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If PPP  wins, but Indians will stay home and not vote then allow Granger to win.

 This time more than any the Indians will turn out to vote. It is without saying ,there will be trouble if the PPP wins, that,s nothing new. The PNC is campaigning along racial lines, historically Guyanese vote along racial lines.

 Indians have more to lose if the PPP does not win, they are the business owners, the employers the investors.

 One has to be BLIND to know that the PPP are bringing out the LARGEST crowd Ever on this campaign. The PPP has it.s ground force to bring it,s people out to vote, don,t WORRY.


PPP base is determined to remove the dictator and constitutional rapist Granger. Allegations and alleged threats of violence are just strategies to keep PPP voters away from the Polls. The Guyanese public is determined in removing the constitutional rapist legally at the ballot. 
It’s a shame that he had to be taken all they way to CCJ to remove him when he was legally removed by a NCV in parliament. He also has to nerve to illegally appoint a GECOM chairman. He also burgered the AFC. 

Granger is like a cancer to democracy. 

Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

I was talking to someone in Guyana yesterday and he was telling me that. I dunno. 

Someone may have overheard a PNC supporters saying those words and  start spreading rumors... Every child has cell phone that they wip out to post on social media. They are quick to pull out cell phone  and  record accidents rather than  provide some form of assistance. 

They have group chatting and them ting. If you Rass was in Guyana sleeping with the neighbor wife, ... man your story would have been headline. 

Maybe your nick name would have been " Village Ram" or " Studman" 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Amral posted:

There is a rumour going around that if the PPP wins there will be trouble. As a result many Indians might be fearful and prefer to stay home and not vote. Thus playing it safe and let Granger win. 

You and all dream suh?

I had a dream about you too...but can't say here.  Django will delete my post.


During its 70 years of existence the PPP faced troubles after troubles but the Party is today stronger than it has ever been. The PPP/C is not a Party of cowards. Having faced fire and brimstone from the colonial British, Peter D'Aguiar's United Force and the bullying PNC from Burnham time to Granger time, the PPP today has men and women with steel backbones who scoff at intimidation.

Granger knows that and that's precisely why he didn't call general elections 3 months after Charrandass's no-confidence vote in December 2018. Dem delay and delay and *****foot and run from elections but, thanks to relentless pursuit and pressure from the PPP/C and major international players Granger's PNC-dominated coalition cannot run farther.

Gilbakka posted:

During its 70 years of existence the PPP faced troubles after troubles but the Party is today stronger than it has ever been. The PPP/C is not a Party of cowards. Having faced fire and brimstone from the colonial British, Peter D'Aguiar's United Force and the bullying PNC from Burnham time to Granger time, the PPP today has men and women with steel backbones who scoff at intimidation.

Granger knows that and that's precisely why he didn't call general elections 3 months after Charrandass's no-confidence vote in December 2018. Dem delay and delay and *****foot and run from elections but, thanks to relentless pursuit and pressure from the PPP/C and major international players Granger's PNC-dominated coalition cannot run farther.


Perfect Gilly.

They ran and violated the constitution but the PPP fought and persevere and they finally have to face the people. The people will decide. 
They would have continued raping and violating the constitution had the PPP not taken their case to CCJ. 
It is very sad that the People have to fight for democracy and free and fair elections every single time that the PNC takes office.

All elections under the PPP were certified free and fair. 

Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

There is a rumour going around that if the PPP wins there will be trouble. As a result many Indians might be fearful and prefer to stay home and not vote. Thus playing it safe and let Granger win. 

If means KP, Dave and Skeldon-Man family in Guyana are real cowards....Indos cant be dat foolish, especially in this crucial election. 

Then the PPP should call for international observers, have their cameras ready, look out for irregularities, and station their people where they think violence might occur (I am guessing in Afro areas). 

This might help.

Their leadership should also advise their supporters accordingly, as I do believe tings might get a little rough in some areas and some people might be tempted to do foolish tings because them politicians dont know how to hold their tongues.

VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

There is a rumour going around that if the PPP wins there will be trouble. As a result many Indians might be fearful and prefer to stay home and not vote. Thus playing it safe and let Granger win. 

If means KP, Dave and Skeldon-Man family in Guyana are real cowards....Indos cant be dat foolish, especially in this crucial election. 

Then the PPP should call for international observers, have their cameras ready, look out for irregularities, and station their people where they think violence might occur (I am guessing in Afro areas). 

This might help.

Their leadership should also advise their supporters accordingly, as I do believe tings might get a little rough in some areas and some people might be tempted to do foolish tings because them politicians dont know how to hold their tongues.

BUT...the PPP winning is a very LONG shot. Dont bother with all dem pix and videos posted by Dave...look at some of the coalition rallies also.

