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IAC to observe 7th anniversary of Lusignan massacre

January 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) will be holding an inter-faith service, an “Evening of Remembrance”, on Monday, January 26, next, in observance of the seventh anniversary of the Lusignan massacre.


The five children who were among the dead.

The five children who were among the dead.


Seven years ago, 11 Guyanese, comprising five children and six adults, were slaughtered during the massacre on the morning of January 26, 2008 by merciless gunmen armed with shotguns and AK-47s.

A press release from IAC stated that next Monday’s event, which will commence at 17:00 hrs (5:00 p.m.) at Tract “A” Lusignan (the place of the horrific crime), will be done in collaboration with the relatives of the slain victims, residents of Lusignan and the religious community.


The two men who were freed of the lusignan murders.

The two men who were freed of the lusignan murders.


Tributes will be paid by the IAC, relatives and representatives of the three major religions.

Over the years the IAC has worked with the relatives, residents of Lusignan and the religious community, in commemorating this event in an effort to ensure that the memories of those whose lives were snuffed out would not fade into oblivion.

Many were affected by the massacre after gunmen invaded the homes of five Lusignan families and murdered Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, four; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52.
Several of the children were found dead in their beds.

Two members of the Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins gang, Mark Royden Williams called ‘Smallie’ and James Anthony Hyles aka ‘sally’, who were charged for the murders, were set free by a jury.

This was despite the testimony of a former gang member who turned state witness. The Director of Public Prosecutions has appealed the High Court decision.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Will Roger Khan and his gang be invited?


Will Ramsammy finally admit he was involved in equipping these gangs? As. Mrs. Clinton stated you cannot have snakes in your backyard and expect they will only bite your neighbors.


The PPP of course have not learned anything from their involvement with criminals like Roger Khan and his operative Rondy....


Witness for US says he harboured Rondell Rawlins
By Stabroek staff | July 30, 2009 in Local News 

Selwyn Vaughn, a professed former member of confessed drug trafficker Roger Khan’s “Phantom gang” yesterday said that he had provided a safe house in Agricola for the infamous Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins.

Rondell Rawlins 

He made the statement in a Brooklyn, New York court yesterday, as he continued his testimony in the trial of Robert Simels, Khan’s former lawyer, who is being tried for witness tampering. Capitol News reported that the prosecution witness was on the stand for the second day.

According to the report, the jury heard a tape recording in which Vaughn contradicted an assertion that Simels made that a relative of former Army major David Clarke nursed Rawlins back to health. The witness who knew that Simels was in constant contact with Khan stated that Khan would be able to confirm that he (Vaughn) kept Rawlins in a safe house in Agricola during the period when local police were on the hunt for him and when Rawlins was injured. Rawlins was shot dead in a Joint Services operation last year.

Rawlins was in a house provided by me, Vaughn told the court, according to Capitol News.  He was not in Buxton and he (Vaughn) was the only one who had access to him in that house, “something that Roger (Khan) himself would be able to confirm“, the witness stated in sworn testimony, according to the report.  In telephone conversations played through his testimony, the former ‘Phantom Squad’ member continued to link government officials in Guyana with the Roger Khan case, in particular Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, the report stated.

Vaughn was the confidential source who helped the US government to implicate Simels and his associate Arienne Irving, who are jointly charged with plotting with Khan to threaten and bribe witnesses to prevent them from testifying in the case against Khan. In a transcript of recorded conversations with Simels, he had also previously named Ramsammy repeatedly. The Minister’s name was also on a list which included drug accused individuals, dead notorious criminals and present and past members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that was to be included in a questionnaire for prospective jurors for Khan’s trial.

In March, Khan agreed to a guilty plea on charges of cocaine trafficking and witness tampering.


Lusignan Massacre survivors say … “We don’t want no plea deal”

By Dale Andrews

March 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


Amidst the deep seated controversy surrounding the apparent amnesty granted to a member of the notorious Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins gang, two survivors of the Lusignan Massacre are insisting that the suspect who has turned state witness be charged for the murders.

Gowmattie Thomas who almost lost her entire family in the mayhem of January 26, 2008 is not in agreement with the powers that be which have allowed the suspect Dwane Williams to remain without charge, although he admitted to being a part of the gang that killed 11 persons that night.


Gowmattie Thomas

Gowmattie Thomas


Thomas, who lost her husband, Clarence; her daughter Vanessa and son Ron in the massacre, was in the courtroom when Williams testified that he stood watch on the road with a cutlass while his accomplices slaughtered their victims.

