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to break the support of the PPP how can a less eloquent guy like Ramjattan or Moses succeed??
The Guyanese people is still facing the Monster. They have not gone away. They are waiting and watching to exploit any loophole to get back into office. The AFC is playing a dangerous game with the future of this country. However, the people have to power to stop them at the polls. Stopping them means prevent the fox from getting in the coop.

My people, please think carefully about the garb. been peddled on this forum. It's simply trash.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Paul Tenessee and ROAR Ravi Dev failed for several reasons they were niche parties, DEV was playing more on indian votes only.

The AFC is a very different entity they are pulling votes from all ethnicities. Amerindians, Indians, Black Votes you name it.

The leader of the AFC in Toronto is chinese he speaks in Mandarin when he goes to the chinese association who you think they are gonna vote for? Jagdeo and Ramater?

No they will vote for Cho Kee. The PPP has never , never faced this kind of a threat before and the AFC is a force to be reckoned with why do you think both the PPP and the PNC are teaming up to attack the AFC?

Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This is claim that all the parties make. The reality is that the AFC got over 95% of its votes from disgruntled Afro-Guyanese who traditinally voted for the PNC>

And this is what Trotman recognized and refused to adhere to the leadership rotation principle. Ramjattan only brought the AFC a few votes in 2006 and now he has taken them on an excursion in Berbice neglecting those PNC votes in Georgetown in the process.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This is claim that all the parties make. The reality is that the AFC got over 95% of its votes from disgruntled Afro-Guyanese who traditinally voted for the PNC>

And this is what Trotman recognized and refused to adhere to the leadership rotation principle. Ramjattan only brought the AFC a few votes in 2006 and now he has taken them on an excursion in Berbice neglecting those PNC votes in Georgetown in the process.
the people in GT already know about the ppp dirty ways.the ppp went and fool the berbicans,so the AFC have to englighten them and they doing a great job.ramotar buying extra pampers
Not all brilliant minds make good politicians, and not all good politicians are brilliant.

Moses Nagamootoo has a politician's touch and he is brilliant, articulate with a political sense of decency. It all may not amount to a hill of beans though unless the APNU disintegrates rapidly and the AFC is the beneficiary of their voters (and they turn out) and the brilliant PPP machinery cannot compensate for the immense negatives in the last 5 years (security, the Roger Khan episode, the Wiklileaks, not transforming people's lot outside of suburban East Coast and East Bank. This is because entrenched habits are hard to disengage from in an ethnically divided electorate (one of the current iteration of the PPP's trump card)

Right now the money is on a slim PPP victory to a PPP with the most votes but under 50%
Originally posted by Kari:
Not all brilliant minds make good politicians, and not all good politicians are brilliant.

Moses Nagamootoo has a politician's touch and he is brilliant, articulate with a political sense of decency. It all may not amount to a hill of beans though unless the APNU disintegrates rapidly and the AFC is the beneficiary of their voters (and they turn out) and the brilliant PPP machinery cannot compensate for the immense negatives in the last 5 years (security, the Roger Khan episode, the Wiklileaks, not transforming people's lot outside of suburban East Coast and East Bank. This is because entrenched habits are hard to disengage from in an ethnically divided electorate (one of the current iteration of the PPP's trump card)

Right now the money is on a slim PPP victory to a PPP with the most votes but under 50%
you are about to see the death of a party,the ppp will die after this election.the guyanese people will bury them and i have the shovel.remember one thing good always over come evil.
Originally posted by Kari:
Not all brilliant minds make good politicians, and not all good politicians are brilliant.

