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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at this low life bottom feeder making up shit when he run out of ideas.

Haaa, haaa, haaaaa

Words from the Esteemed Lady Bibi Haniffa.   

Man I’m so sick of him running me down.

Amral needs to get some more women on GNI to quench the appetites.  

One panty at a time.

Hopefully in a short time, Administrator(s) will firmly address the issues.


Miss Ivy League like give lash but cannot tek lash.  You like run down any and everyone who even only work for the Coalition. Just a few days ago you referred to Coalition supporters as uneducated, lack judgement, pure evil, etc!  But your family who works for the coalition, not so, they “earn their stripes”, is merited.  Dem gat more stripes than Zebras!  But Moses, Ramjattan, etc are spineless, traitors, etc!

Well guess what?  they had the balls to leave and stand their ground for what they believe!  They did not stay and hang their mouth where the soup flowing!  I don’t fully agree with them, but they did what they believe was right!

Furthermore, some of my family in Guyana and the USA support the Coalition and you cannot stand in their shoes when it comes to academic or professional accomplishments!  And they don’t see things the way you do, does not mean they are evil!  They also think ANUG is a waste of time!

Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at this low life bottom feeder making up shit when he run out of ideas.

Haaa, haaa, haaaaa

Words from the Esteemed Lady Bibi Haniffa.   

Man I’m so sick of him running me down.

Amral needs to get some more women on GNI to quench the appetites.  

One panty at a time.

Hopefully in a short time, Administrator(s) will firmly address the issues.

Why?  He is attacking her politics. That’s what people do here.  He did not attack her non-political family or kids or anything of the sort.  His comments to her are based on her posting here!

Who the hell is she that she cannot get a bit of what she gives!

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at this low life bottom feeder making up shit when he run out of ideas.

Haaa, haaa, haaaaa

Words from the Esteemed Lady Bibi Haniffa.   

Man I’m so sick of him running me down.

Amral needs to get some more women on GNI to quench the appetites.  

One panty at a time.

Hopefully in a short time, Administrator(s) will firmly address the issues.

Why?  He is attacking her politics. That’s what people do here.  He did not attack her non-political family or kids or anything of the sort.  His comments to her are based on her posting here!

Who the hell is she that she cannot get a bit of what she gives!

My politics?  I am not a politician.  I don’t belong to any political party.  Neither do you.

Bibi Haniffa
Tola posted:
Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Why cant people change their mind on issues, or should they follow a leader into the never never land. 

It is not about changing your mind on issues. It is about your fundamental principles and one is rightfully attacked when there seems a lack of principles or a dramatic change in principles, as evidenced by the AFC.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at this low life bottom feeder making up shit when he run out of ideas.

Haaa, haaa, haaaaa

Words from the Esteemed Lady Bibi Haniffa.   

Man I’m so sick of him running me down.

Amral needs to get some more women on GNI to quench the appetites.  

One panty at a time.

Hopefully in a short time, Administrator(s) will firmly address the issues.

Why?  He is attacking her politics. That’s what people do here.  He did not attack her non-political family or kids or anything of the sort.  His comments to her are based on her posting here!

Who the hell is she that she cannot get a bit of what she gives!

My politics?  I am not a politician.  I don’t belong to any political party.  Neither do you.

Non of us are politicians. We have political views.  And he is commenting on your political views.  I don’t know if there are any true politicians on this site!  Everyone offer views on politics and politicians, that includes YOU!!


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