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Massive Customs fraud taking place with BaiShanLin’s Wamara logs export – Bulkan

June 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A prominent forestry expert has warned of a massive Customs fraud taking place in exports of Wamara

BaiShanLin’s Managing Director, Chu Hongbo

BaiShanLin’s Managing Director, Chu Hongbo

logs to China. In a letter published yesterday in Kaieteur News, Janette Bulkan said that public records available indicate systematic under-invoicing when it comes to shipping of the logs to especially China. An Assistant Professor at a Canadian university, Bulkan is now urging for a forensic audit to be carried out in the natural resources sector. Guyana learnt about Wamara logs last year after it was disclosed that one company, BaiShanLin, was shipping container loads of it out of Guyana every month. It sparked an investigation by Kaieteur News which found a huge log yard in the area east of Kwakwani, Berbice River and the company benefitting from significant tax and other concessions. According to Bulkan, BaiShanLin was under-valuing its Wamara log exports by almost US$500 ($100,000) per cubic metre, according to a Market Export Report of the Forest Products Development & Marketing Council (FPDMC). Bulkan explained that the price range for exported Wamara logs for January to March 2015 was between US$200 and $220 per cubic metre. However, the Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) import price for Wamara logs into China was US$760 per cubic metre. This can be verified in the latest edition of the Tropical Timber Market Report of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), she said.

Berbice operations: Chinese-owned BaiShanLin is accused of under-valuing its Customs exports for Wamara logs.

Berbice operations: Chinese-owned BaiShanLin is accused of under-valuing its Customs exports for Wamara logs.

“This difference of US$500 per cubic metre provides an indication of the scale of Customs fraud, which was estimated for Guyana at US$84 million in 2003, rising almost continuously to US$440 million in 2012,” she said in the letter. It has long been the contention that BaiShanLin and other companies are involved in what is known in accounting terms as transfer pricing. In essence, transfer pricing occurs when a local company sells to its parent company or subsidiary overseas. The prices quoted are not necessarily the market price. With Guyana, like other countries, basing its royalties and taxes on the prices quoted by the overseas buyers, it means that Customs would be losing millions of dollars in revenues. Critics have accused BaiShanLin of deliberately getting its buyer(s) in China to quote low prices and keeping its profits there. “The transfer pricing in Wamara log exports is a very good example of why forensic audits in the natural resources sector are urgently needed,” she said. Bulkan noted that around half of the illicit flows in Guyana, someUS$1.464B for 2003-2012 were attributed to export under-invoicing. This is according to the Global Financial Integrity 2014. It is not the first time that Bai Shan Lin would be accused of illegality in its operations and business dealings. The company has been granted hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks, duty free concessions of luxury vehicles, heavy equipment and trucks, and even acres of lands in Providence for high end homes. The new Government had vowed to examine the investment agreement of BaiShanLin to determine whether the company has lived up to its promises. So far, it has failed to establish promised wood-processing facilities which would create jobs. Rather, the emphasis has been on the export of logs. Bulkan in her letter also raised questions about the inspections done by the Guyana Forestry Commission, which regulates the industry. She disclosed that Guyana is also exporting fire ants to China, according to the same ITTO report: “Fire ants found at Fujian port – Recently fire ants were found in Pau rosa [wamara] logs from Guyana for the first time by the Fujian Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The batch of Pau rosa logs was sealed after fumigation treatment to prevent ant infestation. The fire ants are found in tropical and subtropical areas of South America. They can be a serious problem for livestock. It has also been found that fire ants can damage power supply systems by biting cables.” Bulkan noted that it is the Ministry of Agriculture that provides a phyto-sanitary inspection and fumigation service, and exporters should be showing the phyto-sanitary certificate when they apply to the Guyana Forestry Commission for an export certificate. “So how would it be possible for log exporter BaiShanLin to be exporting infested logs? Surely it could not be because they have bypassed the phyto-sanitary service and the GFC and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) inspections prior to the sealing of the shipping container?”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by asj:

Already the wagging tongues are at work, whilst this new Govt is taking 1,000 days to do something.

BaiShanlin has bribed many important people


kudos to Janette Bulkan


keep up the pressure

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by asj:

Already the wagging tongues are at work, whilst this new Govt is taking 1,000 days to do something.

BaiShanlin has bribed many important people


kudos to Janette Bulkan


keep up the pressure

It would seems like the APNU/AFC has already satisfied themselves with their share of bribes.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by asj:

Already the wagging tongues are at work, whilst this new Govt is taking 1,000 days to do something.