Moses Nagamootoo has a politician's touch and he is brilliant, articulate with a political sense of decency. It all may not amount to a hill of beans though unless the APNU disintegrates rapidly and the AFC is the beneficiary of their voters (and they turn out) and the brilliant PPP machinery cannot compensate for the immense negatives in the last 5 years (security, the Roger Khan episode, the Wiklileaks, not transforming people's lot outside of suburban East Coast and East Bank. This is because entrenched habits are hard to disengage from in an ethnically divided electorate (one of the current iteration of the PPP's trump card)

Right now the money is on a slim PPP victory to a PPP with the most votes but under 50%

The PPP is going down, wait until people realize that they have embraced the House of Israel and coffin man Bynoe who used to parade around town calling Janet Jagan a nasty white Jew. The PPP is going down.
With all due respect, which brillant Polotican will change to a Party a month before Election that has NO CHANCE of winning more than 2 SEATS????? Something is very wrong here. Can Ahger and Frustration cause a brillant man to suddenly become a loser. I feel for the nrother but cant help to call it as I see. This is a surprising and shoking move because it simply makes NO SENSE.
Originally posted by Kari:
Not all brilliant minds make good politicians, and not all good politicians are brilliant.

Moses Nagamootoo has a politician's touch and he is brilliant, articulate with a political sense of decency. It all may not amount to a hill of beans though unless the APNU disintegrates rapidly and the AFC is the beneficiary of their voters (and they turn out) and the brilliant PPP machinery cannot compensate for the immense negatives in the last 5 years (security, the Roger Khan episode, the Wiklileaks, not transforming people's lot outside of suburban East Coast and East Bank. This is because entrenched habits are hard to disengage from in an ethnically divided electorate (one of the current iteration of the PPP's trump card)

Right now the money is on a slim PPP victory to a PPP with the most votes but under 50%
Originally posted by Nehru:
With all due respect, which brillant Polotican will change to a Party a month before Election that has NO CHANCE of winning more than 2 SEATS????? Something is very wrong here. Can Ahger and Frustration cause a brillant man to suddenly become a loser. I feel for the nrother but cant help to call it as I see. This is a surprising and shoking move because it simply makes NO SENSE.
Originally posted by Kari:
Not all brilliant minds make good politicians, and not all good politicians are brilliant.

Moses Nagamootoo has a politician's touch and he is brilliant, articulate with a political sense of decency. It all may not amount to a hill of beans though unless the APNU disintegrates rapidly and the AFC is the beneficiary of their voters (and they turn out) and the brilliant PPP machinery cannot compensate for the immense negatives in the last 5 years (security, the Roger Khan episode, the Wiklileaks, not transforming people's lot outside of suburban East Coast and East Bank. This is because entrenched habits are hard to disengage from in an ethnically divided electorate (one of the current iteration of the PPP's trump card)

Right now the money is on a slim PPP victory to a PPP with the most votes but under 50%

Nehru Bhaiya:

Dear Editor,

In preparing my speech for Houston, I decided to review the PPP 2006 and 2011 manifestos and compare them with the AFC 2011 Action Plan. What I found was glaring incompetence and non-delivery by the Robb Street group.

In the 2006 manifesto they promised they would be “facilitating a US$300 million investment in hydroelectricity” (page 13) in the term between 2006 and 2011. Now in the 2011 manifesto this same group of perpetual promisers regurgitates that they have planned “investments in hydropower to reduce our dependence of fossil fuels.” This time, however, Amaila Falls Hydro Inc reports that the project is estimated at US$835 million.

Can you imagine this Ramotar/Jagdeo group failed to deliver on a promise to the people they made in 2006 and now in 2011, they are promising the same snake oil, only with a new flavour – $835 million of the people’s money is being demanded?

This is called duck-o-nomics.

Yours faithfully,
Sasenarine Singh
Banna, Is DUNCE Al YUh DUNCE suh. The PPP in 2006 said they will commit 300 Million and they ARE. Dont get CONFUSE with the FINAL cost of Amelia Falls with the committment to provide the 300 Million. I know it is hard for Kaaanta Economist to understand these things but I am here to explain should you have further trouble.
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by Nehru:
With all due respect, which brillant Polotican will change to a Party a month before Election that has NO CHANCE of winning more than 2 SEATS????? Something is very wrong here. Can Ahger and Frustration cause a brillant man to suddenly become a loser. I feel for the nrother but cant help to call it as I see. This is a surprising and shoking move because it simply makes NO SENSE.
Originally posted by Kari:
Not all brilliant minds make good politicians, and not all good politicians are brilliant.