Her sentiments were echoed by her neighbour Bibi Zalika Baksh, who lost her husband Shalim Baksh.

Williams was the state’s star witness at the trial of two gang members James Anthony Hyles, known as ‘Sally’ and Mark Royden Williams, called ‘Smallie’, who were charged with the killing of the 11 persons at Tract A Lusignan Pasture, East Coast Demerara.

He was previously charged for the murders but the charges were withdrawn by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

At the time of the incident, Dwane Williams called ‘small friend’ was 15 years -old and was under the protection of the state at the Alberttown Police Station where he remains to this day, six years later.

“When he gave the statement the day I was there (in the High Court)…he said he and ‘Fineman’ had a good relationship,” Mrs. Thomas told this newspaper yesterday.

She said that during Williams’ testimony, she sat in the courtroom and wondered, “How could he be with ‘Fineman’ and he wasn’t charged for the killings?”

Williams testified that he was on the road on the night of January 26, six years ago, when Mark Royden Williams and James Anthony Hyles who were among several gunmen, went into one the houses and committed the acts.

After a reasonably lengthy trial, the jury found both of the accused not guilty of the crimes. The DPP has appealed the court’s decision.
Mrs. Thomas lamented the fact that despite Williams’ testimony, the two persons on trial were freed.

“We are the losers in this, because I am innocent of anything and just so people come and kill you and you don’t get justice,” she said.

“You know when that trial finished that afternoon I cried, I jump and I cried and I said, ‘God, there is no justice for us’. But I say, ‘God, one day you will give us justice’,” she added.


Nigel Hughes

Nigel Hughes


Two other sons of Thomas, Roberto and Howard survived life threatening injuries, while she herself had to hide to save her life during the ordeal.

Defence Attorney Nigel Hughes had spoken out against the withdrawal of the charges against Williams.

In a missive he wrote, “the people of Lusignan and Guyana appear not to have been made aware that the person who admitted and confessed to being with Fineman and participating in the Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres, Mr. Dwane Williams, was not and will not be prosecuted by the State for any of these 33 murders he participated in. He has been granted a free pass by the State for killing not only the people of Lusignan but those in Bartica and Lindo Creek.”

According to Hughes, the following “chilling words” were made under oath during his testimony in the Lusignan trial: “Me and fine man were tight. I was with him in Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek. Lusignan 11 people were killed, Bartica 12 people were killed and Lindo Creek 10 people were killed. 33 people were killed when i was with fine man and i am not facing a single charge.”

The attorney said that those words were recorded by the trial Judge Mr. Justice Navindra Singh and are contained in the appeal record, a public document at pages 256 to 257.

“Perhaps the people of Lusignan may wish to inquire of the Attorney General and the DPP, why the State, which is responsible for protecting and serving them, would let a self confessed murderer of 33 citizens go free without a single charge. No other person in the history of this country has enjoyed such a pardon,” Hughes stated.

But in response, the DPP Shalimar Ali-Hack debunked Hughes’ comments, pointing out that they were made without any attempt to obtain her position on the matter.

She slammed the accusation that her office is looking at a plea-bargain deal with a man, who admitted to participating in the Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres.

According to Mrs. Ali-Hack, at no time did the DPP make any plea bargain deal with the witness Dwane Williams.


Shalimar Ali Hack

Shalimar Ali Hack


“Based on the facts from the investigations, Dwane Williams was an accomplice. It is an old common law practice to allow an accomplice to an offence to testify for the prosecution. It has always been done in the criminal law practice, and continues to be done. It is a lawful practice with which all criminal law practitioners are quite familiar,” the DPP stated.

But Mrs. Gowmattie Thomas is maintaining that Dwane Williams should be charged since he placed himself at the scene while the two freed accused insisted that they were not involved.

And although it’s been six years since the incident and the trauma of reliving the ordeal every year when the anniversary comes around, she would still be prepared to go through another trial if Williams is placed before the court.

“I lost my family…I nearly lost all…thank God that my son Roberto was saved and me too…I think that justice can still be served if they charge him…he knows everybody who was there. I don’t want no plea deal,” she insisted.

“Nobody didn’t ask how we feel when they drop the charges against him. I read it in the papers and I say he should be charged. Why dey freeing him? Mrs. Thomas asked.

Bibi Baksh asked, “If he was there with all of them, you mean to tell me he didn’t do nothing?”

“That is what people want to know why dem nah charge he. Ah we nah get justice…because is everybody can kill and get off in Guyana,” she said.

Kaieteur News understands that Williams is still a prisoner facing several other charges including those related to the Bartica massacre.

