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Basebleach orange hero said this and I need someone explain..nahhhh... doan bother, it too stupid to waste a thought. 

 On Thur (yesterday) during an Oval meeting with the New Jersey Governor he said of the economy bouncing back soon "I feel it, I think sometimes what I feel is better than what I think, unfortunately or fortunately"

Like WOW man, that's so frikin deep he must have dug it out of his backhatch.

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@seignet posted:

Tell me, ayuh two gat money like The Man. 

If alyuh two had made such comments as Trump who would bother wid alyuh. BUT THE MAN commands an AUDIENCE. And guess what you two are part of HIS show, juss like Don Lemon and Coumo. Suh who is who, which wan ayuh is Don Lemon. 

Not sure why Cuomo is being held up as this great hero. 

NY was the beach head for the Covid invasion of the US.  However, it was the Governor of California who first took drastic actions to contain.  He said had Cuomo did the same the infections would likely be 80% less.  So there is enough blame to go around. 

@Bibi, another Guyanese died last night and I believe we both know the family.  He FaceTime yesterday with his family but died overnight due to a blood cloth. 

@Prashad posted:

Cain when China dump their products in America it is the poor African Americans and Latinos that have to pay. The democratic Presidents did nothing to stop the massive Chinese predatory subsidized dumping. Only Trump stood up to these Chinese so he will be elected easily.

BULLSHIT! trump and his daughter make their cheap shit in China's factories he ain't doin a dam thing but hurt Americans with the crap he is coming up with,. all Americans will be the ones out of pocket when all said and done.

Who stood at the podium and said how much he looked up to Chinaman with fkd up haircut?

Who wanted a parade showing off America's might because he was so taken with the way the Chinaman with fkd up haircut did so?

Who constantly stood at the podium telling the people how Chinaman with fkd up haircut is "strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading a counterattack on the Corona virus...great discipline is taking place in China?"

 Look yeh you lucky I not pissed off.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Basebleach orange hero said this and I need someone explain..nahhhh... doan bother, it too stupid to waste a thought. 

 On Thur (yesterday) during an Oval meeting with the New Jersey Governor he said of the economy bouncing back soon "I feel it, I think sometimes what I feel is better than what I think, unfortunately or fortunately"

Like WOW man, that's so frikin deep he must have dug it out of his backhatch.

The USA has enough tax payers to sustain the country and they will bounce back.  They always do.   This is not political. It is a fact.


Yeah Cain; one of the numerous articles about Dumbo_Strumpovski

One of Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus

(CNN)A member of the US Navy who serves as one of President Donald Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus, CNN learned Thursday, raising concerns about the President's possible exposure to the virus.

The valets are members of an elite military unit dedicated to the White House and often work very close to the President and first family. Trump was upset when he was informed Wednesday that the valet had tested positive, a source told CNN, and the President was subsequently tested again by the White House physician.
In a statement, the White House confirmed CNN's reporting that one of the President's staffers had tested positive.

Source & rest of article --


It would be a nice gesture if Donald Dumbthy were to hang with those infected wearing no protection as he usually does and come down with it, maybe he can try the various methods he's been peddling, as he said,  "try it, what the heck, maybe it will work, maybe it won't"  The bleach might discolour his orange glow though.

@seignet posted:

Tell me, ayuh two gat money like The Man. 

If alyuh two had made such comments as Trump who would bother wid alyuh. BUT THE MAN commands an AUDIENCE. And guess what you two are part of HIS show, juss like Don Lemon and Coumo. Suh who is who, which wan ayuh is Don Lemon. 

Seig don't worry about finances. Those two can always enter the medical marijuana business.

@cain posted:

You lil late here. Apr18-19 a whack job shot and killed 22 people. He's now in Whack Job heaven.

Cain I heard that the killer stole one of his guns from an unmarked RCMP police car and that the cop never reported the weapon missing. That is why the cops are silent on the origins of that particular gun. I don't know how true it is but that is the talk in the media.


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