Moses Nagamootoo has a politician's touch and he is brilliant, articulate with a political sense of decency. It all may not amount to a hill of beans though unless the APNU disintegrates rapidly and the AFC is the beneficiary of their voters (and they turn out) and the brilliant PPP machinery cannot compensate for the immense negatives in the last 5 years (security, the Roger Khan episode, the Wiklileaks, not transforming people's lot outside of suburban East Coast and East Bank. This is because entrenched habits are hard to disengage from in an ethnically divided electorate (one of the current iteration of the PPP's trump card)

Right now the money is on a slim PPP victory to a PPP with the most votes but under 50%

Nehru Bhaiya:

Dear Editor,

In preparing my speech for Houston, I decided to review the PPP 2006 and 2011 manifestos and compare them with the AFC 2011 Action Plan. What I found was glaring incompetence and non-delivery by the Robb Street group.

In the 2006 manifesto they promised they would be “facilitating a US$300 million investment in hydroelectricity” (page 13) in the term between 2006 and 2011. Now in the 2011 manifesto this same group of perpetual promisers regurgitates that they have planned “investments in hydropower to reduce our dependence of fossil fuels.” This time, however, Amaila Falls Hydro Inc reports that the project is estimated at US$835 million.

Can you imagine this Ramotar/Jagdeo group failed to deliver on a promise to the people they made in 2006 and now in 2011, they are promising the same snake oil, only with a new flavour – $835 million of the people’s money is being demanded?

This is called duck-o-nomics.

Yours faithfully,
Sasenarine Singh
The man is my uncle and as many people know I would have voted for him if that is the case I was still a strong PPP supporter until it became very clear that he was no longer going to be staying with the PPP.

We had inklings of this but i wasnt sure. Once we knew for sure he was not going to stay with the PPP caribj can attest to this I switched to vote AFC.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
If Moses was chosen as the candidate to represent the PPP/Civic at the Nov. 28 poll would you anti-gov't critics have the same great things to say about him??

An honest answer to this question will answer another great question about how we support political candidates. Forget about those non-sense about ethnic loyalties.

How about if Moses stayed with the PPP, would the PPP backers have anything bad to say about him? No they wouldn't have, he'd be seen as a great man.
The guy moves on with his life then suddenly all the wood ants come out and start carry on like big bad women in a long yard row.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
If Moses was chosen as the candidate to represent the PPP/Civic at the Nov. 28 poll would you anti-gov't critics have the same great things to say about him??

An honest answer to this question will answer another great question about how we support political candidates. Forget about those non-sense about ethnic loyalties.

Nobody can ever question someone with impeccable integrity no matter what party they represent. Unfortunately the PPP don't want anyone with credibility, they want sleazeballs like Kwame McCoy and other party's rejects!

You are using your little bit of QC education to dodge important questions concerning how we view our politicians and why we do so. This is politics at its lowest when see the AFC and the PNC trying to make Moses look he is by name and nature a savior like the Biblical one. Moses is a frustrated and bitter politician. Moses departed from the party because he did not get the leadership and not all those absurd charges is making. When speaks it sounds like he is reading off of manuscript written by Freddie Kissoon, a man he once slapped.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy, I'd be interested in a dialog with objectivity and bereft of conclusions based on faith.

For instance, when you say that "Moses is a frustrated and bitter politician", that's an opinion. Now this would move into the realm of accepted paradigm if some scientific polling was done on whether Moses is a bitter and frustrated politician and a majority of those polled said "yes".

You also said that "Moses departed from the party because he did not get the leadership". Again this is contradictory to the reasons the man himself gave; and further the responses we've heard so far from Jagdeo, Ramoutar and Joey Jagan as to the reasons he's leaving, did not say that this is the only reason. They list others and even on this score of not being "given" this leadership crown, Moses has publicly stated that all sorts of reasons that the three aforementioned politicians did not address. That implicitly tell an independent observer that they have no answer to the charges Moses leveled against the leadership of the PPP as his reasons for leaving.

