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Former Member

They know Charrandass more than any of us and would have grasped he was dubious for the vote.  They know also that what ever persuasion helped him to "yes" does not matter after the fact. The government legitimately fell per the rules and the rules is all that stands between civility and discord, civilization and barbarism.


They should not be a part of this charade but prevail on their compatriots to demit office and begin the campaign to recapture the government. Lacking that they should break ranks and be on the moral side. I would even put in s word for them with the Amerindian party for them to find a place.


The AFC was already a corpse before this action. Supporting the PNC strategy to remain in office means they are cremating their dead party. Because the have closed their yaps they are participating in this charade that bodes ill for our country. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

caribny posted:

These gentlemen will not do so because Charrandass injured them more than he did APNU.  If APNU loses the election of what use will the AFC be to them?  If you think that they ignore the AFC try looking to see what they will do if the PPP wins.

From my observation AFC, not breaking away from APNU.

Last edited by Django
D2 posted:

They should not be a part of this charade but prevail on their compatriots to demit office and begin the campaign to recapture the government. Lacking that they should break ranks and be on the moral side. I would even put in s word for them with the Amerindian party for them to find a place.

they do not have to "demit office" until after elections

stop posting nonsense

Article 106(7). Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

ronan posted:
D2 posted:

They should not be a part of this charade but prevail on their compatriots to demit office and begin the campaign to recapture the government. Lacking that they should break ranks and be on the moral side. I would even put in s word for them with the Amerindian party for them to find a place.

they do not have to "demit office" until after elections

stop posting nonsense

Article 106(7). Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

I agree with you here.  They are the Govt until election in 90 days.  If they push beyond the 90 days without approval, then they are no longer Legit!

Django posted:

From my observation AFC, not breaking away from APNU.

Not surprised. During the past 3+ years the AFC showed that it was willing to keep a distance from its grassroots supporters rather than stand up to APNU. Charrandas said that Nagamootoo & Ramjattan are eager to please Granger first and foremost.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

From my observation AFC, not breaking away from APNU.

Not surprised. During the past 3+ years the AFC showed that it was willing to keep a distance from its grassroots supporters rather than stand up to APNU. Charrandas said that Nagamootoo & Ramjattan are eager to please Granger first and foremost.

I looked at the 2015 Election Results, the AFC indeed lost some support of East Indian voters.

GECOM have the results for each polling stations in all ten regions.

Last edited by Django
Ray posted:

Their responsibility should be to Guyana if they want to be in the good graces of those who have supported them

Is Jagdeo responsible to Guyana? Is having an Indian become a Judas bringing down a majority black gov't to let a majority Indian gov't regain power good optics for Guyana?  This given our tribalism.

Now I know that like most Indians on GNI you cannot empathize with blacks so let me put it this way.  Suppose that Granger forced an NC on the PPP and Joe Hamilton voted "yes" causing a collapse of the PPP. Oh yes I know all the screams of "black man a kill ahbe" and you will understand the rationale behind that.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

From my observation AFC, not breaking away from APNU.

Not surprised. During the past 3+ years the AFC showed that it was willing to keep a distance from its grassroots supporters rather than stand up to APNU. Charrandas said that Nagamootoo & Ramjattan are eager to please Granger first and foremost.

I looked at the 2015 Election Results, the AFC indeed lost some support of East Indian voters.

GECOM have the results for each polling stations in all ten regions.

I have stated long ago that the AFC lost its Berbice vote. It did well in GT and I imagine much of that was from the Indians who live there.

I recall the boasts from the PPP about how poorly the coalition did in Nagamootoo's and Ramjattan's home villages.  The reality is that the AFC didn't have a rural Indian base. It remains an urban middle class party.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

They should not be a part of this charade but prevail on their compatriots to demit office and begin the campaign to recapture the government. Lacking that they should break ranks and be on the moral side. I would even put in s word for them with the Amerindian party for them to find a place.

they do not have to "demit office" until after elections

stop posting nonsense

Article 106(7). Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

I agree with you here.  They are the Govt until election in 90 days.  If they push beyond the 90 days without approval, then they are no longer Legit!

That is not what D2 is suggesting. He is appealing to their better judgement after examining prospects of what the country is faced with.

I think Jagdeo is frightening them to the point of damning their souls.

Nagamootoo always pride himself as an astute politician, from what played out on Friday night, he is partner with hooligans.

Nigel Hughes, is a disappointment. There was hope one day he could be President. Now, he let his color out in the public.

Trotman, another disappointment. As a previous Speaker, did he know the rules or he also showing his color.

Chanrrandass, exposed the whole lot by his single vote. And from all the commentaries, as an Indian he is not a citizen even though elected to parliament. He was suppose to be quiet in presence of the PNC and Nagamootto. His vote which should mean something in a democratic society is being challeged for legitimacy. This is Jagan shite all over.  

The AFC became an arm of the PNC the very first day of the government and the Indians knew that all along. Now we all know.

Who owns the AFC?   

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

Their responsibility should be to Guyana if they want to be in the good graces of those who have supported them

Is Jagdeo responsible to Guyana? Is having an Indian become a Judas bringing down a majority black gov't to let a majority Indian gov't regain power good optics for Guyana?  This given our tribalism.

Now I know that like most Indians on GNI you cannot empathize with blacks so let me put it this way.  Suppose that Granger forced an NC on the PPP and Joe Hamilton voted "yes" causing a collapse of the PPP. Oh yes I know all the screams of "black man a kill ahbe" and you will understand the rationale behind that.

