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fall into place. If you cannot do the little things well; on what authority are you saying you will do the big things to par? These cruel people are our official bean counters and they cannot keep their own beans in line!


Pay these  people their money immediately. This is a bloody disgrace. The people in charge of this  ought to be sanctioned in some way. This is incompetence made manifest. But it might be that these are mainly native peoples and the superior race simply cannot be bothered!


Our people are being treated worse than indentured servants!!!!


Moruca Census workers still without pay

February 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

More than 30 persons from Moruca in the North West District who worked for the Bureau of Statistics during the national census have not been paid. John Torres, a farmer, who worked as an enumerator, told Kaieteur News that no one from the Bureau of Statistics has contacted them regarding the payments.

From his calculation, Torres said that he is owed an estimated $100,000, and a similar amount is owed to the other 31 workers.

Contacted yesterday, a senior official of the Bureau of Statistics said that the payments are being prepared, but she could not give a definitive date when the workers would be paid. She said they would receive their money β€œsoon.”

The Moruca census workers, like those who were hired around the country, started working in September, and most of them would have wrapped up their work mid-December last year.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

If you cannot do the little things well; on what authority are you saying you will do the big things to par?

The little things are indeed difficult for you.

Well what do you know? Rahim comes out to make the usual  low rent pitch in defense of the indefensible! If paying people for a job is not within your realm of comprehension you are truly far gone. Yes, this little thing you should know


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