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The Donkey Cart Economist and his trusty sidekick, Flower Boy are it again. Having jumped from one (political) limb to another, the mercenaries finally ended up at the end of the line – APNU. You can’t sink lower than that, can you? Especially when the price of admission demands they recant every position they espoused while on other limbs.

Such as now nominating Desmond Hoyte for beatification after they’d denounced the Silver Fox for inciting ethnic riots in Georgetown. And for persuading the PPP/C never to trust the PNC, when he had two years cut from their term – after a supposed “Accord”.

Anyhow the soldiers of fortune are now bent in rehabilitating Hamilton Green. They claim the PPP/C used Hamilton Green to “further a race based narrative about incompetence and corruption”. Two problems with this outlandish assertion; First Hamilton Green’s prior record of “incompetence and corruption” in various ministries and as PM in the PNC Government needs no embellishment from the PPP/C.

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Gerhad Raswaroop is now branded a political mercinary by TK Guru.


SAD and unfair!.


But the old people say, when you lie with DOGS you shall get flea.


You cannot go ah crab dance and not expect MUD on yu skin.


"the mercenaries finally ended up at the end of the line – APNU."  says Guruji Ravi.


Guruji to Tyronji knows best.


Mr Corbin has not provided leadership on various issues

Posted By Staff Writer On March 15, 2007 @ 6:59 am In Archives | 2 Comments

Dear Editor,

I write in response to Ms Amna Ally “PNCR membership solidly supports leader” (KN 07-03-08). I, like her, read the numerous letters over the past few days criticising Robert Corbin as leader of the PNCR, however, unlike her, I understand what it means to be operating as a democracy and as such I support the letter writers since I share their views.

Ms Ally mentioned in her letter that Mr Corbin was elected by the membership at a congress of the PNCR and therefore can only be removed at a congress. That might be so but does this mean that the members and supporters do not have the right to critisise Mr Corbin if they believe that he is not providing leadership?

When Mr Hoyte died in 2000, the PNCR membership and supporters supported Mr Robert Corbin because it was thought that he had the guts and stamina to deal with the PPP/C, but we are now finding out that he is a sheep in wolf’s clothing.

The government introduced VAT at 16%. Most of the people affected were PNCR supporters, Mr Corbin did nothing until after Mr Sharma demonstrated what should be done. The Stabroek market vendors, whom are supporters of the PNCR are having great difficulties with the city council. Where is Mr Corbin and the PNCR in all of this? Are they waiting for Sharma to show them what to do again? Come on Amna Ally, these people are supporters of the PNCR and Mr Corbin and his colleagues should be out there with them. Don’t you agree with me?

The opposition led by Mr Corbin is at its weakest.

His supporters have a right to demand leadership and he and his close cohorts like you should not bury your heads in the sand. Instead you should listen to the cries of the members and supporters and take heed.

By the way Ms Ally if you are indeed the “director of party organization” Mr Corbin should fire you with immediate effect because you are the biggest contributor to the PNCR’s ineffectiveness since there is no evidence of any proper organization in the PNCR.

Yours faithfully,

Shondell Browne


QUOTE: "First Hamilton Green’s prior record of “incompetence and corruption” in various ministries and as PM in the PNC Government needs no embellishment from the PPP/C."



Hamilton Green had a reputation for getting things done when he was a minister. How he did it is another matter.



Eusi Kwayana petitioned the Ombudsman in the early 1970s to investigate Green with regard to materials belonging to the Ministry of Works being used on Green's property.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: "First Hamilton Green’s prior record of “incompetence and corruption” in various ministries and as PM in the PNC Government needs no embellishment from the PPP/C."



Hamilton Green had a reputation for getting things done when he was a minister. How he did it is another matter.



Eusi Kwayana petitioned the Ombudsman in the early 1970s to investigate Green with regard to materials belonging to the Ministry of Works being used on Green's property.

Mr Gilbakka interesting histry there. And what happen to the investigation?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: "First Hamilton Green’s prior record of “incompetence and corruption” in various ministries and as PM in the PNC Government needs no embellishment from the PPP/C."



Hamilton Green had a reputation for getting things done when he was a minister. How he did it is another matter.



Eusi Kwayana petitioned the Ombudsman in the early 1970s to investigate Green with regard to materials belonging to the Ministry of Works being used on Green's property.

Mr Gilbakka interesting histry there. And what happen to the investigation?

"According to City Mayor, Hamilton Green, under the Burnham regime the Ombudsman operated without interference. Evidence of this was the Ombudsman’s investigation into complaints brought by Eusi Kwayana against two Government Ministers, Hamilton Green and David Singh.
During the investigations Green was exonerated and Singh was forced to resign." [KAIETEUR NEWS, Dec 13, 2011]

Originally Posted by KishanB:


The Donkey Cart Economist and his trusty sidekick, Flower Boy are it again. Having jumped from one (political) limb to another, the mercenaries finally ended up at the end of the line – APNU. You can’t sink lower than that, can you? Especially when the price of admission demands they recant every position they espoused while on other limbs.

Such as now nominating Desmond Hoyte for beatification after they’d denounced the Silver Fox for inciting ethnic riots in Georgetown. And for persuading the PPP/C never to trust the PNC, when he had two years cut from their term – after a supposed “Accord”.

Anyhow the soldiers of fortune are now bent in rehabilitating Hamilton Green. They claim the PPP/C used Hamilton Green to “further a race based narrative about incompetence and corruption”. Two problems with this outlandish assertion; First Hamilton Green’s prior record of “incompetence and corruption” in various ministries and as PM in the PNC Government needs no embellishment from the PPP/C.

Ravi I writing out of his rear in his usual pretentious prose. No one seeks to beatify Hoyte. One speaks to the changes for the better initiated during his regime the reality of which Ravi himself stated on many occasions.  No one has to be deemed sanctifying anyone if they speak to their better parts when it matters. It does not discount the harm they have done. Hoyte may have stolen the election and was a  instrumental to many a raucous street protest but the record will say the Guyanese society began to turn around with his policies. One can say he was forced to that position but the fact remains he was not burnham when he came to office.


Further, that one who attempt to craft a theory on our ethnic insecurity with his rather lengthy bilge called the Aetiology of ethnic violence, what the hell is he talking about with this call not to trust the PNC? Is he saying they are so bestial as not to recognize a need for compromise on any thing pertaining to our nation? The PNC represents one half of our society an unless he wants genocidal war one must account for them in inclusive ways under any idea of a democratic guyana


Originally Posted by KishanB:

In the mind of the villagers tk is a dullard.

KishanB, yuh old campaign buddy TK really rubbing you the wrong way crossing over.  You should join up remember, the PNC was good for you the last time around.


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