I don't view this as an Indian or Black's a NC in the current Govt which barely had a majority

ksazma posted:

Bai Cribby. That is Guyana in a nutshell. Is either black or coolie. Why yuh crying that an Indian brought down a predominately black government. After all it was also an Indian who helped that predominantly black party become the government. 

I am not crying about anything. I am merely sharing with you how many people think and the problem that this creates.

1. It confirms to many blacks that they cannot trust Indians.

2. It hardens the tribal lines.

I am sure that a man like you, who screams about black laziness and violence, can understand that this picture would have been less complex had Jagdeo found a black or mixed person to act the Judas role.

Ray posted:

I don't view this as an Indian or Black's a NC in the current Govt which barely had a majority

If the AFC was in an alliance with the PPP and Trotman was the Judas, allowing a PNC (black) gov't, I bet you wouldn't have had a problem seeing this as an Indian or black thing.

Ray just imagine life as a black Guyanese. Shut out by the PPP for 23 years and now an Indian man caused the PPP to return. 

caribny posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

From my observation AFC, not breaking away from APNU.

Not surprised. During the past 3+ years the AFC showed that it was willing to keep a distance from its grassroots supporters rather than stand up to APNU. Charrandas said that Nagamootoo & Ramjattan are eager to please Granger first and foremost.

I looked at the 2015 Election Results, the AFC indeed lost some support of East Indian voters.

GECOM have the results for each polling stations in all ten regions.

I have stated long ago that the AFC lost its Berbice vote. It did well in GT and I imagine much of that was from the Indians who live there.

I recall the boasts from the PPP about how poorly the coalition did in Nagamootoo's and Ramjattan's home villages.  The reality is that the AFC didn't have a rural Indian base. It remains an urban middle class party.

You were correct, the detailed results proved such.

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

Their responsibility should be to Guyana if they want to be in the good graces of those who have supported them

Is Jagdeo responsible to Guyana? Is having an Indian become a Judas bringing down a majority black gov't to let a majority Indian gov't regain power good optics for Guyana?  This given our tribalism.

Now I know that like most Indians on GNI you cannot empathize with blacks so let me put it this way.  Suppose that Granger forced an NC on the PPP and Joe Hamilton voted "yes" causing a collapse of the PPP. Oh yes I know all the screams of "black man a kill ahbe" and you will understand the rationale behind that.

I agree. Suh yuh seying no government in Guyana can be santioned. It must be a system that has no justice. Whom ever intimate the most get the government. Guyana is not Africa.

ronan posted:
D2 posted:

They should not be a part of this charade but prevail on their compatriots to demit office and begin the campaign to recapture the government. Lacking that they should break ranks and be on the moral side. I would even put in s word for them with the Amerindian party for them to find a place.

they do not have to "demit office" until after elections

stop posting nonsense

Article 106(7). Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

The government ceases to be after a no confidence vote. Parliament is suspended and while they hold office no legislative process or new initiatives is to be undertaken.

I am asking that t hose fellows cease their futile quest and get about the business of election. I did not mean literally for them to walk away from the office. 

Presently they think they still are a government and nothing has changed. They are wrong.

Last edited by Former Member

Dude, it has been for decades that Indians think they can’t trust blacks so what’s the big deal. That is Guyana in a nutshell. The people there live with that distrust. The Coalition government promised Guyana that they would be different and make everything equal as Labba likes to say their one love mantra. Unfortunately after the elections it became a black government as the highest ranking Indian was able to perform his job without a black dude named Harmon looking over his shoulder. Why all the crocodile tears now? 

D2 posted:
ronan posted:

The government ceases to be after a no confidence vote. Parliament is suspended and while the hold office no legislative process or new initiatives is to be undertaken.

Yes but clearly cabinet remains effective until the election so that they day to day functioning of the country is enabled.

So Jagdeo is no longer leader of the opposition. He needs to ordain his stooge (through the "secret ballot") and remove himself from chatting. If he persists then he shouldn't be shocked if others do.

The coalition can feel free to contest the validity of the NC vote but I suggest that they will ultimately lose on this, look stupid and then  lose the election when it occurs in March.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
seignet posted:
 Guyana is not Africa.

Are you for real, what Indian name you have in mind.

Cannot help himself.  The issue is that he thinks that its India though. Any suggestion that it isnt, but is a multi ethnic nation where ALL are minorities isnt something that exists within his cognitive capabilities.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:

The government ceases to be after a no confidence vote. Parliament is suspended and while the hold office no legislative process or new initiatives is to be undertaken.

Yes but clearly cabinet remains effective until the election so that they day to day functioning of the country is enabled.

So Jagdeo is no longer leader of the opposition. He needs to ordain his stooge (through the "secret ballot") and remove himself from chatting. If he persists then he shouldn't be shocked if others do.

As a hold over. They are not to do anything but administrate necessary day to day functions. 

D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

They should not be a part of this charade but prevail on their compatriots to demit office and begin the campaign to recapture the government. Lacking that they should break ranks and be on the moral side. I would even put in s word for them with the Amerindian party for them to find a place.

they do not have to "demit office" until after elections

stop posting nonsense

Article 106(7). Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

The government ceases to be after a no confidence vote. Parliament is suspended and while the hold office no legislative process or new initiatives is to be undertaken.

you and the rest of the howlers here deh pon plenty stupidness

what is it about "shall remain in office" that you are having so much difficulty understanding?

i cite the Constitution of Guyana

you . . .??

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Dude, it has been for decades that Indians think they can’t trust blacks so what’s the big deal

Great. So when does the tribal warfare begin, because this is where we are headed unless we learn to listen to each other?

Don't worry with Ksaz, he ain't going back to Guyana, well laid back in FL. So he can say anything.

Last edited by Django

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