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Georgie posted:

Visiting NY at the time and went to Richie Rich as a guest of a friend.


Never saw men change their mouth so fast in service to the Urban middle class in Georgetown.


I was saddened that Moses has abandoned the sugar and rice industry and all he doing is cussing Jagdeo.


Cussing Jagdeo will not put bread on the people's table.


Good action will.

Why yuh surprised? De man she he duz cuss out he own grand picknees.

In a nutshell, this government is too hapless. They are too obsessed with Jagdeo to focus on anything else.

ksazma posted:
Georgie posted:

Visiting NY at the time and went to Richie Rich as a guest of a friend.


Never saw men change their mouth so fast in service to the Urban middle class in Georgetown.


I was saddened that Moses has abandoned the sugar and rice industry and all he doing is cussing Jagdeo.


Cussing Jagdeo will not put bread on the people's table.


Good action will.

Why yuh surprised? De man she he duz cuss out he own grand picknees.

In a nutshell, this government is too hapless. They are too obsessed with Jagdeo to focus on anything else.

Their supporters are no better and many are drinking the Cool Aid like it is Honey  DUMMIES !!!


PM Moses went to New York to get some relief from the heat in Guyana but he ran into snow storms where ever he appeared. At the break fast reception the price was lowered but no one dropped in for a bite. Then he went to Brooklyn and was brought to tears by the PNCR because of their rejection, accusing him of not being a genuine independence stalwart. He got an even bigger surprised at Naresa Palace where he was greeted by 100 angry protesters. Poor Moses, poor Moses.


Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

The afc does not yield any real power. The Granger administration are the ones in charge, it looks like they are content to sit back and continue PPP initiatives with no new ideas of their own. All their talk about Ethanol and economic turnaround has evaporated. They are 100 time vision less than the PPP. 

So you agree that the PPP would have shut down Wales, had they won the election.

Now please tell your fellow Indo KKK buddies, as they seem to think otherwise.

Yes I do agree that APNU/AFC seems content to continue the same DUMB strategies of the PPP.  Poor Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The afc does not yield any real power. The Granger administration are the ones in charge, it looks like they are content to sit back and continue PPP initiatives with no new ideas of their own. All their talk about Ethanol and economic turnaround has evaporated. They are 100 time vision less than the PPP. 

So you agree that the PPP would have shut down Wales, had they won the election.

Now please tell your fellow Indo KKK buddies, as they seem to think otherwise.

Yes I do agree that APNU/AFC seems content to continue the same DUMB strategies of the PPP.  Poor Guyana!

Smoking dried cow manure is bad for your health as it induces hallucination , where did I mention Wales above?

You are the Black KKK as you berate the Indians on a daily basis and excuse PNC racist policies against Indians as retribution for alleged marginalization of Blacks. Now Blacks are in power, you no longer cry about contracts not being awarded to Blacks even thought we see the Granger admin using the same contractors as the PPP. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Smoking dried cow manure is bad for your health as it induces hallucination , where did I mention Wales above?


Confronting Indian racism isn't racist. Especially when that racism is displayed frequently.  And in fact would be even more evident on GNI if I didn't aggressively attack  those who peddle it.

If racism against blacks under the PPP is "alleged" than anti Indian racism by the Burnham regime is also "alleged"!

You claim that Jagdeo is the best thing for Guyana.  He is currently running around Guyana screaming that blacks are deliberately punishing Indians by closing Wales.  You hail PPP policies as excellent.

So yes you were discussing Wales, even if you didn't mention it explicitly.

Drugb posted:
cry about contracts not being awarded to Blacks even thought we see the Granger admin using the same contractors as the PPP. 

Oh well then you cannot call APNU anti Indian, can you!

So the PPP only awarded contracts to Indians over their 23 years of Indo supremacist rule, and destroyed the black contractors.

APNU contracts with those most suitable, which thanks to the PPP racist practices over 23 years, are Indian.

caribny posted:

Confronting Indian racism isn't racist. Especially when that racism is displayed frequently.  And in fact would be even more evident on GNI if I didn't aggressively attack  those who peddle it.

If racism against blacks under the PPP is "alleged" than anti Indian racism by the Burnham regime is also "alleged"!

You claim that Jagdeo is the best thing for Guyana.  He is currently running around Guyana screaming that blacks are deliberately punishing Indians by closing Wales.  You hail PPP policies as excellent.

So yes you were discussing Wales, even if you didn't mention it explicitly.

Your claims of Indian racism is alleged and subjective based on your own eagerness to brand to Indians as racist as it suits your political needs and excuse away afc/apnu incompetence. However you have lost your trump card as the PPP is no longer in power so the race card is no longer playable.  With Blacks in power and the country going down the tube at an accelerated rate, the "bad Indian" excuse is no longer viable.

Where did I claim that Jagdeo is the best thing for Guyana?  I only care about this govt's performance, not a vestige of the past(Jagdeo). Your party is now in charge and just like the PPP, they are now accountable for all ills or successes that befalls/graces Guyana. 

caribny posted:

Oh well then you cannot call APNU anti Indian, can you!

So the PPP only awarded contracts to Indians over their 23 years of Indo supremacist rule, and destroyed the black contractors.

APNU contracts with those most suitable, which thanks to the PPP racist practices over 23 years, are Indian.

You complained that Burnham left the Blacks at a disadvantage to Indians in 1992.  Today you point to the PPP giving Indians an advantage over Blacks.  Could you please make up your mind!

Georgie posted:

Visiting NY at the time and went to Richie Rich as a guest of a friend.


Never saw men change their mouth so fast in service to the Urban middle class in Georgetown.


I was saddened that Moses has abandoned the sugar and rice industry and all he doing is cussing Jagdeo.


Cussing Jagdeo will not put bread on the people's table.


Good action will.

Thanks for your honesty Georgie.

Vish M posted:

Georgie was speaking about what he heard.

I asked The PM to visit a site but I was informed that he needs to seek guidance from the subject minister.

The site visit never happened! 



This is just more evidence that Moses is a lackey to the pnc. He can't make any decisions on his own without consulting Harmon, toting his shoe shine box.  

Vish M posted:

I saw the heading and was eager to comment but as I started to read the balance of the thread....I was disgusted........why is everything must have a PPP or PNC twist......Is there a true Guyanese?


With all due respect, Moses is a political figure and was quite aggressive in attacking the PPP and high profile Indos. Did you listen to his speech ?

And BTW, this is political forum.

You can probably post some of your threads in social.


baseman posted:

You complained that Burnham left the Blacks at a disadvantage to Indians in 1992. 

Yes.  Because they were left unprepared to fight against PPP racism, and so they are where they are today.  Had Burnham not done what he did, they would have been better able to fight against PPP oppression.

Any way you are a man like you who considers blacks to be criminal, savage, illiterate, dirty, and useless (exactly what the KKK thinks of us).  Yet you don't think that you are racist. I remember your screams that it was only the presence of Indians in Guyana that prevented the blacks from turning it into "Rawanda" (I wonder where that is?).

You and druggie can go chat with each other.


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