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If we didn’t tell you, yuh woulda never know.

Jan 01, 2019 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...h-woulda-never-know/

“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”

De year done and dem boys vex bout nuff things and all dem politicians know it. One of de things is gifts. This year dem boys ain’t see no gift.

The first couple years wid the PPP in office dem boys use to get gifts. But as soon as dem start exposing the skullduggery dem tun enemies and de PPP stop sending gifts.

The coalition come and behave de same way. When dem get in office the first year dem send suh much gifts to the Waterfalls paper de staff had to hire trucks fuh fetch dem home.

As soon as dem boys expose the cockishness of de coalition, starting wid de threatening letter wah BK send to dem and dem pay US$6M, de gifts stop coming.

Dem boys expose so much fuh you de people, dem thought you woulda be li’l grateful and send at least a bottle of wine of a quarter Vodka.

Is not that dem boys want it. Dem only expect fuh see some appreciation fuh all dem do.

It isn’t the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it. But it seems you just like dem ungrateful politicians we got in Guyana.

Now that 2019 come, dem boy want to refresh yuh memory of some of de things dem tell you. And if dem didn’t tell you, all of you woulda be in de dark, and pay fuh you darkness too.

Dem boys tell yaal how China is on the roll to put a finger or foot in every country of the world.

De fuss thing dem does do is corrupt yuh leaders by throwing a few million dollars in dem pockets.

That is how Jagdeo sign wid de Chinese to build an airport fuh US$150M that could have been built for US$40M.

Dem Chinese give countries big loans wha dem can’t pay back. In short, dem entrap dem and end up tekking way parts of de people country.

Dem boys report how New York City sue ExxonMobil, and others over climate change. Dem boys show how Exxon tek de people oil in every country dem go and lef de people wuss off than before.

Dem boys also show yaal how Exxon give all dem shithole countries like Guyana, next to nutten but dem give de non-shithole countries a fair deal.

Dem boys remind de nation that de only people who get an oil export licence until 2025 is a Chinese company approved for new oil.
And while one company trying to export something de country doesn’t have, anodda one, Baishanlin, was busted for illegally logging in Berbice River.

Aurora Gold Mines tell dem shareholders how dem spend US$30M on 100 lighting towers. One of dem towers does only sell fuh US$10,000.

De shareholders start an investigation. Dem hire a law firm to probe de company. That is de same company that bring them own plane and Guyana didn’t know.

De plane was to fly de gold out de country.

Is dem same boys expose de company that replace Jagdeo best friend, Ramroop.

This company never did any drugs business but de PNC drop a $366M drug contract in ee lap without any tender.

If wasn’t fuh dem boys Guyana woulda never know that it had to pay Exxon US$460M pre-contract cost. Now that same cost grow to US$900M; fuh wah? Only GOD in heavens knows.

Dem boys find out and expose how Exxon was trying to secure land fuh hotel and helicopters at Ogle. Trees start to die suddenly on de 10 acres of land at Ogle that Exxon was getting.

When dem boys ask, de Ogle people tell dem boys it was natural causes.

It tun out different now. A few weeks ago, dem boys find out Harmon approve de land fuh Exxon.

Y’aal woulda never know Royston King, de Town Clerk accepted 15 payments in cheques and cash totaling $6.8M fuh renting and selling city land. He deh home now.

And you woulda never know Guyana getting a renovated airport fuh US$150M and counting.

Anyway. Happy New Year to all you.

Talk half and read much more in our next edition.

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