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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Min Of Finance Yesu Persaud, Min Of Home Affairs Ronald Gajraj, Min of Health DR Ramsammy, Min of Agriculture Moses Nagamootoo,  Min of Public Works Trotman, Min of Justice Nandalall, Min of Info Granger, Min of HUman Services DR Webster, Min of Education: NOne other than Priya Manickchand.

Like you hit the bottle early.............


President - Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PM - Amral

HPS - Kari

Health - Gilbakka

Education- CaribNY

Finance - Baseman

Foreign affairs - Lucas

Agri - warrior

Amerindian affairs - Danyael

Public works - D-G

Natural resources - Skeldon_man

Youth, sport and culture- Ksazma

Home affairs - Mitwah

Labour - Yugi

Legal affairs - redux

local govt - Kishan B/ Brian T


Am not derailing your thread Amral, this just reflects my thoughts on a new cabinet.





Originally Posted by Nehru:

Min Of Finance Yesu Persaud, Min Of Home Affairs Ronald Gajraj, Min of Health DR Ramsammy, Min of Agriculture Moses Nagamootoo,  Min of Public Works Trotman, Min of Justice Nandalall, Min of Info Granger, Min of HUman Services DR Webster, Min of Education: NOne other than Priya Manickchand.

Under those names the country has not done too good. So, why honour them with Portfolios.

The country needs a break from Politicians. Guyana has enough private citizens who can rebuild the country.


I know many private citizens who could serve. One such person is Lionel Jaipersaud Mohabir as Minister of Job Creation.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Min Of Finance Yesu Persaud, Min Of Home Affairs Ronald Gajraj, Min of Health DR Ramsammy, Min of Agriculture Moses Nagamootoo,  Min of Public Works Trotman, Min of Justice Nandalall, Min of Info Granger, Min of HUman Services DR Webster, Min of Education: NOne other than Priya Manickchand.

Under those names the country has not done too good. So, why honour them with Portfolios.

The country needs a break from Politicians. Guyana has enough private citizens who can rebuild the country.


I know many private citizens who could serve. One such person is Lionel Jaipersaud Mohabir as Minister of Job Creation.

Mr. Raj Singh from New Jersey as a Minister.  NOT


He now a Guysuco.

Originally Posted by kajol:

President - Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PM - Amral

HPS - Kari

Health - Gilbakka

Education- CaribNY

Finance - Baseman

Foreign affairs - Lucas

Agri - warrior

Amerindian affairs - Danyael

Public works - D-G

Natural resources - Skeldon_man

Youth, sport and culture- Ksazma

Home affairs - Mitwah

Labour - Yugi

Legal affairs - redux

local govt - Kishan B/ Brian T


Am not derailing your thread Amral, this just reflects my thoughts on a new cabinet.





Agreed.........very thoughtful.............

Originally Posted by Amral:

wasn't Gajraj Home Affairs minister at one time a few years ago and then he had some problems, so why bring him back??

Yes, he was. He was cleared by the Courts over allegations and thereafter, the PPP posted him to India as its Ambassador. But he can always be recalled. 

Last edited by Former Member

President - Dr Odeen Ishmael -PPP

PM - Ralph Ramkarran -Independent

HPS - Moses Nagamootoo - AFC

Health - Dr Cummings -PNC

Education- Amna Ally -PNC

Finance - Donald Ramotar Daughter - PPP

Foreign affairs - Cathy Hughes -AFC

Agri - Dharam Seeraj Kumar - PPP

Amerindian affairs - Valarie Lowe -AFC

Public works - Gerhard Ramsaroop - AFC

Natural resources - Shyam Nokta -PPP

Youth, sport and culture- Dr Vidya Persaud -PPP

Home affairs - Granger -PNC

Labour - Carl Grinedge - PNC

Legal affairs - Khemraj Ramjattan -AFC

local govt - Ronald Bulkhan -PNC

Trade - Rajendra  Persaud -PPP


Clean,Experienced & Multi Party Leadership

President - Dr Odeen Ishmael - PPP

PM - Ralph Ramkarran -Independent

HPS - Moses Nagamootoo - AFC

Home affairs - David Granger -PNC



Finance - Donald Ramotar Daughter

Agri - Dharam Seeraj Kumar

Natural resources - Shyam Nokta

Youth, sport and culture- Dr Vidya Persaud

Trade - Rajendra  Persaud



Health - Dr Cummings

Education- Amna Ally 

Labour - Carl Grinedge

Local govt - Ronald Bulkhan



Foreign affairs - Cathy Hughes

Amerindian affairs - Valarie Lowe

Public works - Gerhard Ramsaroop

Legal affairs - Khemraj Ramjattan


AMRAL what do you think about a Cabinet like the above?

