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Former Member

(INEWS)The Indian Arrival Committee of Guyana (IAC) says it has noted with grave concern “the recent utterances as attributed through a Facebook post by Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger and statements made by Mr. Hilton Sandy, People’s National Movement (PNM) candidate for Roxborough/Delaford in the Tobago House of Assembly, Trinidad and Tobago. Mr. Sandy’s comments were made at a recent public political meeting for the constituency mentioned.”

The IAC, the national Indian cultural organisation, says it finds it “extremely alarming that leading members of the Opposition in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago would not hesitate to make bold pronouncements that are insensitive, irresponsible and which demonstrate wanton disregard for people of Indian ancestry.

“Further, the IAC sees such reckless statements to be inciting as they can present opportunities for the seeds of disharmony to be sown and which can have dire consequences for all. Mr. Sandy has subsequently noted in a statement that he was “overwhelmed by the exuberant atmosphere and erred by referencing what has been perceived as a racial statement”. He has since apologised to all who are offended.


“While Mr. Sandy has issued an apology, the IAC demands that the political Opposition be more responsible in their discharge of their duties and must always be cognisant of the sensitivities within the populace and not be carried away when addressing a constituent comprising generally of one ethnic group. To say that the “exuberant atmosphere” led to such careless utterance is no excuse.”

According to the release: “The IAC would like to reiterate that these politicians be always conscious of the dangerous situations their actions can engineer and the harm that can befall a nation of diverse people. The IAC therefore demands, as Mr. Sandy did, that Mr. Granger issue an unconditional apology to all Guyanese, especially those of Indian ethnicity. The IAC has tremendous difficulty in trying to comprehend why someone like Mr. Granger, who aspires to lead this nation, would endeavour to make the comment attributed to him.”

The IAC says it would like to remind Mr. Granger that “in this modern era of technology, the use of social media, which has extensive reach, must be done responsibly. The IAC wishes to categorically state that it will not tolerate any form of Indian bashing and also will not tolerate politicians making statements which can pit one ethnic group against another.”

The IAC is calling on all organisations from civil society and the nation as a whole to forthrightly condemn Mr. Granger for his “irresponsible rant and demands an unequivocal and immediate apology.”

The IAC is also urgeing “all to ensure that the peace and harmony that exist amongst the peoples of Guyana, is not derailed by reckless statements such as the one alluded to.”

Inews tried getting a response from Mr. Granger but he could not be reached.  However, a PNC/APNU source said that Mr. Granger’s facebook’s page is “usually updated by a staff.”.  He could not confirm whether the offending text was cleared by Mr. Granger.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The IAC was formed by Robert Persaud on order by Jagdeo, CARICOM's most corrupt President (well barring the Haiti dictators where not yet members of CARICOM).  Where was the IAC when Minister Sawh was executed by the great "Indo" warrior Rajah? BTW...I am still waiting for the Facebook link. 

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Eh eh, well look story hey.


These Mudheads discover their coolie supporters. I never thought i'd live to see the day

This is a new low for the IAC. They can yap all they want of Indian victimization but as soon as someone point to the Proliferation of Indian drug lords and their crew as victimizing the society and by default their own they feel miffed. Ask these fools who are the drug lords and why are every village on the coast proliferating with junkies. Where there are junkies there is crime. If the junkies are Indians they are most likely to victimize Indians. It is a viscous cycle they cannot avoid.


Calling Granger a racist is denying a reality that is before their faces. I wonder who the Pirate and his gang in Berbice victimized and did he not out murder even Fine man? You folks need to get real and acknowledge Indian on Indian crime is definitely out pacing any from the African community. Sad but true, from the offices of the President to the junkie in the street, Indians are at the mercy of their own home grown crooks. I wonder who murdered the guard in the mandir yesterday? Did not a kidchopped up a 19 year old and her relative who offered him some charity in Manchester a few months back? What about the large portion of the murdered women in instances of  domestic violence from that community? I think the IAC Needs to wake up. Just handling the proliferation of Indian junkies in the Indian community is a handful.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

The IAC was formed by Robert Persaud on order by Jagdeo, CARICOM's most corrupt President (well barring the Haiti dictators where not yet members of CARICOM).  Where was the IAC when Minister Sawh was executed by the great "Indo" warrior Rajah? BTW...I am still waiting for the Facebook link. 

Tarron on your next visit to Guyana(that is if you aren't too busy crying foul after being subjected to a search by a female Immigration officer) perhaps you should provide the authorities with any evidence in your possession that may prove RK killed Sash Sawh.


Its funny that this statement by an AFC Executive member is quite similar to Granger's when he posited by Indos are being murdered, raped, terrorized, extorted, robbed and pirated by 'their own' in the form of other Indos. It is as though you guys have firsthand knowledge as to whom the perpetrators are of these incidents. Even the victims where unable to identify their attackers yet you and Granger know who the perpetrators are.  

