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I will ‘brackle’ Dennis Thomas says Desmond Amsterdam

Dec 17, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-desmond-amsterdam/

Anyone following boxing for the last five years would willing agree that Dennis ‘Menace’ Thomas ruled the local and Caribbean middleweight division with an iron fist. The gangly policeman had boxed, slugged, and skillfully punched his way into becoming the best that the English speaking Caribbean had to offer at the 75 KG category.
Everything continued to script until February this year. Thomas had defeated nemesis ‘Dynamite’ Desmond Amsterdam in the 2016 National Open in a bruising affair. By chance, the two had an early rematch when overseas-based promoter Seon Bristol of Briso Promotions and Alford McDonald joined forces to stage a card just before Mashramani 2017.
Amsterdam grabbed the chance with both gloves and surprised the more experienced Thomas with an early onslaught in round one. The army officer’s ‘roughing up’ of the policeman continued in the second round as the boxing fans cheered every punch delivered.
Thomas was able to restore some pride in the third round but his rally came too late. In the end Amsterdam prevailed on the judges score card. Thomas was not heard from until last month when he participated in the Terrence Alli National Open.
Surprisingly, the police sergeant moved up to the light heavyweight division. No one including Thomas provided a reason for the switch in weight categories.
However, Amsterdam has offered an explanation. “Dennis Thomas is just plain scared of getting in the ring with me. He preferred to run away to light heavyweight. I want to let him know that you can run but can’t hide. I will brackle you on Boxing Day,” Amsterdam said.
The Boxing Day ‘brackle’ will be done on the Sons of Champions card being promoted by the Guyana Boxing Association and Briso Promotions at the National Gymnasium. The match makers have made the Thomas versus Amsterdam bout a feature event on the 10-fight card.
“He felt the power in February and immediately moved out of the middleweight division. I don’t know what he will do after Boxing Day. Maybe he will move out of the country,” Amsterdam added. The Sons of Champions card is also expected to feature a rematch between national bantamweight champion `Keevin `Lightning’ Allicock and former champion Clairmont `Kartel’ Gibson.
Allicock, in a classical display, dethroned Gibson at the last National Open. Also to be featured on the card is Alex Murray, son of former world rated welterweight Andrew Murray. In an invited comment, promoter Bristol reiterated that the card is loaded with quality boxers.
“Anyone who saw the final night of the last night of the National Open will understand what I am speaking about. We will be delivering quality fights on a day made for boxing. We are going back to the days when boxing was the main ingredient,” Bristol declared.


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