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I will never agree that Jagdeo stole money


- Irate Rohee says at PPP press briefing

General Secretary of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Clement Rohee during his weekly press briefing held yesterday became vociferous when questioned if the assessment that his colleagues were involved in corruption based on their apparent movement from rags to riches was a fair one.

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee

Rohee responded that the opinion was by no means fair.
Using himself as an example, Rohee said that he has been working since the age of seventeen and is currently earning approximately $300,000 a month.
“As a Minister it is true that I get certain fringes to come along with it, but I know some people who work for more than 300,000 dollars a month and some have never worked and still they manage to accumulate things.
“I know most of my colleagues who have been working all the years of their lives; maybe they didn’t start out at my level, maybe because they had a university degree and they were highly qualified. I never had a university degree.”
Rohee was then asked by a senior reporter, “When you look at some of their earnings it never tickled your head to say well how did they earn this, knowing them so well?”
Rohee replied: “You have to tell me like whom, because I can’t make a generalized statement.”
To that the reporter said, “Take the former President (Bharrat Jagdeo) who according to the Attorney General [Anil Nandlall] had nothing prior to his accession to office.”
“When he said nothing what do you mean?” Rohee asked. He also asked the reporter whether Nandlall knew what his (Jagdeo’s) bank account was when he worked at the State Planning Department.
According to Rohee, “When Bharrat Jagdeo came back from Moscow and was looking for a job, he had a difficult time getting a job, and he eventually got a job at the State Planning Secretariat under Mr. (Haslyn) Parris and that’s where he actually started out earning.
“He was still a bachelor; he wasn’t married, and he was still living with his parents.
“I don’t know how his money was earned, but I assumed he was saving money. I assumed that he had some savings… Then the PPP came into office, he became the Junior Finance Minister under Asgar Ally and he was earning money there as well. He still remained a bachelor living with his parents; he obviously was saving. If people could do that and save now, how come Jagdeo couldn’t do that? Because he was Jagdeo?”
The reporter then questioned Jagdeo’s ability to build a duplex like he has now, plus the house before that which he sold for $120M.
“How can you build those things bearing in mind where you came from? I don’t care how much he saved.”
To that Rohee vociferously exclaimed: “So what are you saying is that Jagdeo is a thief? If you want to say that, you say that. You (must) say that Jagdeo stole, who he stole from, what he stole. Let’s be frank here, if you want to say that Jagdeo build that house as a result of corruption, theft, and so on… Whatever the case may be, you say that.”
The reporter then replied “I am not saying that, I’m asking your opinion.”

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

“You can’t ask me. I am not Jagdeo. I’m Jagdeo’s colleague; I am his comrade and I will not agree; I will never agree that Jagdeo stole money; that Jagdeo engaged in corrupt practices where he siphoned off money from Government to build that house. I will never agree to that. And then again if there is anyone who has evidence, bring the evidence,” Rohee stressed.
To that the reporter agreed and went on to the Natural Resources Minister Robert Persaud, where the reporter claimed that the Minister reportedly sold a house in Eccles to a relative for a large sum.
Rohee wanted to know where he (Persaud) announced that and the reporter said that it was publicly announced some time back.
The seemingly irate Rohee said, “You are asking the General Secretary of the ruling party of this country, I am also a sitting Minister of Government.  I am not available to answer speculative questions and I am not available to answer questions that you say are from one source or the other. I have to be very responsible in what I’m saying and whatever I do.”
To that the reporter reminded Rohee that he was asked “If from your perception you look at some of the movements of some of your colleagues from rags to riches if something didn’t go off in your head to suggest that all isn’t right here.”
Rohee responded: “Well let me tell you, if something wasn’t right it would have already been discovered and exposed and trust me, Kaieteur News would be the first to expose it…But Kaieteur News ain’t got a damn thing; Kaieteur News has nothing.
“All it has is tracking this man from one thing to the next and Bobby Ramroop full page coverage, centre spread.”
Rohee further proceeded while gesticulating, “If Kaieteur News has something, publish it. I am challenging the Kaieteur News to do that. It has nothing! If it has something, publish it…Who they thief from, how they thief and what they do with the thieving money?” He then banged his fist on the desk and exclaimed “You publish it.”
The press conference ended shortly after.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


Mark Benschop
59 mins · Edited · 

This is where (as I'm reliably informed) Jagdeo lived prior to him becoming Junior Minister of Finance......his house was a little hole in Kitty (now a sweetie shop) ---- I guess he put most of his 'savings' in his sweetie bowl. (Please, yall don't rhyme this with anything else...please yall don't)

And, imagine the notorious Minister of Home Affairs is shamelessly telling the nation that Jagdeo is no thief (lol) and that he saved his money to become a billionaire.

