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Ok Folks,

Trump is winning across the USA with millions who have attended his rallies so far. Over thirty thousand Americans are attending some of his rallies. Americans need change and will be voting in masses for Trump. They want to take back their country from corruption.

Hillary had to hire singers who were cussing down (F this and F that at her rallies) as she dances to their vile and indecent language. This is such a bare faced candidate. She cannot even attract five thousand to her rallies.

Election debate questions were leaked to as per emails and revelations. Polling numbers were fudged to make it appear as if she was winning and this turned out to be false.

Given these circumstances and a pattern to cheat and rig, some will conclude that the election will be rigged if Trump loses on Tuesday night.

Very sad if the election is rigged.

What do you say folks ?


Over forty thousand Attending Trump Rallies.


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This would have to be proven, very little evidence exist for this. However, I wont rule out some sporadic violence from hard core members who might refuse to accept the results, given the rhetoric. 

I think the edge that Clinton has lies in the women and Latinos who will push her over the top....Trump would have done much better is he had started turning down the rhetoric before, as opposed to the last 2 weeks or so...his recent speeches are more impressive and shows some reconciliation.

Amral posted:

Just like Guyana if one party loses they say election rigged

Guyana is not the US. The election is run by local state party. It is not by the government or any central authority. There are more republican governors and republican secretaries running the process. To say the elections is being rigged is only credible to the ignoramuses who follow trump.

yuji22 posted:


Ok Folks,

Trump is winning across the USA with millions who have attended his rallies so far. Over thirty thousand Americans are attending some of his rallies. Americans need change and will be voting in masses for Trump. They want to take back their country from corruption.

Hillary had to hire singers who were cussing down (F this and F that at her rallies) as she dances to their vile and indecent language. This is such a bare faced candidate. She cannot even attract five thousand to her rallies.

Election debate questions were leaked to as per emails and revelations. Polling numbers were fudged to make it appear as if she was winning and this turned out to be false.

Given these circumstances and a pattern to cheat and rig, some will conclude that the election will be rigged if Trump loses on Tuesday night.

Very sad if the election is rigged.

What do you say folks ?


Over forty thousand Attending Trump Rallies.

What a pathetic lot.  One would expect living in the first world you have learnt something.  Apparently not.  You all still stuck in your backdam mentality.  This is America not Guyana.  Idiocy on display and following a buffoon.  


The governors of FL NC. MI and PA as well as OH are GOP. Is the GOP going rig the election against itself.

Your adoration for Trump and Jagdeo has rotted your brain. Elections in the USA are run by states, NOT the Federal government so the only rigging that is happening is being done by the GOP.

Just as the GOP rigged the election in 2000 when FL designed a new complicated ballot and then disallowed votes for frivolous reason, and then had the GOP Supreme Court make a final ruling.

But for the rigging in FL Bush would have lost, and we would have avoided the disaster that his presidency turned out to be.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

America doesn't rig elections.  They hang chads.

yep. A  crafty attempt to rig an election. The disallowed ballots where the pen wasn't pushed fully through, but I bet didn't tell people that this had to be done for the vote to be valid.

A bunch of ageing Jews ended up voting for one of Hilter's disciples because the chads were misaligned with the name.

Amral posted:

Just like Guyana if one party loses they say election rigged

America mastermind the rigging of Guyana's election. Who said they don't know about rigging? America has been installing dictators to power and kill them or outs them when they can longer dance to their tune. This has been going on for ages in many third world and middle eastern countries. 

Cobra posted:
Amral posted:

Just like Guyana if one party loses they say election rigged

America mastermind the rigging of Guyana's election.

Where is the proof? Why are you such an idiot that you don't understand that elections are local affairs conducted at the state level.

If the Feds controlled the election Gore would have been president and not Bush because Clinton would have seen to that.

The Dems didn't control what FL did, nor did they control the Supreme Court so Bush was SELECTED. NOT elected.

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Amral posted:

Just like Guyana if one party loses they say election rigged

America mastermind the rigging of Guyana's election.

Where is the proof? Why are you such an idiot that you don't understand that elections are local affairs conducted at the state level.

If the Feds controlled the election Gore would have been president and not Bush because Clinton would have seen to that.

The Dems didn't control what FL did, nor did they control the Supreme Court so Bush was SELECTED. NOT elected.

It seem like you know the world's politics and their voting system more than everyone else. Do you need proof that the American (CIA) help to installed Burnham dictatorship that ruled with an iron fist for 28 years? 

Prince posted:
caribny posted:
 Do you need proof that the American (CIA) help to installed Burnham dictatorship that ruled with an iron fist for 28 years? 

The proof is there for 1964, but there is also proof that when Burnham became a left wing tyrant that the USA set out to sabotage him. There is also proof that the USA was tired of the PNC and so set the conditions which allowed a PPP win in 1992.

What you cannot prove is that the loss of the PPP in 2016 was due to the USA, and not to the over 50% of the population who had tired of 23 years of the PPP.  So where is the proof of this?

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

America doesn't rig elections.  They hang chads.

Ii didn't realize there were many Chad immigrants to the US.

Trump's latest scream is that all Africans will be deported, so maybe if he wins those from Chad who don't leave will be hung. 

In fact Trump unloads his anti black attitudes by using Africans as a scape goat and boasting about "his" black Americans.

We will see what the GOP does if Trump gets Trumped. If he does this will precipitate the type of actions that should have occurred after 2008, but didn't as the Tea Party was allowed to take over, and with that, the Bachmann, Palin, Trump lunatic asylum.

yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

yuji22, please tek some advice from an old and wise gilbakka: BE A GOOD LOSER.

Come on Gil,

The votes have not been counted as yet. Trump has not lost the election. Americans will vote on Tuesday.

Your assumption confirms my fears about rigging.

Yeah baie, gilly helping the usa elections. You rass gettin more stupid as the days go by.

It is commonsense that dictates who will win and it ain't Trump but for those lacking this commonsense, they cannot see it until it happens.


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