BaiShanlin has bribed many important people


kudos to Janette Bulkan


keep up the pressure

It would seems like the APNU/AFC has already satisfied themselves with their share of bribes.

time will tell


The coalition government needs to examine urgently the arrangements between Bai Shan Lin and the PPP government. As Jannette Bulkan says, a forensic audit of the natural resources sector is necessary. Local logging, timber, sawmilling entities are not operating on a level playing field, with massive concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin.

It is good that Kaieteur News continues to highlight this issue. The coalition government should regard KN as an ally in exposing corruption and unfair practices.


Unfortunately I see no change to this. It has always been that governments change as in west Africa buy the Chinese pillage continues. Secondly, this is a case of ethnic shaming also. Granger's wife is Chinese and she will definitely tap her husband's shoulders if he is seen to be unduly firm with the Chinese.



Lets be clear where I stand. The Chinese are robbing us blind and no one to date has stood for us. The PPP had its hand out to them so they can fill their pockets with kickback and special favors to individual ministers and the same will continue. We have not heard one squeak about our forests and about the damage of mining form this administration because those areas of exploitation  are our only income at the moment.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The coalition government needs to examine urgently the arrangements between Bai Shan Lin and the PPP government. As Jannette Bulkan says, a forensic audit of the natural resources sector is necessary. Local logging, timber, sawmilling entities are not operating on a level playing field, with massive concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin.

It is good that Kaieteur News continues to highlight this issue. The coalition government should regard KN as an ally in exposing corruption and unfair practices.

Forensic Audits, the new Buzz word. Laad Ah Mercy  Bhagwan please help the IDIOTS and the TWO HOUSE SLAVES.

A prominent forestry expert has warned of a massive Customs fraud taking place in exports of Wamara logs to China. In a letter published yesterday in Kaieteur News, Janette Bulkan said that public records available indicate systematic under-invoicing when it comes to shipping of the logs to especially China. An Assistant Professor at a Canadian university, Bulkan is now urging for a forensic audit to be carried out in the natural resources sector. Guyana learnt about Wamara logs last year after it was disclosed that one company, BaiShanLin, was shipping container loads of it out of Guyana every month.


Massive Customs fraud taking place with BaiShanLin’s Wamara logs export – Bulkan, June 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

If indeed public records indicate gross discrepancy, why the PNC-Government is not doing anything immediately about this item.


Wasn't it the PNC that first brought the Chinese in?


One of Granger's first act was to unilaterally name the Convention Centre after the first Chinese puppet President under the rigged regime.


Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon

Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon

Bai Shin Lin forestry fraud allegations hit Gov’t radar –those in breach will be brought to account, barring none, says Minister of State



CHINESE logging company Bai Shan Lin, long accused of shady practices in and out of Guyana’s forests, is now the subject of intense scrutiny by the Ministry of the Presidency, under whose portfolio the natural resources sector falls.

Recent widespread accusations of transfer pricing, which have robbed the nation of billions of dollars in lost revenue, are being investigated.

If proven true, the allegations against Bai Shan Lin would have been allowed to be perpetrated only to the extent allowed by the relevant regulatory bodies, namely the Guyana Forestry Commission, and the Guyana Revenue Authority, including its Customs and Excise department.

During a brief interview with the Chronicle last evening, Minister of State in the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon, confirmed the administration’s interest in the matter.

Over the weekend, the most recent allegations against the logging company surfaced when respected Professor Janette Bulkan accused the company of being in cahoots with the Customs and Excise Department to rob the country of revenue. Bulkan said that export of Wamara logs from Guyana is but one example of the magnitude of the corruption.

Wamara logs were exported from Guyana earlier this year at a price of between US$200 and US$220 per cubic metre, but records in China demonstrate US$500 variance upwards in what is being imported into China.

Dr Bulkan has since called on the administration to launch a forensic audit into the affairs of the sector.

Minister Harmon told the Chronicle that the matter would be investigated, and those found to be in breach of the law will be brought to account, barring none.

In an explosive missive to the media this past week, Dr Bulkan said the US$500 per cubic metre difference in the exports out of Guyana that were reflected as imports into China from Guyana “provides an indication of the scale of Customs fraud, which was estimated for Guyana at US$84 million in 2003, rising almost continuously to US$440 million in 2012.”

Dr Bulkan contends that approximately half of the illicit flows were attributed to export under-invoicing. She also noted that the transfer pricing in Wamara log exports is a very good example of why forensic audits in the natural resources sector are urgently needed.

Originally Posted by asj:

Action!! not long talk is needed.

Was it not Ramjattan who said they will not be honoring any agreement made between PPP and some foreign governments? Is he drunk now? Did he finish his half quart of white ball and lying down under a mango tree?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Was it not Ramjattan who said they will not be honoring any agreement made between PPP and some foreign governments?

The records show that he has a myopic view on issues.


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