dont you go sing " Pattar Ke Sanam Tujhe Hamne Mohobat Huh Ka Kudah Yar Nah"

Though I would like to attend Trump's inauguration, the notion that D_G is deeply hurt and unrecoverable is what bother me. He remains one of the strongest opponents of Trump's bad news feed on GNI.

DG is no different from the Ppp GNIERS who cannot get over that Mahatma Nagamootoo is PM and the Hon David  Granger is President of the Republic of Guyana.

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Prince, why dont you go sing " Pattar Ke Sanam Tujhe Hamne Mohobat Huh Ka Kudah Yar Nah"

Though I would like to attend Trump's inauguration, the notion that D_G is deeply hurt and unrecoverable is what bother me. He remains one of the strongest opponents of Trump's bad news feed on GNI.

You would like to be invited, but Trump has no room for Coolie boy. I think you suffer from inferiority complex, you spoke ill of Obama, you posted a FAKE  photo of the president which was closed, How low can you be. You reminded me of the coolie man that worships the English man,just because he is WHITE, you are doing the same with Trump and in real life he cares less about coloured immigrants like you. Wake up and see the colour, it's WHITE.

kp posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Prince, why dont you go sing " Pattar Ke Sanam Tujhe Hamne Mohobat Huh Ka Kudah Yar Nah"

Though I would like to attend Trump's inauguration, the notion that D_G is deeply hurt and unrecoverable is what bother me. He remains one of the strongest opponents of Trump's bad news feed on GNI.

You would like to be invited, but Trump has no room for Coolie boy. I think you suffer from inferiority complex, you spoke ill of Obama, you posted a FAKE  photo of the president which was closed, How low can you be. You reminded me of the coolie man that worships the English man,just because he is WHITE, you are doing the same with Trump and in real life he cares less about coloured immigrants like you. Wake up and see the colour, it's WHITE.

For decades I have considered this White and Colored thing to be a useless aspiration, hoping that people can be joyfull together in togetherness. If anything is evident in America today, is the divisions of Whites and Colored. Blacks embraced Obama and Whites, Trump.

America has always been a divided country. Election of a Black President only gave pronouncement of the country's polarization.

And we coloreds who came, did way better than the masses of Blacks. We should be grateful the Whites paid us no mind. They gave us work to build our lives. And they still do.

My feeling is to get on in life, be smart enough to know where troubles lies and be wary of it. To have a little fear is not a bad thing, it can keep a person on the straight and narrow in the oceans of sorrows and sufferings of this world.

Greatest grief is mans inhumaity to his fellow man. Just watch the nightly news. That is a ringside view.  

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ball posted:

Oye Chief, What is a Mufti. ? 

Last time I heard the word "Mufti", it was the man who buggered more than a dozen male students. I think it might have to do with some kind of teacher?

Iman know of MuffD but that's a whole new ball o wax.

D fo Divin'

Is it why your septum is deviated?

kp posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Prince, why dont you go sing " Pattar Ke Sanam Tujhe Hamne Mohobat Huh Ka Kudah Yar Nah"

Though I would like to attend Trump's inauguration, the notion that D_G is deeply hurt and unrecoverable is what bother me. He remains one of the strongest opponents of Trump's bad news feed on GNI.

You would like to be invited, but Trump has no room for Coolie boy. I think you suffer from inferiority complex, you spoke ill of Obama, you posted a FAKE  photo of the president which was closed, How low can you be. You reminded me of the coolie man that worships the English man,just because he is WHITE, you are doing the same with Trump and in real life he cares less about coloured immigrants like you. Wake up and see the colour, it's WHITE.

KP frig up Prince!


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