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Clean,Experienced & Multi Party Leadership

President - Dr Odeen Ishmael - PPP

PM - Ralph Ramkarran -Independent

HPS - Moses Nagamootoo - AFC

Home affairs - David Granger -PNC



Finance - Donald Ramotar Daughter

Agri - Dharam Seeraj Kumar

Natural resources - Shyam Nokta

Youth, sport and culture- Dr Vidya Persaud

Trade - Rajendra  Persaud



Health - Dr Cummings

Education- Amna Ally 

Labour - Carl Grinedge

Local govt - Ronald Bulkhan



Foreign affairs - Cathy Hughes

Amerindian affairs - Valarie Lowe

Public works - Gerhard Ramsaroop

Legal affairs - Khemraj Ramjattan


AMRAL what do you think about a Cabinet like the above?

He already stated that a clean break from the Career Politicians would be refreshing.


As much as I would like the fact  that Amb Ishmael can be part of a team I would decline on the fact that it is much too late now and  he is of the old school (no offense) and he is much older now.


His son Safraz is a bright fellow and he would be an asset to any party.

There is definitely a place for Gerhard on a cabinet.

Last edited by Amral
Originally Posted by Amral:

First will be getting rid of all them old time politicians .....

No we need the Experience and honesty of Experienced Professionals like Dr Ishmael & Ralph Ramkarran....I will agree with you if you said we must get rid of them Old time Thiefman (old or Young) from the PPP & PNC.



and surround yourself with a new age of thinking individuals. (Yes bring in younger Guyanese....from all parties`to be included in the Cabinet)


Try to entice all the bright guns that have left country to come back home and help rebuild ......Bhai Amral....yuh sounding like Jagdeo very careful....lets see...

like who.... Jagdeo Vulture Friends rushing Back Home.....

Manni, Bobby, Brian Young,


or like De Champion of De Earth Crab Louse`Buddies

Sonny, Fip, Ed, Prem, Raj Singh,


or like De Dr, Dr, Dr, Dr, Dr....Intellectual Associates & Overly Qualified Scholars friends

De Professor who was charged with sex crimes in Canada  and was caught at UG hiding,

or the lawyer from England who Dem mek Judge in Guyana while eee facing serious charges overseas....


or like Jagabat Underworld Drug-lords

like RK, Buddy, Salim and others who find Guyana.....

as a safe place to expand their Narco Business,.....

money Laundering, Gun Runnings & Illegal Contra-ban Operations

by paying off Corrupt Leaders

in De PPP, PNC, GDF, Police, Courts, Customs & CANU



and try to get some of the old loans wipe off.

Yes ...Guyana needs International Help.....

That's why we need Odeen, Ralph & Moses...

Forget about Dr, Dr, Dr, Dr, Dr & his Friends, Associates, Crab Louse & Vultures.



All of that is moving the deck chairs. If the President can implant the legislature etc then the system is flawed. The People should select their representative and the president's cabinet should be confirmed by the joint vote of the legislature. He shroud only get to appoint his VP.


Were I manically made president I would let the preceding legislature select the interim members from both parties until such time that a republican constitution could be devised and the matter of Cabinets be left to the peoples choice.


Originally Posted by Amral:

As much as I would like the fact  that Amb Ishmael can be part of a team I would decline on the fact that it is much too late now and  he is of the old school (no offense) and he is much older now.


Hogwash....Amb Ishmael is much younger than Burnham, Hoyte, Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan  and Arthur Cheong when they were President of Guyana.

Further....Amb Ishmael is more Qualified, Ready, Willing & Able to lead Guyana out of this mess today than any of our Former Presidents .....or even if you put them all together. Amb is more Respectable, Trusted and he is Recognised all over the world for his work.

Amral....Jagdeo, Prem Misir & Randy Persaud can never come close to Dr Ishmael.






His son Safraz is a bright fellow and he would be an asset to any party.

There is definitely a place for Gerhard on a cabinet.


Safraz if he choose to....

would be welcomed to work along with the real young, dedicated recognized and popular leaders we have in Guyana like

PPP- Donald Ramotar Daughter, Shyam Nokta,

Dr Vidya Persaud, Saddie Amin.


PNC- Dr Cummings, Ronald Bulkhan.


