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The pomposity of this wanker who thinks he know it all but he cannot even look after his own portfolio.


This fella became a Minister in the Jagan Government because he abandon his profession of tiefing cycles from Metropole cinema to wasj Janet drawers.


So he because her pantie washer and shoes licker.


No training, no upbringing, just a certified thug.


He lucky Janet took “take pity” on him.


Today he is one of the richest man in Guyana (not richer than Jags who is the chief tief). 

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He’s criticised the Moses Nagamootoo mercilessly for not being better “qualified” than him for the job as President of Guyana.


Why did Jagan not send Rehoee to Ratrice Lumumba to do a masters?  He was just a shut tail bwoy for Jagan, while Moses and them were the brains behind the PPP in the 80's.



just saw a caption on the PPP glad rag where he said power sharing is not a problem for the PPP; trust is. I almost fell over. I wonder if he said that with a straight face. This is the most corrupt regime t hat ever existed in GY and this fellow is asking other to trust them!!!!!


My mother said he was not stupid but he has the heart of a snake and apt to behave likewise.


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