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Swami Aksharananda Ji showed poor judgement

Dear Editor,
The Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) Principal, Swami Aksharananda Ji showed poor judgement when he invited Mr David Granger into his school. Aksharananda Ji has got to know that Mr Granger has serious moral problems.
We all know that Mr Granger has a reputation that includes breaking laws, trampling ethnic/racial diversity and rigging elections. Therefore, Mr Granger is no role model for the students at the SVN or elsewhere. To this end, I am puzzled as to why Aksharananda Ji allowed his students to mingle with such a tarnished character. Aksharananda Ji has acted irresponsibly. He owes an apology to his students and their parents.
In no way can Mr Granger’s visit ever benefit the SVN students. The SVN school operates on Hindu values which entail hard work, commitment, respect for elders, honesty and truth. However, such values are blatantly trampled upon by Mr Granger for political goals. Mr Granger has no respect for the people of this country. Mr Granger has even denied Guyanese their rights to vote for almost one year, and he is currently squatting in Government illegally. So, I do not understand why Swami Aksharananda Ji saw the need to entertain such a disgraced figure. How can Swami Aksharananda not know that Mr Granger is bad influence for his students?
Mr Granger’s visit was clearly a political stunt. And, of course, the interest and welfare of the students were ignored by the SVN when it allowed a disgraced character into its school.

Annie Baliram (PhD)

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