So Billy, I'm not dodging the important questions you so define, but merely state that Moses' reason for leaving was validated by your question - Moses would only stay if a leader was "elected" and not "chosen". Now billy this is a non-partisan logic that surely even you cannot find fault with. Samjeh?
For instance, when you say that "Moses is a frustrated and bitter politician", that's an opinion. Now this would move into the realm of accepted paradigm if some scientific polling was done on whether Moses is a bitter and frustrated politician and a majority of those polled said "yes".

What is objective about you wrote above??

It is crystal clear to see Moses is bitter and frustrated over the leadership issue. Why would he act irrationally, make charges unstantiated days after complimenting the same PPP, and weeping on Mark Benshop show??? Do you we have to come with some scientific method to determine whether it is factual or not he is bitter and frustrated??? Are you losing your mind. An iota of commonsense will do the job.

Always remember, nothing replaces commonsense.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
For instance, when you say that "Moses is a frustrated and bitter politician", that's an opinion. Now this would move into the realm of accepted paradigm if some scientific polling was done on whether Moses is a bitter and frustrated politician and a majority of those polled said "yes".

What is objective about you wrote above??

It is crystal clear to see Moses is bitter and frustrated over the leadership issue. Why would he act irrationally, make charges unstantiated days after complimenting the same PPP, and weeping on Mark Benshop show??? Do you we have to come with some scientific method to determine whether it is factual or not he is bitter and frustrated??? Are you losing your mind. An iota of commonsense will do the job.

Always remember, nothing replaces commonsense.

Moses is not bitter. He is doing his country a great service by taking on CARICOM's most corrupt government.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
For instance, when you say that "Moses is a frustrated and bitter politician", that's an opinion. Now this would move into the realm of accepted paradigm if some scientific polling was done on whether Moses is a bitter and frustrated politician and a majority of those polled said "yes".

What is objective about you wrote above??

It is crystal clear to see Moses is bitter and frustrated over the leadership issue. Why would he act irrationally, make charges unstantiated days after complimenting the same PPP, and weeping on Mark Benshop show??? Do you we have to come with some scientific method to determine whether it is factual or not he is bitter and frustrated??? Are you losing your mind. An iota of commonsense will do the job.

Always remember, nothing replaces commonsense.


Lemme say this. Firstly, I'm a rational, sane person. Secondly, I do not believe Moses is a bitter and frustrated person. Thirdly, Moses has stated valid reasons for his leaving and his timing; to wit, the various scams reported in the media; the treatment of sugar workers, and I can go on ad nauseum.

So Billy, telling me about opinions that are crystal clear would not begin to scratch my intellectual surface. Try again. Samjeh!
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
TK Bhai, you are such a heretic. I feel sorry that you have gotten nowhere politically over years bouncing from group to group expounding contradictory ideas. You are braying and straying to point where oblivion will suck you in and never be heard from again.

Good Luck Champ. Big Grin

I have a fantastic career as a college professor. I travel all over the world. I am not a politician and I don't care for a political role. I am playing my role in the grand scheme of CHANGE. I AM CHANGE.
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
For instance, when you say that "Moses is a frustrated and bitter politician", that's an opinion. Now this would move into the realm of accepted paradigm if some scientific polling was done on whether Moses is a bitter and frustrated politician and a majority of those polled said "yes".

What is objective about you wrote above??

It is crystal clear to see Moses is bitter and frustrated over the leadership issue. Why would he act irrationally, make charges unstantiated days after complimenting the same PPP, and weeping on Mark Benshop show??? Do you we have to come with some scientific method to determine whether it is factual or not he is bitter and frustrated??? Are you losing your mind. An iota of commonsense will do the job.

Always remember, nothing replaces commonsense.


