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‘If you don’t like the salary, quit’ – Manickchand

May 31, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



Teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries and are not dedicated to educating the nation’s children should quit the job.

This stern warning was sent by Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, during a recent public consultation at New Amsterdam Secondary School, Berbice.


Education Minister, Priya Manickchand


The consultation attended by Region Six head teachers, teachers and Education Officers sought to determine the future of the Ministry’s automatic promotion and corporal punishment policies.

During discussions on the automatic promotion of students, which was rejected by teachers, it was discovered that many teachers are not keen on giving remedial classes after regular school hours.

Remedial programme is integral to the success of the automatic promotion policy, since it aims to assist students in their slow areas.

According to a teacher, the salary teachers are paid is not sufficient to meet their needs, as such, they need to seek other earnings after school. This was met with widespread agreement from the gathering, who responded by applauds.

While accepting that teachers may have their own problems and needs, Manickchand declared that lackadaisical teachers have no place in the education system. She emphasized that those who are dissatisfied with the salary should leave the system.

Another reason posited by teachers why schools should not host remedial programmes in the afternoon is poverty. Most students who require remedial classes are from poor homes. As such, hunger, especially in the afternoons, those students cannot function properly.

In response to that claim, Manickchand pointed out that within each school, teachers should be aware of students who do not have meals regularly. Those students should be given a snack, she recommended.

Some believe that even before a student fails there are signs a dedicated teacher would observe. Early detection of students’ responsiveness in the classroom would also help to make the automatic promotion work and perhaps there will be no need for the automatic promotion.

Manickchand challenged the teachers to reposition their thinking of what they want to achieve and why they enter the profession. She asserted that teachers should be inspirational rather than staying in the system marking time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries and are not dedicated to educating the nation’s children should quit the job.


Education Minister, Priya Manickchand

Correct !!


Teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries and are not dedicated to educating the nation’s children should quit the job.

I agree with her on the part where teachers ARE NOT dedicated to educating the children.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries and are not dedicated to educating the nation’s children should quit the job.

I agree with her on the part where teachers ARE NOT dedicated to educating the children.

Mi gree wid dem wuh jess doin' it fuh di money and natt fuh di chirrun.  Bu' dah teechas shud get decant pay fuh live decent life.  Is also bout attrackin' good peepl in dah profeshun.  Both side muss wuk, pay an dedication.


Leh di fat lady nah geh good pay, see how qik shi look fuh adda jaab.  Wah good fuh goose good fuh ganda.  Nat soo?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Now, dah waaan fatt cyatt, wah yuh seh!

U can have her and Jaya too. I am vaccinated against guyanese Indian girls, fat ones  especially

Wah, rass yuh nah knoo wah yuh missin' bai.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries and are not dedicated to educating the nation’s children should quit the job.


Education Minister, Priya Manickchand

Correct !!

One of Jagan's disciple and at her best. Imagine a statement like that instead of implementing a set of guide lines to ensure that teachers provide quality education to the children of Guyana.


Can this woman be in every classroom in Guyana?

Does she expect any teachers to quit unless they having an exit visa?


Some of these ppl have no business chart the course of a nation. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Before teachers join the profession, they knew what the salary scale was, it was up to them to accept it or not.

Yuh think Guyanese have principles? If the GOG have none, yuh expect the citizens to have any.


All dem ppl hanging out at the OP, yuh think dey desreve the money dey getting.   

Originally Posted by alena06:

It is a strong statement to say 'if you don't like the salary quit'.


Maybe she can reach a compromise with the teachers.  Pay them a few extra dollars for overtime.


Gyaal, yuh outta tuch, yuh nah knoo wah happanin donk hay.  See, dem teecha waan salary.  Da minista cyaant nat compete wid dah afta school fees wah dem teecha ah charge fuh who cyan pay.  Datts wy rich ah geh richha and poor an geh poora in diss friggin k.untry.


Wah dem need fuh do is link-up average scores pun dem teecha bonus pay.  Dem shud devise waan plan wah link up techa bonus wid how dem students an, class an' school a parfarm.  Wenn dem do datt, den techa an' head mastas gon mek shore chilrun larn prapaly.


Instead, dem a tief and build moo Prado.