The truth is, Cheddie Jagan would have disassociated himself from the PPP and these criminals at OP and Freedumb House.




Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

I think you need to go and do a du'a and re read your sacred texts for some understanding given you said the above. A thief definitely is bereft of   the proper and good methodology that  one  can say  is "smart". One just have to usurp the trust of others and betray civility ( hence good sense) to be a thief 

Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.



roti: "I will never agree that Jagdeo stole money; that Jagdeo engaged in corrupt practices where he siphoned off money from Government . . ."


and we totally ahnderstaan comrade

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.


You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.


You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more, or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


reach out fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



The East Indians like TK and Bulkhan are just window dressing, the real power resides in Hammie and Carbin hands.


Why you think Granja cannot fire Vulga Lawrence for giving the PPP $1 billion???



CARBIN is the MAN!, the BASS fuh the ARSE - Granja.


Now Carbin tell Granja, time to suck the PPP egg.


Look carefully how he will sell out in the 2014 Budget.


The Guyanese nation is cursed and doomed one CARBIN still in power in Congress Place.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.



As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.


As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.

i am Redux . . . how soon alyuh antiman fughet


as to your "GAY" relationship with "JUG_DE_HOE" . . . that is really none of my business

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.


As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.

i am Redux . . . how soon alyuh antiman fughet


as to your "GAY" relationship with "JUG_DE_HOE" . . . that is really none of my business

speak to the hand.  when yu start to mek sense, then we can debate.  YOUR RACISM AND obsession will power confusing you.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.


As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.

i am Redux . . . how soon alyuh antiman fughet


as to your "GAY" relationship with "JUG_DE_HOE" . . . that is really none of my business

speak to the hand . . .

po antiman runnings . . . u are so 'delicate'



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.


As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.

i am Redux . . . how soon alyuh antiman fughet


as to your "GAY" relationship with "JUG_DE_HOE" . . . that is really none of my business

speak to the hand . . .

po antiman runnings . . . u are so 'delicate'



speak to the hand!

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.


As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.

i am Redux . . . how soon alyuh antiman fughet


as to your "GAY" relationship with "JUG_DE_HOE" . . . that is really none of my business

speak to the hand . . .

po antiman runnings . . . u are so 'delicate'



speak to the hand!

ok your 'daintyness'

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.


As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.

i am Redux . . . how soon alyuh antiman fughet


as to your "GAY" relationship with "JUG_DE_HOE" . . . that is really none of my business

speak to the hand . . .

po antiman runnings . . . u are so 'delicate'



speak to the hand!

ok your 'daintyness'

speak to the hand.  LOL!

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.



You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.

like i ask u on de other thread . . . does being a "dumb arse" and selling out to Ramuthar make "Granja" more or less 'dangerous' to Indo Guyanese?


ask fuh help if u can't keep more dan wan line of ignar thinking in yuh head, arite?

I do not give a hoot about what is dangerous for Indo Guyanese or Afro Guyanese.  I role is to ensure that GUYANESE are not at risk.


Right now it is better to have a dumb Ramutar that a racist APNU in power.



ROAR/PPP klown . . . u are not addressing my question


i suggest u review your voluminous shittings on the 'dangerousness' of dem racial APNU blackman whom u now decide are toothless kittens sitting pan donald's lap


i hear fish ile good fuh de shart term memory

Who the hell are you to try to instruct me.


As I said SPEAK to my DARN hands.


You think it is GAY, well meh larn that technique from JUG_DE_HOE.

i am Redux . . . how soon alyuh antiman fughet


as to your "GAY" relationship with "JUG_DE_HOE" . . . that is really none of my business

speak to the hand . . .

po antiman runnings . . . u are so 'delicate'



speak to the hand!

ok your 'daintyness'

speak to the hand.  LOL!

yes your 'delicateness'


The Jagans knew of his humble beginnings, and they also permit him to do things which were unethical. How else? The Jagans also knew of the Minister of Housing who built a big house and reported that relatives gave them the money. A Minister of Commerce and Trade was a humble man as well and he too got filthy rich overnight. Many of the stealing were in place well before Cheddie died. A point of fact, it is reported that Cheddie found things about the Ministry of Finace and a minister was asked to resign. Janet was bestowed the Presidency and it is under her watch when the thieving got out a hand.


