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You are entitled to your own opinion.

I am of the firm belief that nullifying the March 2, 2020 elections will create a clean slate for ALL Guyanese and allow for the entire country to come together in helping issue credible, transparent and fair elections where no one party can claim fraud or rigging.

The CARICOM report itself advises a revamp of GECOM, the voters list and investigation of missing documents. Clearly, for CARICOM to make such recommendations they have observed flaws in the Guyana's electoral process that will need to be immediately rectified to result in CREDIBLE, NOT "REASONABLY CREDIBLE" results. 

Last edited by Rochelle

You are so full of it. You were supporting Mingo and his crooked declaration, now because you and your party lost, you suddenly start talking about revamp etc.You were jumping up with Granger when Mingo said he "won" You were not calling for fairness etc.

Typical PNC BS as usual. Please, save it for your other kool aid drinkers. Yall have destroyed Guyana and don't care one hoot once PNC "win"


The idea that the Coalition destroyed Guyana is nonsense.  I had been hearing this from relatives and friends soon after the coalition took over in 2015.  They used the usual terms , you know like "dem people da cant run cake shap dey go run country."  You know the racist crap.  Oh BTW, elsewhere in the news today I saw that a Guyanese was appointed Dean of Engineering at Cornell.  I think his name in Lynden Archer.  For racist IndoGuyanese he too would have been deemed not capable of running a "cake shap".  Well he is going to run a faculty of more than 200 professors at one of the better universities in the US.  However, I digress so coming back to the  refrain of  the Coalition destroying Guyana. I went there in 2016 and what I saw was a far cry from a destroyed country.  There was visible economic activity, which was borne out by relevant statistics.  This was one of the things that led me to support the reelection of the Coalition.  Now, we are seeing the same narrative being broadcast again: the country bankrupt and only Jagdeo and the PPP know how to fix it.  Unbelievably this is coming from people who are clueless about economic matters and who can barely write English or do Math.  But, they are experts on the economy and constitutional law.  While I am on the subject did you see the recent news that the rice industry brought in unprecedented income in the last quarter.  Enough for now.  GECOM will decide.

@Totaram posted:

The idea that the Coalition destroyed Guyana is nonsense.  I had been hearing this from relatives and friends soon after the coalition took over in 2015.  They used the usual terms , you know like "dem people da cant run cake shap dey go run country."  You know the racist crap.  Oh BTW, elsewhere in the news today I saw that a Guyanese was appointed Dean of Engineering at Cornell.  I think his name in Lynden Archer.  For racist IndoGuyanese he too would have been deemed not capable of running a "cake shap".  Well he is going to run a faculty of more than 200 professors at one of the better universities in the US.  However, I digress so coming back to the  refrain of  the Coalition destroying Guyana. I went there in 2016 and what I saw was a far cry from a destroyed country.  There was visible economic activity, which was borne out by relevant statistics.  This was one of the things that led me to support the reelection of the Coalition.  Now, we are seeing the same narrative being broadcast again: the country bankrupt and only Jagdeo and the PPP know how to fix it.  Unbelievably this is coming from people who are clueless about economic matters and who can barely write English or do Math.  But, they are experts on the economy and constitutional law.  While I am on the subject did you see the recent news that the rice industry brought in unprecedented income in the last quarter.  Enough for now.  GECOM will decide.

The economic activity you saw in 2016 was inherited from PPPC, APNU won the election in 2015. PPP paid of external debts of 3 Bullion US left by PNC. In 2015, PPPC left 15 billion in cash in the treasury plus gold reserves. APNU squander all of this plus put the economy in minus 92 billion dollars in 5 years. It’s proven Granger government of Afro and Indians cannot managed a country. 

You sure you wanna go down this road with me. 

@Totaram posted:

The idea that the Coalition destroyed Guyana is nonsense.  I had been hearing this from relatives and friends soon after the coalition took over in 2015.  They used the usual terms , you know like "dem people da cant run cake shap dey go run country."  You know the racist crap.  Oh BTW, elsewhere in the news today I saw that a Guyanese was appointed Dean of Engineering at Cornell.  I think his name in Lynden Archer.  For racist IndoGuyanese he too would have been deemed not capable of running a "cake shap".  Well he is going to run a faculty of more than 200 professors at one of the better universities in the US.  However, I digress so coming back to the  refrain of  the Coalition destroying Guyana. I went there in 2016 and what I saw was a far cry from a destroyed country.  There was visible economic activity, which was borne out by relevant statistics.  This was one of the things that led me to support the reelection of the Coalition.  Now, we are seeing the same narrative being broadcast again: the country bankrupt and only Jagdeo and the PPP know how to fix it.  Unbelievably this is coming from people who are clueless about economic matters and who can barely write English or do Math.  But, they are experts on the economy and constitutional law.  While I am on the subject did you see the recent news that the rice industry brought in unprecedented income in the last quarter.  Enough for now.  GECOM will decide.