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

The IAC was formed by Robert Persaud on order by Jagdeo, CARICOM's most corrupt President (well barring the Haiti dictators where not yet members of CARICOM).  Where was the IAC when Minister Sawh was executed by the great "Indo" warrior Rajah? BTW...I am still waiting for the Facebook link. 

Tarron on your next visit to Guyana(that is if you aren't too busy crying foul after being subjected to a search by a female Immigration officer) perhaps you should provide the authorities with any evidence in your possession that may prove RK killed Sash Sawh.


Its funny that this statement by an AFC Executive member is quite similar to Granger's when he posited by Indos are being murdered, raped, terrorized, extorted, robbed and pirated by 'their own' in the form of other Indos. It is as though you guys have firsthand knowledge as to whom the perpetrators are of these incidents. Even the victims where unable to identify their attackers yet you and Granger know who the perpetrators are.  

 The Crooked PPP are not injuing black people alone in their theft of state property and the enriching of their kith and kin. They are keeping Indians in the dump as well. The misuse of our funds to implant that white elephant at skeldon that still cannot function well and when it function needs 19 tons of sugar cane instead of the 11 used by the old one was a fraud on Indian people directly. The fact that they pay 11 dollars to cross a floating bridge when the nation paid 20 of the 45 million it cost to build is a rape of Indian people.


Note their NIS is backing the bridge and is in ruins as well/ Further the crook who took  CLICO to its doom( an Indian I might add) is getting  fat on the graft she skimms on the hard work of Berbicians. Tell berbicians they could not love to get the same kind of funding the Marriott gets ( our money again) for a bridge that had a walkway and built cheaper up stream that would not have served them better. I bet the people in New Amsterdam will vote PPP for the cruelty and injustice being done to them! Yes, Indian on Indian violence by the PPP, It is after all an Indian identified party.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

The IAC was formed by Robert Persaud on order by Jagdeo, CARICOM's most corrupt President (well barring the Haiti dictators where not yet members of CARICOM).  Where was the IAC when Minister Sawh was executed by the great "Indo" warrior Rajah? BTW...I am still waiting for the Facebook link. 

Tarron on your next visit to Guyana(that is if you aren't too busy crying foul after being subjected to a search by a female Immigration officer) perhaps you should provide the authorities with any evidence in your possession that may prove RK killed Sash Sawh.


Its funny that this statement by an AFC Executive member is quite similar to Granger's when he posited by Indos are being murdered, raped, terrorized, extorted, robbed and pirated by 'their own' in the form of other Indos. It is as though you guys have firsthand knowledge as to whom the perpetrators are of these incidents. Even the victims where unable to identify their attackers yet you and Granger know who the perpetrators are.  

Al YUh Put his Baxside in Jail for a Few Months next time he visits!!!

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

The IAC was formed by Robert Persaud on order by Jagdeo, CARICOM's most corrupt President (well barring the Haiti dictators where not yet members of CARICOM).  Where was the IAC when Minister Sawh was executed by the great "Indo" warrior Rajah? BTW...I am still waiting for the Facebook link. 

Tarron on your next visit to Guyana(that is if you aren't too busy crying foul after being subjected to a search by a female Immigration officer) perhaps you should provide the authorities with any evidence in your possession that may prove RK killed Sash Sawh.


Its funny that this statement by an AFC Executive member is quite similar to Granger's when he posited by Indos are being murdered, raped, terrorized, extorted, robbed and pirated by 'their own' in the form of other Indos. It is as though you guys have firsthand knowledge as to whom the perpetrators are of these incidents. Even the victims where unable to identify their attackers yet you and Granger know who the perpetrators are.  


Albert how are Elizabeth Daly and Kimberly doing? How about Oliver Sam? Now let's get to the issue at hand. The consensus or market view is the minister was killed by the great hero. I don't have any evidence more than what the man in the street has. Therefore, the onus is on the PPP to launch an official Inquiry and a credible one to clear its name. As of today the market believes you guys are a murderous lot. I will continue to go with what the market believes until you guys change my perceptions. Tell Liz we look forward to some of his lying and propaganda pieces. 

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Eh eh, well look story hey.


These Mudheads discover their coolie supporters. I never thought i'd live to see the day

Robert Persaud, the most incompetent Minister of Agriculture since Independence, formed IAC by using the State's money to counteract and kill the privately funded GIHA that was run by a fine lady. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 The Crooked PPP are not injuing black people alone in their theft of state property and the enriching of their kith and kin. They are keeping Indians in the dump as well.