A senior police source said that although he is no longer a juvenile, he is being kept in police protective custody because “he is giving evidence against high profile suspects and we cannot risk putting him in prison among them.”

The officer disclosed that no one, not even family members are allowed access to Williams.

“He is scared as hell to be let out there. He is safer in police custody. At one time ‘Fineman’ had tried to overrun the station to get to him,” the officer said.

On the morning of Saturday, 26 January 2008, gunmen stormed into the small village of Lusignan, Guyana, and murdered 11 people; five children and six adults.

The gunmen who were armed with shotguns and AK-47s entered Lusignan around 2:00 am and invaded the homes of five Lusignan families. Within 20 minutes,11 people were murdered. The victims were: Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, 4; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52.

Several of the murdered children were found dead while still in their beds. Survivors of the attack were Arjune Bhim, 11, Roberto Thomas and Howard Thomas.


"In a transcript of recorded conversations with Simels, he had also previously named Ramsammy repeatedly. The Minister’s name was also on a list which included drug accused individuals, dead notorious criminals and present and past members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that was to be included in a questionnaire for prospective jurors for Khan’s trial."



The IAC should hold Jagdeo and the PPP accountable for these killings, they put those hits out. What a bunch of sleaazy bastards and these are the guys some of you people here are backing.


WHAT A SHAME. A pox on yall.








Originally Posted by cain:

"In a transcript of recorded conversations with Simels, he had also previously named Ramsammy repeatedly. The Minister’s name was also on a list which included drug accused individuals, dead notorious criminals and present and past members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that was to be included in a questionnaire for prospective jurors for Khan’s trial."



The IAC should hold Jagdeo and the PPP accountable for these killings, they put those hits out. What a bunch of sleaazy bastards and these are the guys some of you people here are backing.


WHAT A SHAME. A pox on yall.

Your hero Nigel Hughes tampered with the jury foreman. He should be hanged for the crime. 

Originally Posted by cain:

"In a transcript of recorded conversations with Simels, he had also previously named Ramsammy repeatedly. The Minister’s name was also on a list which included drug accused individuals, dead notorious criminals and present and past members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that was to be included in a questionnaire for prospective jurors for Khan’s trial."



The IAC should hold Jagdeo and the PPP accountable for these killings, they put those hits out. What a bunch of sleaazy bastards and these are the guys some of you people here are backing.


WHAT A SHAME. A pox on yall.

I fully concur, the PPP must be held accountable for these crimes they have to stop embracing criminals. The PPP's embrace of these criminals and their continued embrace of the house of israel rapists and murderers is repugnant.


Focus focus.........


Rawlins was in a house provided by me, Vaughn told the court, according to Capitol News.  He was not in Buxton and he (Vaughn) was the only one who had access to him in that house, “something that Roger (Khan) himself would be able to confirm“, the witness stated in sworn testimony, according to the report.  In telephone conversations played through his testimony, the former ‘Phantom Squad’ member continued to link government officials in Guyana with the Roger Khan case, in particular Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, the report stated.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by cain:

"In a transcript of recorded conversations with Simels, he had also previously named Ramsammy repeatedly. The Minister’s name was also on a list which included drug accused individuals, dead notorious criminals and present and past members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that was to be included in a questionnaire for prospective jurors for Khan’s trial."



The IAC should hold Jagdeo and the PPP accountable for these killings, they put those hits out. What a bunch of sleaazy bastards and these are the guys some of you people here are backing.


WHAT A SHAME. A pox on yall.

I fully concur, the PPP must be held accountable for these crimes they have to stop embracing criminals. The PPP's embrace of these criminals and their continued embrace of the house of israel rapists and murderers is repugnant.

Like you tun emperah.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by cain:

"In a transcript of recorded conversations with Simels, he had also previously named Ramsammy repeatedly. The Minister’s name was also on a list which included drug accused individuals, dead notorious criminals and present and past members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that was to be included in a questionnaire for prospective jurors for Khan’s trial."



The IAC should hold Jagdeo and the PPP accountable for these killings, they put those hits out. What a bunch of sleaazy bastards and these are the guys some of you people here are backing.


WHAT A SHAME. A pox on yall.

I fully concur, the PPP must be held accountable for these crimes they have to stop embracing criminals. The PPP's embrace of these criminals and their continued embrace of the house of israel rapists and murderers is repugnant.

Like you tun emperah.

Get your thiefman government to hold an inquiry into their involvement murderers who have slaughtered children in Lusignan and around the country.


The PPP scum bags are responsible for the Lusignan murders and their attempts to deflect and point at other people is shameless, The PPP have to stop being cowards.