Your relatives and friends were correct. 


Same BS from the same BS PNC supporters. I did not mention anything about race, PNC people come in all shapes and colors, the fact remains that they are still thieves and cheats. It' s been proven for years and years and years.

All race are guilty of cheating and stealing, but PNC and their supporters are a breed apart.

@Totaram posted:

They were as shallow and misguided as you.  Your response shows that you simply cannot rebut what I wrote.   If you comprehended what I wrote you would have seen that I proved those relatives and friends' biased views to be wrong and so are yours. 

Are you for real. You think what you saw in 2016 was because oF APNU? Did you visit prior? Did you visit in 2018 to see the shit hole that the APNU turned it into. Be objective. And please desist from personal attacks, you do no know me.


@Totaram posted:

The idea that the Coalition destroyed Guyana is nonsense.  I had been hearing this from relatives and friends soon after the coalition took over in 2015.  They used the usual terms , you know like "dem people da cant run cake shap dey go run country."  You know the racist crap.  Oh BTW, elsewhere in the news today I saw that a Guyanese was appointed Dean of Engineering at Cornell.  I think his name in Lynden Archer.  For racist IndoGuyanese he too would have been deemed not capable of running a "cake shap".  Well he is going to run a faculty of more than 200 professors at one of the better universities in the US.  However, I digress so coming back to the  refrain of  the Coalition destroying Guyana. I went there in 2016 and what I saw was a far cry from a destroyed country.  There was visible economic activity, which was borne out by relevant statistics.  This was one of the things that led me to support the reelection of the Coalition.  Now, we are seeing the same narrative being broadcast again: the country bankrupt and only Jagdeo and the PPP know how to fix it.  Unbelievably this is coming from people who are clueless about economic matters and who can barely write English or do Math.  But, they are experts on the economy and constitutional law.  While I am on the subject did you see the recent news that the rice industry brought in unprecedented income in the last quarter.  Enough for now.  GECOM will decide.

The Coalition has embarked in the first step to destroying Guyana once again.  They inherited a thriving nation in 1964 with one of the highest living standards in the Caribbean.  In 1968 the stole the election and from then was one party rule until it ended in 1992.  In 2015 PNC took power again in a Coalition.  In 2020 they are attempting to do exactly as they did in 1968.

Don't be fooled by oil.  In the early 70's, due to global shortages, Guyana made more money in 3/4 years than Oil will yield in 10 years.  By 1978 Guyana was collapsing into bankruptcy which ushered in an era of immense suffering.

The destruction of democracy and the economy led to chaotic migration, broken families and a broken society.  The destruction of Guyana now touched every aspect of the society.

Now to 2020.  We have already witnessed the destruction of the economy, all reserves gone, massive unemployment, shortages starts to mount, etc.  Now we have an attempt to steal democracy as they did in 1968.  The rest will come.  Human nature in 1968 and 2020 is the same.

The PNC will not prevail.  The will be forced to vacate office.

On the side, don't talk of Math.  Please inform your friends that 33 is the majority in 65.

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

The idea that the Coalition destroyed Guyana is nonsense.  I had been hearing this from relatives and friends soon after the coalition took over in 2015.  They used the usual terms , you know like "dem people da cant run cake shap dey go run country."  You know the racist crap.  Oh BTW, elsewhere in the news today I saw that a Guyanese was appointed Dean of Engineering at Cornell.  I think his name in Lynden Archer.  For racist IndoGuyanese he too would have been deemed not capable of running a "cake shap".  Well he is going to run a faculty of more than 200 professors at one of the better universities in the US.  However, I digress so coming back to the  refrain of  the Coalition destroying Guyana. I went there in 2016 and what I saw was a far cry from a destroyed country.  There was visible economic activity, which was borne out by relevant statistics.  This was one of the things that led me to support the reelection of the Coalition.  Now, we are seeing the same narrative being broadcast again: the country bankrupt and only Jagdeo and the PPP know how to fix it.  Unbelievably this is coming from people who are clueless about economic matters and who can barely write English or do Math.  But, they are experts on the economy and constitutional law.  While I am on the subject did you see the recent new that the rice industry brought in unprecedented income in the last quarter.  Enough for now.  GECOM will decide.