Dem shud devise waan plan wah link up techa bonus wid how dem students an, class an' school a parfarm




Good point. Might be tough to implement this though since demograghics and poverty level seem to have a lot to do with test scores.  In poorer parts of the country where generally students tend to have lower grades, those teachers will feel they are not equally rewarded.


In all fairness to the minister, she did do a lot of work as soon as she took office.  She did have a good plan for helping the kids better their scores on standardized tests.  She might be getting a litlle frustrated thinking that the teachers are not going the extra mile to cooperate, but there is always a compromise.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Dem shud devise waan plan wah link up techa bonus wid how dem students an, class an' school a parfarm




Good point. Might be tough to implement this though since demograghics and poverty level seem to have a lot to do with test scores.  In poorer parts of the country where generally students tend to have lower grades, those teachers will feel they are not equally rewarded.

Homan, everyting tuff.  All eeezy ansa done find.  Ah wah yuh tink abie senn peeple to univarsity fuh, juss salve eezy prablims?  Alyuh coolie gah too much excuse fuh everyting, datts wy alyuh run way up deh. If Ministas scyaant fin solution to prablims, den senn dem paking, abie need prablim salvaz, natt spongaz.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Dem shud devise waan plan wah link up techa bonus wid how dem students an, class an' school a parfarm




Good point. Might be tough to implement this though since demograghics and poverty level seem to have a lot to do with test scores.  In poorer parts of the country where generally students tend to have lower grades, those teachers will feel they are not equally rewarded.

Homan, everyting tuff.  All eeezy ansa done find.  Ah wah yuh tink abie senn peeple to univarsity fuh, juss salve eezy prablims?  Alyuh coolie gah too much excuse fuh everyting, datts wy alyuh run way up deh. If Ministas scyaant fin solution to prablims, den senn dem paking, abie need prablim salvaz, natt spongaz.



Originally Posted by alena06:

In all fairness to the minister, she did do a lot of work as soon as she took office.  She did have a good plan for helping the kids better their scores on standardized tests.  She might be getting a litlle frustrated thinking that the teachers are not going the extra mile to cooperate, but there is always a compromise.

Did watt, shi rev shi engine bu' shi gear bax deh nuetraal.  Shi juss gett nuff pay, eat too much, push nuff paapa, talk nuff, but deliva lilbit hay an' deh.  Mi gess fuh ignaar coolies, dah enuff.  Mi tink alyuh Abama wuzz gon fiah shi laaaaaaang time.

Originally Posted by Wally:

There is nothing wrong with very large women.   

Nah nuttin bai.  Infak lil meat pon di bone gatt 'e own benefits.  Bess wukkin person ah dem homan wah nah too fancy.  Dem do good wuk and nah gi noo headache.  Dem fancy homans always gat dem man an baby prablims.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries and are not dedicated to educating the nation’s children should quit the job.


Education Minister, Priya Manickchand

Correct !!

One of Jagan's disciple and at her best. Imagine a statement like that instead of implementing a set of guide lines to ensure that teachers provide quality education to the children of Guyana.


Can this woman be in every classroom in Guyana?

Does she expect any teachers to quit unless they having an exit visa?


Some of these ppl have no business chart the course of a nation. 

Comrade Cheddi never knew who Priya Manickchand was.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

One of Jagan's disciple and at her best. Imagine a statement like that instead of implementing a set of guide lines to ensure that teachers provide quality education to the children of Guyana.


Can this woman be in every classroom in Guyana?

Does she expect any teachers to quit unless they having an exit visa?


Some of these ppl have no business chart the course of a nation. 

Comrade Cheddi never knew who Priya Manickchand was.

Me nah tink comrade Cheddie bin knoo who no bady was.  Dah man wah soo honest yet e' surroun heself wid nuff nuff tiefman.


Shi nah gafa be in evry clasroom, but she gafa divelap polacy an program fuh mek shore shi get results.  Why alyuh soa stupit, is Abama in evry class room, yet he mekkin shure peeple respansible deliva results.  Shi gafa magage shi peeple, da wuh govorn mean, natt jess shoutin an screamin an telling dem goa leff if dem nah like am.


Coolies full wid excuse fuh evry ting.  Abie pon tap.


Minister Manickchand was taken out of context

June 1, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



On Thursday, March 31, 2012, this publication carried a story with a headline “IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE SALARY, QUIT – MANICKCHAND”.