Point to note though.  If a snap election is called these same Indians will troop to the polls and vote "ahbe pan tap, and collie man time now".  They are getting the govt that they deserve while they can alleviate their poverty through the pride that the bulk of the wealth and political power is in the hands of a tiny Indian elite.


Now compare this with 1973 when it was widely known that few people in Gtwn voted and the embarrassment of this led to Burnham to stuff the ballot boxes even in his biggest strongholds.  Were there fair elections in 1980 the WPA would have made major inroads into the PNC strongholds, definitely beating them on the ECD and Linden and even doing serious damage in Gtwn.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 The Crooked PPP are not injuing black people alone in their theft of state property and the enriching of their kith and kin. They are keeping Indians in the dump as well.

Point to note though.  If a snap election is called these same Indians will troop to the polls and vote "ahbe pan tap, and collie man time now".  They are getting the govt that they deserve while they can alleviate their poverty through the pride that the bulk of the wealth and political power is in the hands of a tiny Indian elite.


Now compare this with 1973 when it was widely known that few people in Gtwn voted and the embarrassment of this led to Burnham to stuff the ballot boxes even in his biggest strongholds.  Were there fair elections in 1980 the WPA would have made major inroads into the PNC strongholds, definitely beating them on the ECD and Linden and even doing serious damage in Gtwn.

Indians have a choice between an insensitive and partially incompetent PPP and a dastardly corrupt, oppressive and brutal PNC.  Last election is proof of the evil intent of the PNC, so Indians prefer o stay-put...for now.

Originally Posted by TK:
I don't have any evidence more than what the man in the street has. Therefore, the onus is on the PPP to launch an official Inquiry and a credible one to clear its name.

You AFC fellas are so pathetic. You concoct a scurrilous rumor Freddy Kissoon-style, spam it for all you are worth, and then you say that it is the responsibility of the injured party to prove that it is not so.
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

The IAC was formed by Robert Persaud on order by Jagdeo, CARICOM's most corrupt President (well barring the Haiti dictators where not yet members of CARICOM).  Where was the IAC when Minister Sawh was executed by the great "Indo" warrior Rajah? BTW...I am still waiting for the Facebook link. 

Tarron on your next visit to Guyana(that is if you aren't too busy crying foul after being subjected to a search by a female Immigration officer) perhaps you should provide the authorities with any evidence in your possession that may prove RK killed Sash Sawh.


Its funny that this statement by an AFC Executive member is quite similar to Granger's when he posited by Indos are being murdered, raped, terrorized, extorted, robbed and pirated by 'their own' in the form of other Indos. It is as though you guys have firsthand knowledge as to whom the perpetrators are of these incidents. Even the victims where unable to identify their attackers yet you and Granger know who the perpetrators are.  


Albert how are Elizabeth Daly and Kimberly doing? How about Oliver Sam? Now let's get to the issue at hand. The consensus or market view is the minister was killed by the great hero. I don't have any evidence more than what the man in the street has. Therefore, the onus is on the PPP to launch an official Inquiry and a credible one to clear its name. As of today the market believes you guys are a murderous lot. I will continue to go with what the market believes until you guys change my perceptions. Tell Liz we look forward to some of his lying and propaganda pieces. 

This is the only response you could have come up with You're such a funny fella. Once championing the cause of Indos whist a member of ROAR now you're quite comfortable with Granger's castigation of an entire ethnic grouping as criminals now that you two are bossom buddies 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
I don't have any evidence more than what the man in the street has. Therefore, the onus is on the PPP to launch an official Inquiry and a credible one to clear its name.

You AFC fellas are so pathetic. You concoct a scurrilous rumor Freddy Kissoon-style, spam it for all you are worth, and then you say that it is the responsibility of the injured party to prove that it is not so.

This type of behaviour was exhibited during the NCN corruption debates. All the talk of corruption yet they could not have pointed to a single instance of gov't corruption when they had 7 different occasions to do so on national television.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

The IAC was formed by Robert Persaud on order by Jagdeo, CARICOM's most corrupt President (well barring the Haiti dictators where not yet members of CARICOM).  Where was the IAC when Minister Sawh was executed by the great "Indo" warrior Rajah? BTW...I am still waiting for the Facebook link. 

Tarron on your next visit to Guyana(that is if you aren't too busy crying foul after being subjected to a search by a female Immigration officer) perhaps you should provide the authorities with any evidence in your possession that may prove RK killed Sash Sawh.


Its funny that this statement by an AFC Executive member is quite similar to Granger's when he posited by Indos are being murdered, raped, terrorized, extorted, robbed and pirated by 'their own' in the form of other Indos. It is as though you guys have firsthand knowledge as to whom the perpetrators are of these incidents. Even the victims where unable to identify their attackers yet you and Granger know who the perpetrators are.  


