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“If decision to reopen sugar estates a racist one, then closing them was too” – Nandlall tells Ramjattan

Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall has taken umbrage to comments made by Alliance for Change (AFC) Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan on the reopening of sugar estates in Guyana.

Ramjattan, earlier his week condemned the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) plan to have several facilities reopened after the former Government, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) shuttered the Enmore, Rose Hall, Skeldon, and Wales estates.

“[T]he significant move to reopen the closed sugar factories in the face of cogent and compelling evidence that this will result in a massive misspending of the country’s monies just to create jobs for its East Indian base of support is stupendously ill-advised economics. So, the underlying reason is but sectarian spending…giving red meat to its Indo-Guyanese base,” Ramjattan said. He added that the government is buying Indian votes by pumping monies into the sugar industry.

But Nandlall, during his live Facebook program “Issues in the News”, last evening, said that Ramjattan’s utterance was insensitive.

“Can you believe this guy? The decision to reopen the sugar estates and to provide jobs for tens of thousands of persons – that decision, Ramjattan says, was a racist one. Now, if the decision to reopen the estates was a racist one, following that logic, one can argue that the decision to close was a racist one,” the AG argued.

Nandlall said that while a large percentage of the people who stand to benefit are from one ethnicity, that does not mean that reopening the estates is a “racist” move. He spoke about Linden, Region 10 – a stronghold of the APNU+AFC – benefitting from cheaper electricity for over three decades.

“Nearly $2B a year, the government is subsidizing GPL to provide Region 10 with cheap electricity – the government is paying that. Is that a racist decision?” Nandlall queried.

He said that Indigenous Peoples in the hinterland have also been benefitting from government subsidies through the Amerindian Development Fund and village economy programs.

“We have a whole host of programs that are peculiarly and uniquely beneficial to the Amerindians; they are designed for the Amerindians; directed to the Amerindians…Are those racist programs because they are directed to one set of people in our country? That’s how you look at the program? You don’t look at their economic circumstance? You don’t look at the fact that they are Guyanese? You don’t look at anything else? No other factor? You just look at their race?”

Nandlall said that in any other country, such a statement coming from a politician would be the last public statement he/she ever makes.

“So, that is how Ramjattan views five or six thousand people getting back their jobs. It’s racist and he takes credit for shutting down the industry, but when he did it – his government did it – it was not a racist one,” he argued.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramjattam forget when Carl Grenedge said candidly in parliament that cane cutters and sugar estates are PPP and coolie problems. Just like some of you who don't remember when men used to bugger animals in Guyana.


The PPP shouldn't bother with the likes of Ramjattan. They should continue doing what they do best. That is developing the country by creating jobs in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors, rebuild roads and bridges that the PNC neglected. They already are attracting foreign investments, which the PNC failed to do.

The PNC is not coming back. They are gone and the AFC is dead.


Whatdetass with the Viper an' talk of boning animals?

Rama, I also think Ramjattan did f#@+ all in his position but I doan know about PPP doing anything constructive..until I see finished projects then we can talk.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Whatdetass with the Viper an' talk of boning animals?

Rama, I also think Ramjattan did f#@+ all in his position but I doan know about PPP doing anything constructive..until I see finished projects then we can talk.

It's only 4 months now since they took over the government. Just wait and see.  What they are doing is very progressive. They are definitely serving a useful purpose which tends to build up an atmosphere of trust.

You are right. Ramjattan and the AFC did nothing useful.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It's only 4 months now since they took over the government. Just wait and see.  What they are doing is very progressive. They are definitely serving a useful purpose which tends to build up an atmosphere of trust.

You are right. Ramjattan and the AFC did nothing useful.

What usefulness did the PPP do, without personal gain ?

@Tola posted:

What usefulness did the PPP do, without personal gain ?

Don't you read the papers?  There are over 100 projects in the making. Projects that will take 3 to 5 years to complete. The people of Guyana will gain from the hard work of the PPP ministers. 

Get over your prejudice and stop pissing in the wind. You run around like a kite without strings.

@Viper posted:

I am sorry, PPP hasn't done anything useful. Granger did it over the past five years.

Have you read the achievements of the Granger government that I posted. Viper you are something else.  Your sarcasm is duly noted.

Their greatest achievement is closing the sugar estates and putting coolies out of jobs after they promised to pump millions into the sugar industry in order to get votes.

Another achievement is appointing Moses Kakamootoo as the PM.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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