The story gave the distinct impression that teachers at a consultation in Berbice said en masse that they did not want the automatic promotion policy to continue as they were not being paid for the remedial classes and that the Minister of Education had said to teachers that if they do not want to do the remedial classes for students as a result of the automatic promotion policy then they should quit the profession.

We are satisfied that the story inadvertently misrepresented the views of both the teachers as well as the Minister of Education.

It is true that a teacher raised the issue of payment for the remediation classes citing the needs of families of teachers. The Minister received that as one of the reasons the programme was not as successful as it was envisioned to be and duly recorded the reason.

It is also true that during the course of the day the Minister did indeed have an inspirational talk with teachers, which had absolutely nothing to do with automatic promotion and/or remediation classes, where she praised teachers for being much more than teachers every day, discussed with teachers their almost sacred duty to mould minds and emphasised that what teachers do today will determine what Guyana looks like tomorrow.

It was during this session that the Minister indicated that the ministry had no space for the handful of teachers who are comfortable with turning up to school late every day, putting their heads on a desk, not teaching and the at the end of the day saying that salary was not enough while still receiving that salary.

We apologise to the Minister and to the teachers for any confusion, hurt and/or strained relations that our story would have unintentionally caused.


OK, denn mi tek bak wah mi seh.  Mi juss bin cyaan natt undastan shi attitude, bu look laka shi deh rite side mi book.....fuh now.  Mi glaad di laady set tings rite and diss now mek moo sense.  Abie pon tapp.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

‘If you don’t like the salary, quit’ – Manickchand

May 31, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



Teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries and are not dedicated to educating the nation’s children should quit the job.

This stern warning was sent by Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, during a recent public consultation at New Amsterdam Secondary School, Berbice.


Education Minister, Priya Manickchand


The consultation attended by Region Six head teachers, teachers and Education Officers sought to determine the future of the Ministry’s automatic promotion and corporal punishment policies.

During discussions on the automatic promotion of students, which was rejected by teachers, it was discovered that many teachers are not keen on giving remedial classes after regular school hours.

Remedial programme is integral to the success of the automatic promotion policy, since it aims to assist students in their slow areas.

According to a teacher, the salary teachers are paid is not sufficient to meet their needs, as such, they need to seek other earnings after school. This was met with widespread agreement from the gathering, who responded by applauds.

While accepting that teachers may have their own problems and needs, Manickchand declared that lackadaisical teachers have no place in the education system. She emphasized that those who are dissatisfied with the salary should leave the system.

Another reason posited by teachers why schools should not host remedial programmes in the afternoon is poverty. Most students who require remedial classes are from poor homes. As such, hunger, especially in the afternoons, those students cannot function properly.

In response to that claim, Manickchand pointed out that within each school, teachers should be aware of students who do not have meals regularly. Those students should be given a snack, she recommended.

Some believe that even before a student fails there are signs a dedicated teacher would observe. Early detection of students’ responsiveness in the classroom would also help to make the automatic promotion work and perhaps there will be no need for the automatic promotion.

Manickchand challenged the teachers to reposition their thinking of what they want to achieve and why they enter the profession. She asserted that teachers should be inspirational rather than staying in the system marking time.

Remember this one!


nah, me Fada in his wisdom said Danald frighen to call am.


If he call elections, he gan get 40%. faughty percent.


NO elections in 2013 be it local guvment or general elections.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

nah, me Fada in his wisdom said Danald frighen to call am.


If he call elections, he gan get 40%. faughty percent.


NO elections in 2013 be it local guvment or general elections.

YUh Fada might be suffering from kiddex.  But in all honesty, I think next election will be AFC 35%, PNC 30%, PPP 33%, other 2%

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Why Mis Maniac-chand not carry she cunu-munu self.  Isn't she the one who built a $110 million house at Pradoville 2?



Why dont we fire this fat maniack?


what the ppp government need to do right now,is double teachers and police wages,no excuse just do it ,guyana need to build up the standard to the way it was.teachers and police with health is the most inportant profession in any country.and please do not tell me you do not have money,the fools at OP is being over paid,you building hotel that we donot need.building a new airport that we have no use for.the ppp government have to know what is more inportant for a country development,its not buildings but its people welfare


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