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If you coming for the Jubilee…


People are coming home for the jubilee. They are coming from east west, north and south. They are coming from near and they coming from far.  The Peeper has some advice for them. Listen up:

If you are coming home for the jubilee, please walk in the corner. Dem mini bus and hire care travelling like if they on the circuit. Stay in the corner and remember your road safety rules: look left, look right and then look left again. Then cross the road while continuing to look left and right.

If you coming for the jubilee do not expect the place to be clean. This is the rainy season. There will be lots of mud. There will be lots of slush.

The grass will be green but in many places it will be high. So please do not bad mouth yuh country if you coming home for the jubilee.

If you coming home for the jubilee make sure you label your suitcase properly and pick up the right suitcase at the airport. The flights are packed and there will some confusion. So be careful and ensure you get your luggage.

If your flight arriving 10 o’clock, ask your family to be at the airport for 9 o’clock. The roads will be busy with traffic. The traffic cops will be out in their numbers looking for speeding vehicles. So ensure that your family dem pun time.

If you coming to Guyana for the jubilee make sure you do not wear all them imitation jewelry that you foreigners like to show off with when you come here. We have an organization named SOCU, which might want to question you to see if you are exporting real gold.

Long ago they used to have people coming in with the fake jewelry and leaving with the real Mc Coy. But do not try that this time. SOCU watching closely!

So please make sure you leave your jewelry behind, both the fake one and the real one. You will avoid a lot of hassle by doing so.

If you coming to Guyana for the jubilee make sure that you walk with your long boots and your rain coats. It is only the towns whose drainage have been cleaned and de-littered.

There are many areas that have not been cleaned and it might well be one of those areas to which you are going. It is rainy season and the land drains slower than moving molasses.

So walk with your raincoat to shelter from the rain drops. And walk with your long boots to wade through the flood waters because the rains will fall for the jubilee.

If you coming for the jubilee make sure you walk with your credit card. Dem bandits on the prowl. They are looking for people with nuff cash.

Avoid walking with plenty money. Walk with your credit card.

If you coming to Guyana for the jubilee make sure you have good protection in Guyana. Dem young criminals have no respect for big people. So take precautions. Careful where you walking! Make sure you do not walk too late. Taxi cheap in Guyana, so try not to walk too much when it is late! Use a taxi!

If by chance you should get attacked do not try to play a hero. Dem young criminals have no respect for anyone.

If you coming for the jubilee and you are attending one of those public events make sure you get your tickets early in advance. Do not believe that you will arrive in Guyana a few days before the event and still be able to get tickets.

Ask yuh family or yuh friend to buy the tickets for you because dem Guyanese people already lining up for the tickets and they flush with money so do not believe they are waiting on you to come to buy tickets for the big concerts.

If you coming for the jubilee remember that the partying ends at 2 am. Do not turn up at 1 am and expect to party until dayclean. Those days are over!  Party dun at 2 am. Jump in you taxi, go home and sleep.

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