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If the Universe is expanding daily at a constant rate why then the AFC is losing votes by the minute?    

According to recent scientific internal polling the PPP votes across the nation improve by about four percent except for Berbice where the PPP pick up six thousands of the AFC ten thousands votes from the previous elections. Any third party with a well-organized Afro candidate can take away votes from the PNC in the Linden region and possibly win that region. PPP looks comfortable to take back the Government with even the addition of four extra seats in parliament. The poll finds that many voters who had voted for the AFC in the last General election are now disappointed that their votes are actually proxy votes for the PNC. The biggest battle ground for the next General election is in East Berbice region where the AFC votes are crumbling like expired KSI pastries

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Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

The poll finds that many voters who had voted for the AFC in the last General election are now disappointed that their votes are actually proxy votes for the PNC.

Prior to the 2011 election, there were strong beliefs that the AFC was a independent organization with a focused view for the betterment of Guyana.


However, immediately after the election, it became abundantly clear that the AFC was/is indeed an arm of the PNC.


At the next election it will an historic one for the AFC. They may get one or possibly two seats with the votes in Berbice significantly decreased from what they obtained in the 2011 elections.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

If the Universe is expanding daily at a constant rate why then the AFC is losing votes by the minute?    

According to recent scientific internal polling the PPP votes across the nation improve by about four percent except for Berbice where the PPP pick up six thousands of the AFC ten thousands votes from the previous elections. Any third party with a well-organized Afro candidate can take away votes from the PNC in the Linden region and possibly win that region. PPP looks comfortable to take back the Government with even the addition of four extra seats in parliament. The poll finds that many voters who had voted for the AFC in the last General election are now disappointed that their votes are actually proxy votes for the PNC. The biggest battle ground for the next General election is in East Berbice region where the AFC votes are crumbling like expired KSI pastries


My inside sources confirmed these results. The AFC has been pegged at four percent and that is being generous. The PPP will take back a majority.


I just had some guests who were visiting from Guyana and they told me that last time around the voted AFC but this time around the AFC scares them since they see the AFC as being too closely aligned to the PNC.


The AFC cannot shake off this image of lack of independence. DG is accurate regarding the AFC.


AFC also lacks direction, a sense of cohesive leadership and independence. They are finished and can write safely write them off.



Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

If the Universe is expanding daily at a constant rate why then the AFC is losing votes by the minute?    

According to recent scientific internal polling the PPP votes across the nation improve by about four percent except for Berbice where the PPP pick up six thousands of the AFC ten thousands votes from the previous elections. Any third party with a well-organized Afro candidate can take away votes from the PNC in the Linden region and possibly win that region. PPP looks comfortable to take back the Government with even the addition of four extra seats in parliament. The poll finds that many voters who had voted for the AFC in the last General election are now disappointed that their votes are actually proxy votes for the PNC. The biggest battle ground for the next General election is in East Berbice region where the AFC votes are crumbling like expired KSI pastries

The universe is accelerating per Hubble's law dummy. It is not expanding at a constant rate!


I gather you got your information about the AFC from the same source as the idea of the universe expansion being constant

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

If the Universe is expanding daily at a constant rate why then the AFC is losing votes by the minute?    

According to recent scientific internal polling the PPP votes across the nation improve by about four percent except for Berbice where the PPP pick up six thousands of the AFC ten thousands votes from the previous elections. Any third party with a well-organized Afro candidate can take away votes from the PNC in the Linden region and possibly win that region. PPP looks comfortable to take back the Government with even the addition of four extra seats in parliament. The poll finds that many voters who had voted for the AFC in the last General election are now disappointed that their votes are actually proxy votes for the PNC. The biggest battle ground for the next General election is in East Berbice region where the AFC votes are crumbling like expired KSI pastries


My inside sources confirmed these results. The AFC has been pegged at four percent and that is being generous. The PPP will take back a majority.


I just had some guests who were visiting from Guyana and they told me that last time around the voted AFC but this time around the AFC scares them since they see the AFC as being too closely aligned to the PNC.


The AFC cannot shake off this image of lack of independence. DG is accurate regarding the AFC.


AFC also lacks direction, a sense of cohesive leadership and independence. They are finished and can write safely write them off.



Stupid man, you do not need inside source of information about facts that is publicly discernible. It is clear the AFC do not stand to lose but to gain since the statistical evidence of a weakened PPP voter pool is already existing in the absence of 16k of their voters. Add to that the disenchantment of people in the area living under oppressive inconveniences and poverty and the only inside information you can have is PPP bilge.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

If the Universe is expanding daily at a constant rate why then the AFC is losing votes by the minute?    


You mean to say that we haven't even had an election yet, and the PPP has already begun tp steal votes from the AFC.  We already have a precedent for this when they stole a seat in Region 10 from the AFC in the 2006 elections.


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