The real reason for the prevailing thinking and mentality referenced above is based on their inherent racism, dislike of black people and a deep desire to put Indians on top. 

@Former Member posted:

The real reason for the prevailing thinking and mentality referenced above is based on their inherent racism, dislike of black people and a deep desire to put Indians on top. 

Total Bull sh1t. Didn’t Indians in the AFC put the coalition in power.

You Blacks rescind to race because its your thinking!

@Former Member posted:

Total Bull sh1t. Didn’t Indians in the AFC put the coalition in power.

You Blacks rescind to race because its your thinking!

Bai base the race card got a lot of power. You should try it sometime. As none white it got me some unbelievable benefits in US navy.

These stateside blacks harping about Indian racism knows from experience the perks they receive from whites for just being black. The problem is the Coolie man in Guyana is in the same boat[actually was brought by the same boat] and they were also slaves so the race card is not very effective there but that doesn’t stop any from playing it...


What people are missing in this entire fiasco is the, Blackman psyche in Guyana. They actually see Guyana as their god-given nation.  They view this as a stealing of what’s rightfully theirs.  They feel they were there before Indians and suffered under slavery so they have inherited the country and it’s riches.

The international community calling for this transition!  Are they prepared for what could come?  Do they have a force on standby?

This could evoke an East Timor reaction when they voted for independence.

@Former Member posted:

What people are missing in this entire fiasco is the, Blackman psyche in Guyana. They actually see Guyana as their god-given nation.  They view this as a stealing of what’s rightfully theirs.  They feel they were there before Indians and suffered under slavery so they have inherited the country and it’s riches.

The international community calling for this transition!  Are they prepared for what could come?  Do they have a force on standby?

This could evoke an East Timor reaction when they voted for independence.

Blacks feel Guyana is an entitlement to them. Wait until they start asking the army to overthrow the democratically elected government because it's not a black man dominated run party. I have seen this on social media.

@Former Member posted:

That will be suicidal.

I hope Granger is smart enough to address his people and let them know the voters have spoken and he respects the results. Without him conceding, there will always be the suspicion of his supporters that the election was unfair. His people do not want to hear that the PPP won a fair election. This might bring instability again and lives would be lost.

@Totaram posted:

The idea that the Coalition destroyed Guyana is nonsense.  I had been hearing this from relatives and friends soon after the coalition took over in 2015.  They used the usual terms , you know like "dem people da cant run cake shap dey go run country."  You know the racist crap.  Oh BTW, elsewhere in the news today I saw that a Guyanese was appointed Dean of Engineering at Cornell.  I think his name in Lynden Archer.  For racist IndoGuyanese he too would have been deemed not capable of running a "cake shap".  Well he is going to run a faculty of more than 200 professors at one of the better universities in the US.  However, I digress so coming back to the  refrain of  the Coalition destroying Guyana. I went there in 2016 and what I saw was a far cry from a destroyed country.  There was visible economic activity, which was borne out by relevant statistics.  This was one of the things that led me to support the reelection of the Coalition.  Now, we are seeing the same narrative being broadcast again: the country bankrupt and only Jagdeo and the PPP know how to fix it.  Unbelievably this is coming from people who are clueless about economic matters and who can barely write English or do Math.  But, they are experts on the economy and constitutional law.  While I am on the subject did you see the recent news that the rice industry brought in unprecedented income in the last quarter.  Enough for now.  GECOM will decide.

Yes GECOM will decide....but its decision must be consisten with the multitude of observers and the CAROCOM report, the observer group which the GANGSTA said he will respect. 

I dont know if you are Indo or Afro, but you certainly are cockeyed. And yes, there are some vile comments here about Afros, butyou need to go to other platforms and look at the comments: "Indians should go back to India" "all Indos are thieves and drug traffickers" "Indos are racists". It goes on on both sides by all Guyanese. I dont know what both sides say about Amerindians and mixed people. 

It is not a question that the "coalition destroyed Guyana", the coalition destroyed itself in the quest for power and not respecting the human rights of the Guyanese people, including those of its own supporters. No one should defend that. If they continue to rule by fraud, they will take us down the rabbit hole...they have now bankrupt the country. You are defending the indefensible.



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