Lemme say this. Firstly, I'm a rational, sane person. Secondly, I do not believe Moses is a bitter and frustrated person. Thirdly, Moses has stated valid reasons for his leaving and his timing; to wit, the various scams reported in the media; the treatment of sugar workers, and I can go on ad nauseum.

So Billy, telling me about opinions that are crystal clear would not begin to scratch my intellectual surface. Try again. Samjeh!

This woman has totally skin out billy here. Crap this has to be embarrassing for you billy i had to cross my legs after reading this.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
to break the support of the PPP how can a less eloquent guy like Ramjattan or Moses succeed??
The Guyanese people is still facing the Monster. They have not gone away. They are waiting and watching to exploit any loophole to get back into office. The AFC is playing a dangerous game with the future of this country. However, the people have to power to stop them at the polls. Stopping them means prevent the fox from getting in the coop.

My people, please think carefully about the garb. been peddled on this forum. It's simply trash.

You sounding like Gadaffi, Hosni Mubarak and The Shaw of Iran!!! Frown
The DONKEY want white Rum hold him Joe. partybanana partybanana panman panman yippie yippie
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
TK Bhai, you are such a heretic. I feel sorry that you have gotten nowhere politically over years bouncing from group to group expounding contradictory ideas. You are braying and straying to point where oblivion will suck you in and never be heard from again.

Good Luck Champ. Big Grin

Lemme say this. Firstly, I'm a rational, sane person.

I don't doubt that. A rational and sane person can exercise bad judgment at times.

Secondly, I do not believe Moses is a bitter and frustrated person. Thirdly, Moses has stated valid reasons for his leaving and his timing; to wit, the various scams reported in the media; the treatment of sugar workers, and I can go on ad nauseum.

You believe does not necessarily make it factual. Moses hang in there for the leadership and made a tough decision to leave after things went the other way. Personally, I felt Moses or Ralph would have been a better candidate than Ramotar.

So Billy, telling me about opinions that are crystal clear would not begin to scratch my intellectual surface. Try again. Samjeh!

I don't consider the debates on this forum an intellectual activity. If you do then it's all fine and dandy.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Lemme say this. Firstly, I'm a rational, sane person.

I don't doubt that. A rational and sane person can exercise bad judgment at times.

Secondly, I do not believe Moses is a bitter and frustrated person. Thirdly, Moses has stated valid reasons for his leaving and his timing; to wit, the various scams reported in the media; the treatment of sugar workers, and I can go on ad nauseum.

You believe does not necessarily make it factual. Moses hang in there for the leadership and made a tough decision to leave after things went the other way. Personally, I felt Moses or Ralph would have been a better candidate than Ramotar.

So Billy, telling me about opinions that are crystal clear would not begin to scratch my intellectual surface. Try again. Samjeh!

I don't consider the debates on this forum an intellectual activity. If you do then it's all fine and dandy.
No one presumes it is an academic forum but where do we find the bustling center of intellectual discussion in the Guyanese society? Note Ramorat does not feel the necessity to be interrogated by the public on public forums. Blanketing the nation with posters extolling this superhuman prowess at everything does amount to that being the case. He is a sheltered candidate hiding from any questioning and only appearing in controlled setting. We have in him the making of a Marcos or Suharto. Woe is Guyana if the likes of you get to make choices for the rest of us.
TI, Ah see Jags getting heat over the coffin thing. He does not have a monopoly of hateful feelings over what's been done to Guyana in the last 5 decades plus, but he feel he has the sole responsibility to discharge this venom. In this exercise he's alienating people like Chief who have the same goals.

Forget the above syntax - Jags gone bazaddee in his fight for a better Guyana to the point where he's losing people.

Not sure where I gave the impression I got a patacake rass....Even in the Nordic countries the name "Kari" is both male and female.
and all de time i tawt kari was short fuh caricom or carigone!

Dudes - Moses timing and positioning has been off ever since Janet kicked him to the curb for Bharrat.

The reason people like Ravi and Paul failed is simply because these guys did not take the time to plan , strategize and create a core organization. Brilliance can be a politician's worst enemy.

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