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Comey's last minute October surprise email (again) nonsense.

Russia hacking and influencing the elections.

Even if you lend credence to the above, the people who supported Trump or not turned out in large numbers to vote against the Establishment. The millennials and minorities may not have been enthused or Trump would have made inroads in those demographics, in spite of more stop and frisk and police shootings and deportations, wall, etc.

If she loses the electoral votes, did the 3rd and 4th party candidates do her in? - she will win the majority of votes nationwide once California is counted.

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Kari posted:

. The millennials and minorities may not have been enthused or Trump would have made inroads in those demographics,.

Kari are you still ready to scream at me?    BOTH the Democrats and the GOP ignored their bases.  Tonight Hilary was hoping that the black cities would rescue her.  They didn't and the white working class rejected their elites.

What happened to the get out to vote that Danyael was boasting about?

VishMahabir posted:
Kari posted:

Does it mean parents will now have to explain to kids that bullyism, bigotry, sexual misconduct and cheating would be winning behavior? Would kids be thought to sneer at the disabled?

A President Trump will have to work hard to correct those images.

Trump will control the Supreme Court, the Senate and the House. Do you think that he cares?

The first thing they will do is dismantle Obamacare. Yes that thing that Obama trots out to pretend as if he helped blacks.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

. The millennials and minorities may not have been enthused or Trump would have made inroads in those demographics,.

Kari are you still ready to scream at me?    BOTH the Democrats and the GOP ignored their bases.  Tonight Hilary was hoping that the black cities would rescue her.  They didn't and the white working class rejected their elites.

What happened to the get out to vote that Danyael was boasting about?

Van Jones is correct when he said this election is a "white lash". The blacks who never went out to vote, deserve the massa they helped put in the white house.

cain posted:

You'll find out when Donald throws up the Confederate flag.

I don't think that you get it. Blacks were as poor under Obama as they were under Bush. As far as they are concerned voting makes no difference.

The cops shot them under Bush and also shot them under Obama. 

In their minds doing anything else is a better use of their time than voting.  Because their lives don't change whether they vote or not.

This KKK riding is getting old.   They KKK rode under Bush and again under Obama. When blacks complained about it Obama told them that he isn't the president just for black people and so doesn't have the time or interest to hear their complaints.  His rude helper, Jarret even told them that they ought to be happy that a black man is president and just be satisfied with that.

So this time they sat out the election, knowing full well that nothing will change.


Blacks got tired of carrying the Dem party on their backs, they stayed home and the Dems lost.  I mean the Dems are so rude that they don't even tell blacks, "thanks dog" when their turn out gives white Democrats cushy jobs, while these blacks remain dirt poor.

Hillary lost MI by LESS than the decline of the Detroit vote.  Next time if the Dems plan to win MI they will then need to give these people a reason to vote.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:

Obama was called Deporter in Chief. He deported more people than any other president in history.

Honduran, Guatemalan and Salvadorian kids fled to the USA for their safety. Obama sent some back, and some were shot minutes after stepping off the plane.

Trump got MORE Latino votes than Romney did.

The Democrats need to ask them why.


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