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Investors being chased out of Guyana by APNU, AFC – Finance Minister

Investors being chased out of Guyana by APNU, AFC – Finance Minister

0 comments, 06/01/2014, by , in Politics] – Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh is of the view that the decision by Muri Brasil to pull out of its exploratory venture is the latest example of the harm being inflicted on Guyana’s developmental prospects by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC) attack against investors in Guyana.


Muri Brazil announced on Saturday that on December 30, 2013, the company made a decision to no longer pursue its geographical and geophysical survey under the PGGS granted by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC).

Muri Brasil Ventures in a statement said that “although the process was legal and transparent, this decision is due to the misinformation, prejudice and hostility to this proposed survey by persons and agencies which are fostering an adverse investment climate in Guyana.”

Minister Singh in a statement on Sunday, January 5 noted that, “this pattern of anti-development behavior by the Joint Opposition can be observed as they have repeatedly protested any project geared towards the development of Guyana.

Originally Posted by KishanB:



Investors being chased out of Guyana by APNU, AFC – Finance Minister

Investors being chased out of Guyana by APNU, AFC – Finance Minister

0 comments, 06/01/2014, by , in Politics] – Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh is of the view that the decision by Muri Brasil to pull out of its exploratory venture is the latest example of the harm being inflicted on Guyana’s developmental prospects by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC) attack against investors in Guyana.


Muri Brazil announced on Saturday that on December 30, 2013, the company made a decision to no longer pursue its geographical and geophysical survey under the PGGS granted by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC).

Muri Brasil Ventures in a statement said that “although the process was legal and transparent, this decision is due to the misinformation, prejudice and hostility to this proposed survey by persons and agencies which are fostering an adverse investment climate in Guyana.”

Minister Singh in a statement on Sunday, January 5 noted that, “this pattern of anti-development behavior by the Joint Opposition can be observed as they have repeatedly protested any project geared towards the development of Guyana.



It is the PPP's incompetence that is chasing investors away since they demand too much BRIBE from investors.


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