STOP BEING COWARDS RAMOTAR and JAGDEO. OWN up to the fact you killed Sat and these people in lusignan, the evidence is there. You have blood on your hands.


Look at these shameless ****ers, they are responsible for the lusignan murders, their hatchet man Roger Khan's accomplice was involved here. Fineman was well known to Ramsammy and crew yet watch how these low breed ***** holes are exploiting the victims for their own political nastiness.


PPP are shameless ***** holes, Coolie people need to wake up and recognize who these ****ers really are.



"Fineman was well known to Ramsammy and crew yet watch how these low breed ***** holes are exploiting the victims for their own political nastiness."




These guys are trying hard to say the perps were black so they not from the PPP, hehehehe.


Originally Posted by cain:

"Fineman was well known to Ramsammy and crew yet watch how these low breed ***** holes are exploiting the victims for their own political nastiness."




These guys are trying hard to say the perps were black so they not from the PPP, hehehehe.


The problem they will have is that their relationship with fineman and roger khan will get more visibility now through social media and that will **** dem royally.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Dem PPP bais hore our Rodney name now dem hore out de name of these innocent peopkle kill by Roger gang that include fine man. 


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Dem PPP bais hore our Rodney name now dem hore out de name of these innocent peopkle kill by Roger gang that include fine man. 


That's your speed whoreman, no one else wants that handle.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

IAC to observe 7th anniversary of Lusignan massacre

January 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) will be holding an inter-faith service, an “Evening of Remembrance”, on Monday, January 26, next, in observance of the seventh anniversary of the Lusignan massacre.


The five children who were among the dead.

The five children who were among the dead.


Seven years ago, 11 Guyanese, comprising five children and six adults, were slaughtered during the massacre on the morning of January 26, 2008 by merciless gunmen armed with shotguns and AK-47s.

A press release from IAC stated that next Monday’s event, which will commence at 17:00 hrs (5:00 p.m.) at Tract “A” Lusignan (the place of the horrific crime), will be done in collaboration with the relatives of the slain victims, residents of Lusignan and the religious community.


The two men who were freed of the lusignan murders.

The two men who were freed of the lusignan murders.


Tributes will be paid by the IAC, relatives and representatives of the three major religions.

Over the years the IAC has worked with the relatives, residents of Lusignan and the religious community, in commemorating this event in an effort to ensure that the memories of those whose lives were snuffed out would not fade into oblivion.

Many were affected by the massacre after gunmen invaded the homes of five Lusignan families and murdered Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, four; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52.
Several of the children were found dead in their beds.

Two members of the Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins gang, Mark Royden Williams called ‘Smallie’ and James Anthony Hyles aka ‘sally’, who were charged for the murders, were set free by a jury.

This was despite the testimony of a former gang member who turned state witness. The Director of Public Prosecutions has appealed the High Court decision.

Who kill am got to remember am!


Fine man was a PPP agent.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

IAC to observe 7th anniversary of Lusignan massacre

January 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) will be holding an inter-faith service, an “Evening of Remembrance”, on Monday, January 26, next, in observance of the seventh anniversary of the Lusignan massacre.


The five children who were among the dead.

The five children who were among the dead.


Seven years ago, 11 Guyanese, comprising five children and six adults, were slaughtered during the massacre on the morning of January 26, 2008 by merciless gunmen armed with shotguns and AK-47s.

A press release from IAC stated that next Monday’s event, which will commence at 17:00 hrs (5:00 p.m.) at Tract “A” Lusignan (the place of the horrific crime), will be done in collaboration with the relatives of the slain victims, residents of Lusignan and the religious community.


The two men who were freed of the lusignan murders.

The two men who were freed of the lusignan murders.


Tributes will be paid by the IAC, relatives and representatives of the three major religions.

Over the years the IAC has worked with the relatives, residents of Lusignan and the religious community, in commemorating this event in an effort to ensure that the memories of those whose lives were snuffed out would not fade into oblivion.

Many were affected by the massacre after gunmen invaded the homes of five Lusignan families and murdered Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, four; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52.
Several of the children were found dead in their beds.

Two members of the Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins gang, Mark Royden Williams called ‘Smallie’ and James Anthony Hyles aka ‘sally’, who were charged for the murders, were set free by a jury.

This was despite the testimony of a former gang member who turned state witness. The Director of Public Prosecutions has appealed the High Court decision.

Who kill am got to remember am!


Fine man was a PPP agent.

Fine man was on a first name basis with FAT GUTS Gajraj.


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