The PPP ppl are thieves, dey mek Forbes look like a school boy.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Stop using Forbes name. That is the PPP line about how Forbes was one of the richest blackman, scare tactics as usual.


The real thieves are the PPP.

And Jagdeo is the King of the tiefmen, the biggest one ever in the history of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Stop using Forbes name. That is the PPP line about how Forbes was one of the richest blackman, scare tactics as usual.


The real thieves are the PPP.

And Jagdeo is the King of the tiefmen, the biggest one ever in the history of Guyana.

We agree Mars.  Jugh-deo-HOE is the biggest tief man ever in the history of Guyana.  That is his legacy.  Burnham was an alter boy compared to Jug-deo-hoe.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.


You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.


Sase aka Harish de flour man. Wah TK do you bai?

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

i have a slightly different take . . . dem bais in Freedom House are crude tiefmen - not really smart.


The 'brains' behind the big time tiefing are the NEPS bidnessmen. De rat is simply the largest, most reckless, most brazen rent seeker of dem all

MORE Bullshit from TK ak Redux.


The brain behind the whole operation was JUGDE_HOE.


They planning to buy the Marriot next at 10 cents on the dollar.


The APNU cannot stop the deal.


Watch out who is the silent investor in the NEW Demerara Harbor Bridge.


You comic are so lost while JUG-DE-HOE rape you, your children and your grand children and that DUMB ARSE calling for a social contract with the PPP.


Sase aka Harish de flour man. Wah TK do you bai?

It is clear Kapadilla ak Redux ak JB and the four other handle this intellectual misfit has, cannot comprehend basic english.


I say again, Sase or TK cannot serve in Guyana, them ah live in foreign.


If he want to call me Sase or Harish or Flour Man or Ravi Dev or Clement Rohee, Be my guest.  I did not know he was my CONCUBINE.  By the way I do not go in fuh man.


I am saying again both the APNU and PPP, they are too filty and corrupt but the people want these corrupt party.  Over 70% of Guyana will be voting for the APNU and PPP in the next elections. 


BY RIGHT only the local boys should serve since they are in the fight.


I hope Gerhard Ramsaroop get one of those seats and David Patterson - youths!


If TK and Sase want to serve, they should go back to Guyana.  BOTTOM LINE!  They cannot enjoy a cushy life in America and want to lecture the people on how to live. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Once again Mark B is wrong!!! SAYING THAT THE BOYS ARE fREEDOM hOUSE ARE DUMB is incorrect, one has to be smart to thief.

I think you need to go and do a du'a and re read your sacred texts for some understanding given you said the above. A thief definitely is bereft of   the proper and good methodology that  one  can say  is "smart". One just have to usurp the trust of others and betray civility ( hence good sense) to be a thief 

D2 that I am aware of. The point I am making is that the thieves at Freedom House are not dumb. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by ball:

A good theif never get caught

You see, I can't call a man a thief if I can't prove it or catch him in the act. That's the simply fact.

I was asked to pay 10 times more for undeveloped land than what Jagdeo paid for the prime real estate at Sparendaam. Do you know how he acquired the land on which he currently built his mansion?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by ball:

A good theif never get caught

You see, I can't call a man a thief if I can't prove it or catch him in the act. That's the simply fact.

I was asked to pay 10 times more for undeveloped land than what Jagdeo paid for the prime real estate at Sparendaam. Do you know how he acquired the land on which he currently built his mansion?

I really don't know, but I wouldn't say he thief because I have no proof. Assuming that someone thief without proof is the worst kind of libel care to deal with.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

A good theif never get caught

Up to now President Jagdeo is still a free man.

Well even City businessman, Rondy Jagdeo, who was accused of gunning down biker Kirk Davis late last year, on Thursday walked out of the Georgetown Magistrates Court a free man.


One you have money in Guyana, the law cannot touch you.


Guyana is the wild west.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

A good theif never get caught

Up to now President Jagdeo is still a free man.

Besides KN, where is the proof that he stole. Why is he not behind bars?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

A good theif never get caught

Up to now President Jagdeo is still a free man.

Besides KN, where is the proof that he stole. Why is he not behind bars?




I have been asking the same question over and over again. The AFC response.. it was written in KN.


As we all know KN is nothing but Toilet Paper reporting.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Jagdeo should become a financial advisor. He could teach investors how to save ten dollars and turn it into ten million.

Hey bai Mars,
Wah you nah be friend with Jagdeo?  You go be rich over nite.


Last edited by Former Member

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