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Former Member

Whether Jagdeo is here to stay or not, giving others a chance is more important if you truly understand Guyana's political history of fighting dictatorship style government since the Burham's era. Along the lines of our daily discussion, we forget how many times the PPP lost elections because of Jagdeo interference. Is Jagdeo the only one that has Guyana at heart? Do we know how good another person is unless we give him/her a chance? If the PPP is complaining that being in power for 28 years is a dictatorship then why does he want to be VP or remain in power indefinitely? 

The people's party (PPP) has show its true color of dictatorship. Jagdeo had wanted to run for a third term. Jagdeo chose to be the puppeteer of Irfaan Ali. Jagdeo wants to be VP. Jagdeo kicked out the PPP grassroots supporters to date. Jagdeo caused PPP to failed at the poll three times. Jagdeo stated publicly that the PPP is a coolie party. Jagdeo was dragged into court for inciting racial unrest. During the two massacres, Jagdeo came out and say that they can't kill all of us as his defense. Well, they kill many during the massacres and continue to kill us to this day. Because of this daily killing before, during and after the two massacres has caused the PPP voting base to shrink to a losing point. 

People make or break a government. Guyanese are creating their own demise from their government. 

Last point. Don't you think the international community is taking note of all of this? 



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Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

Is like daylight and the darkest night, it is like Angel and Jumbie, it is like Filth and Gold!!  PPP all the friggin way for Progress and Prosperity!!!!!! Animals can roam the Jungle NOT govern a Country!!!

see what ah does talk bout PPP supporters...they can't coherently express themselves l

I have to agree. Nehru sounding lil bazidy in that post!


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