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ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

The FBI is too tolerant.  Minimal contact with a major terrorist (suicide bomber) = major threat.  The FBI screwed up for "political correctness".  There should be nothing like "minimal contact" when it comes to the threat of radical Islamist!  Any contact with radicals is major threats, no further questions!  Send them to the Caliphate or to Gitmo!!  Strip them of all rights and also anyone who knew and kept quiet!

Dude, none of us know what is in the heart of another. I am sure there are murderers, pedophiles, wife beaters racists among the people we may have spoken to and even break bread with. They do not tell you they are horrible creatures. Contact here is considered minimal.The FBI has a responsibility to make the distinction otherwise the law falls apart. If the contacts tell you and you of their intent and criminal bent and you do not inform the authorities then and only then you have crossed a threshold in the law.

No, but that fact he was in contact, albeit not frequent, with a suicide bomber, he should be deemed high risk.  It means he was in deep but being clever.

I do not second guess the FBI. They said the contact is they went to the same high school and attended the same mosque. I guess that is "deep" contact for you.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

The FBI is too tolerant.  Minimal contact with a major terrorist (suicide bomber) = major threat.  The FBI screwed up for "political correctness".  There should be nothing like "minimal contact" when it comes to the threat of radical Islamist!  Any contact with radicals is major threats, no further questions!  Send them to the Caliphate or to Gitmo!!  Strip them of all rights and also anyone who knew and kept quiet!

Dude, none of us know what is in the heart of another. I am sure there are murderers, pedophiles, wife beaters racists among the people we may have spoken to and even break bread with. They do not tell you they are horrible creatures. Contact here is considered minimal.The FBI has a responsibility to make the distinction otherwise the law falls apart. If the contacts tell you and you of their intent and criminal bent and you do not inform the authorities then and only then you have crossed a threshold in the law.

No, but that fact he was in contact, albeit not frequent, with a suicide bomber, he should be deemed high risk.  It means he was in deep but being clever.

I do not second guess the FBI. They said the contact is they went to the same high school and attended the same mosque. I guess that is "deep" contact for you.

Yes, anyone who has any contact with people like that should be placed on a lifetime watch list.  Birds of a feather.  These people are clever and minimize contact but they have their way of passing information.  They are actually ahead of us!


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