Sean posted:

Internal polling. 

PPP won LGE by 50,000 voters and are going to expand that lead. 58,600 is a very conservative number. PNC worried like rass.

Internal polling my pulled those numbers out of you know where...

Every Knucklehead here (including KP, Skeldon-Man and Dave) know fully well that LGE is different from General election, not to mention the changes in population and the number of people voting. Your number were specific 58,600 or something to that number. 

As far as we know, there are no internal polling taking place. The one we heard about was the one that worked for the coalition (that info is not released) and I believe the PPP firm in DC, Mercury, has not sanctioned or carried out any internal polling. 

You dont live in Guyana, you are no expert in polling and the KNUCKLEHEADS in the PPP dont have any clue as to how to conduct internal polling...(you, Dave and KP may be dancing from on that poll, instead). 

Besides, Guyana is a small country...its difficult to hide any such polling or data collection by anyone...Kissoon would have known about it.

The other issue is that the country is divided. Any polling today would amount to a RACIAL CENSUS, meaning, its not difficult to ascertain, generally, how people will vote. We can extrapolate from this that the PPP does not have the numbers, given the declining Indo population (even Jagdeo made reference to this on Sunday at Albion), even they get back the 10-12% they presumably lost to the AFC. The numbers are not there...Django shared those numbrs with yall sometime back...

So dont fool yourself---you gan look like a lagu bagu when the results come out...

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Internal polling. 

PPP won LGE by 50,000 voters and are going to expand that lead. 58,600 is a very conservative number. PNC worried like rass.

Internal polling my pulled those numbers out of you know where...

Every Knucklehead here (including KP, Skeldon-Man and Dave) know fully well that LGE is different from General election, not to mention the changes in population and the number of people voting. Your number were specific 58,600 or something to that number. 

As far as we know, there are no internal polling taking place. The one we heard about was the one that worked for the coalition (that info is not released) and I believe the PPP firm in DC, Mercury, has not sanctioned or carried out any internal polling. 

You dont live in Guyana, you are no expert in polling and the KNUCKLEHEADS in the PPP dont have any clue as to how to conduct internal polling...(you, Dave and KP may be dancing from on that poll, instead). 

Besides, Guyana is a small country...its difficult to hide any such polling or data collection by anyone...Kissoon would have known about it.

The other issue is that the country is divided. Any polling today would amount to a RACIAL CENSUS, meaning, its not difficult to ascertain, generally, how people will vote. We can extrapolate from this that the PPP does not have the numbers, given the declining Indo population (even Jagdeo made reference to this on Sunday at Albion), even they get back the 10-12% they presumably lost to the AFC. The numbers are not there...Django shared those numbrs with yall sometime back...

So dont fool yourself---you gan look like a lagu bagu when the results come out...

Not to your handle to Yuji...


Look at the Knuckle head who says that he depends on his mamoo for information on Guyana. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Stop fooling yourself cause you failed English and History 101 for the fifth time !

Anyway, Mark this number on your forehead. 58,600. 

Looks like I hit a raw nerve. I am Sean, show some respect before you get a few slaps from your professor. 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Internal polling. 

PPP won LGE by 50,000 voters and are going to expand that lead. 58,600 is a very conservative number. PNC worried like rass.

Internal polling my pulled those numbers out of you know where...

Every Knucklehead here (including KP, Skeldon-Man and Dave) know fully well that LGE is different from General election, not to mention the changes in population and the number of people voting. Your number were specific 58,600 or something to that number. 

As far as we know, there are no internal polling taking place. The one we heard about was the one that worked for the coalition (that info is not released) and I believe the PPP firm in DC, Mercury, has not sanctioned or carried out any internal polling. 

You dont live in Guyana, you are no expert in polling and the KNUCKLEHEADS in the PPP dont have any clue as to how to conduct internal polling...(you, Dave and KP may be dancing from on that poll, instead). 

Besides, Guyana is a small country...its difficult to hide any such polling or data collection by anyone...Kissoon would have known about it.

The other issue is that the country is divided. Any polling today would amount to a RACIAL CENSUS, meaning, its not difficult to ascertain, generally, how people will vote. We can extrapolate from this that the PPP does not have the numbers, given the declining Indo population (even Jagdeo made reference to this on Sunday at Albion), even they get back the 10-12% they presumably lost to the AFC. The numbers are not there...Django shared those numbrs with yall sometime back...

So dont fool yourself---you gan look like a lagu bagu when the results come out...

Looks like Granger got you smelling those toilets you are building. Removing the latrines got you so stupid? Looks like the shit got into your brain and now you are a messed-up shithead. You didn't know what was a punani, or ladoo, etc, but now you know lagu bagu. Well, you should recognize what's a bhar.


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