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In a disgraceful act of racial significance the  Indian Arrival Committee of Guyana (IAC) launched an unwarranted attack on opposing political and ethnic groups who are not affiliated to the PPP. In an obvious sign where its true loyalty lies the IAC exposed itself as a mouth piece of the PPP, instead of sticking to its claimed aims. Several IAC members, who have acquired questionable wealth during the Jagdeo's years of corruption and political murders, were keen to let their voices heard.

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Originally Posted by Mr.T:

In a disgraceful act of racial significance the  Indian Arrival Committee of Guyana (IAC) launched an unwarranted attack on opposing political and ethnic groups who are not affiliated to the PPP. In an obvious sign where its true loyalty lies the IAC exposed itself as a mouth piece of the PPP, instead of sticking to its claimed aims. Several IAC members, who have acquired questionable wealth during the Jagdeo's years of corruption and political murders, were keen to let their voices heard.

Reports are that the IAC is debating about whether Guyana should be renamed Bihar Guyana or New Indesh (the latter a federation with the similarly Indo ruled Trinidad). 


Neither Donald Ramotar nor Kamla  think that non Indians should be in leadership ppositions, except for an isolated token or two.  Kamla has recently decided to dismiss most of her non Indians in leadership positions in her haste to ensure a PNM victory.


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