Albert how are Elizabeth Daly and Kimberly doing? How about Oliver Sam? Now let's get to the issue at hand. The consensus or market view is the minister was killed by the great hero. I don't have any evidence more than what the man in the street has. Therefore, the onus is on the PPP to launch an official Inquiry and a credible one to clear its name. As of today the market believes you guys are a murderous lot. I will continue to go with what the market believes until you guys change my perceptions. Tell Liz we look forward to some of his lying and propaganda pieces. 

This is the only response you could have come up with You're such a funny fella. Once championing the cause of Indos whist a member of ROAR now you're quite comfortable with Granger's castigation of an entire ethnic grouping as criminals now that you two are bossom buddies 

Albert we know why you guys don't want to do the people have much to hide...wish Liz a good day for me. 

Originally Posted by TK:

Albert we know why you guys don't want to do the people have much to hide...wish Liz a good day for me. 



This is the only response you could have come up with You're such a funny fella. Once championing the cause of Indos whist a member of ROAR now you're quite comfortable with Granger's castigation of an entire ethnic grouping as criminals now that you two are bossom buddies

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

Albert we know why you guys don't want to do the people have much to hide...wish Liz a good day for me. 



This is the only response you could have come up with You're such a funny fella. Once championing the cause of Indos whist a member of ROAR now you're quite comfortable with Granger's castigation of an entire ethnic grouping as criminals now that you two are bossom buddies


I don't know about Granger but I am going with the consensus or market view that RAJAH, PPP'S HERO, KILLED THE MINISTER. AFTER ALL HE PLACED A FULL PAGE AD IN THE PAPERS CLAIMING TO BE THE PPP'S HERO. In other words, you guys killed Indos - hence you don't want the independent Inquiry. Ask LIZ to get you Rajah's full page ad. 

Originally Posted by TK:

I don't know about Granger but I am going with the consensus or market view that RAJAH, PPP'S HERO, KILLED THE MINISTER. 

O rly? At which market did you purchase that one?

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

I don't know about Granger but I am going with the consensus or market view that RAJAH, PPP'S HERO, KILLED THE MINISTER. 

O rly? At which market did you purchase that one?

Go socialize with the people in Guyana they will tell you their perception.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

I don't know about Granger but I am going with the consensus or market view that RAJAH, PPP'S HERO, KILLED THE MINISTER. 

O rly? At which market did you purchase that one?

Go socialize with the people in Guyana they will tell you their perception.

I do, and I didn't get that particular perception. Maybe you should tell me which person I need to socialize with in order to get the correct perception. But somehow this does not strike me as the way murder investigations are normally carried out. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

I don't know about Granger but I am going with the consensus or market view that RAJAH, PPP'S HERO, KILLED THE MINISTER. 

O rly? At which market did you purchase that one?

Go socialize with the people in Guyana they will tell you their perception.

I do, and I didn't get that particular perception. Maybe you should tell me which person I need to socialize with in order to get the correct perception. But somehow this does not strike me as the way murder investigations are normally carried out. 

When you guys give us an Inquiry we shall believe. For now the signals are that only the PPP has something to hide. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Hey, I heard that you did it. Prove you didn't.

An inquiry by a private citizen can never substitute for one done by the STATE.

I demand a state inquiry into whether TK killed the minister. If I don't get one, I shall have to presume that he is guilty.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Hey, I heard that you did it. Prove you didn't.

An inquiry by a private citizen can never substitute for one done by the STATE.

I demand a state inquiry into whether TK killed the minister. If I don't get one, I shall have to presume that he is guilty.

Henny bai you know Rajah had a full page ad in the papers back in the days? 

Originally Posted by Henry:

Hey, show me where it is written that only the AFC may make grave accusations without a shred of evidence.

point me to the EQUIVALENT NONSENSE written by the AFC

Originally Posted by Henry:

Welcome to GNI. Take your time and browse the many threads we have here.

weak and uninspired . . . mek attempt don't count.


but i'll make it easy for u: just show me "where" in TK's letter . . . arrite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Henry:

Letter? You may be confusing this thread with another one. Check TK's first post in this thread.

i stand corrected; so, are you pointing me to TK's initial post as your 'example' . . .?


be brave

Originally Posted by Henry:

You may also consider this post by Joker, who is one of the most shameless.

i take your "also" as a YES.


now . . . since you need ME to point out to YOU that the circumstantial case underpinning TK's assertions re PPP/Roger Khan/Sash Sawh on this thread has been a matter of public record for more than 6 years, i am forced to conclude that u just enjoy being a KLOWN apprentice to drug_b.


and, ahmmm . . . when did Joker cease being Joker and become the "AFC" or its spokesperson, eh bai??


i suggest u put the spade down and chill . . . it will do wonders for your self esteem

Last edited by Former Member

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