AFC- Cathy Hughes, Gerhard Ramsaroop







1. Current and past elected members of parliament must not be considered for positions in the government nor be involved with the political issues.


2. All active and past executive members of political organizations should no longer be engaged with the parties and politics.


3. The new young members of each political organizations would select their members to contest the election(s).


4. Political organizations can determine whether they will merge with other(s}.


5. Elections can be held and the party with the most votes will govern the country.


Mits how do you make up rules like these bhai......

1. Current and past PNC Hydro Engineers must not be considered to advise  the government nor be involved in any discussion about development because of their record of poor judgment and failure.


2. All active and past Engineers and card carrying members who worked with the PPP or PNC should no longer be engaged with the parties and politics.


3. The new young members of each political organizations would select their members to contest the election(s).


4. Political organizations can determine whether they will merge with other(s}. Ole pals PPP & PNC will merge .....but AFC is on record stating they will not merge with either of the Past Corrupt Parties.


5. Elections can be held and the party with the most votes will govern the country (look how de Hydro Seed Engineer forgetting the most Important part...just to Protect the PPP or PNC)....if they secure a majority....

if not any party or parties who can form a majority in Parliament would be allowed to form the new Govt and run the country.

Originally Posted by kajol:

President - Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PM - Amral

HPS - Kari

Health - Gilbakka

Education- CaribNY

Finance - Baseman

Foreign affairs - Lucas

Agri - warrior

Amerindian affairs - Danyael

Public works - D-G

Natural resources - Skeldon_man

Youth, sport and culture- Ksazma

Home affairs - Mitwah

Labour - Yugi

Legal affairs - redux

local govt - Kishan B/ Brian T


Am not derailing your thread Amral, this just reflects my thoughts on a new cabinet.





Dear kajol, thank you very much for including me in your cabinet. I must let you know, however, that having been a working-class advocate for my entire adult life, a more appropriate appointment for me would be Minister of Labour.

I must object in the strongest terms to your naming yuji the Minister of Labour. You see, kajol, yuji is an unrepentant capitalist who loves the moneyed class. He will not administer to the needs of labour fairly.


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Clean,Experienced & Multi Party Leadership

President - Dr Odeen Ishmael - PPP

PM - Ralph Ramkarran -Independent

HPS - Moses Nagamootoo - AFC

Home affairs - David Granger -PNC



Finance - Donald Ramotar Daughter

Agri - Dharam Seeraj Kumar

Natural resources - Shyam Nokta

Youth, sport and culture- Dr Vidya Persaud

Trade - Rajendra  Persaud



Health - Dr Cummings

Education- Amna Ally 

Labour - Carl Grinedge

Local govt - Ronald Bulkhan



Foreign affairs - Cathy Hughes

Amerindian affairs - Valarie Lowe

Public works - Gerhard Ramsaroop

Legal affairs - Khemraj Ramjattan


AMRAL what do you think about a Cabinet like the above?


Holy smokes,


For the first time I agree with Jalil. Guyana needs a broad national front government that is represented by Guyanese from all political fronts. This will end the divide in Guyana.


I support Jalil's ticket. We can all now stop fighting and install Jalil's cabinet.


The only change I would make is to make Gerhard Deputy Finance Minister and Minister of Public Works. We need a squeaky clean politician like Gerhard to keep an eye on the treasury.

Originally Posted by kajol:

President - Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PM - Amral

HPS - Kari

Health - Gilbakka

Education- CaribNY

Finance - Baseman

Foreign affairs - Lucas

Agri - warrior

Amerindian affairs - Danyael

Public works - D-G

Natural resources - Skeldon_man

Youth, sport and culture- Ksazma

Home affairs - Mitwah

Labour - Yugi

Legal affairs - redux

local govt - Kishan B/ Brian T


Am not derailing your thread Amral, this just reflects my thoughts on a new cabinet.








As labour minister, I will first weed out corruption. Jail the old school corrupt politicians.


Sit down with the unions and provide a working wage that is fair. Deport foreign workers who are taking away jobs from Guyanese.


Cut the salaries of some of the PPP fat cats. Lean and clean Guyana.


And for Jalil, I will fire Kwame.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kajol:

President - Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PM - Amral

HPS - Kari

Health - Gilbakka

Education- CaribNY

Finance - Baseman

Foreign affairs - Lucas

Agri - warrior

Amerindian affairs - Danyael

Public works - D-G

Natural resources - Skeldon_man

Youth, sport and culture- Ksazma

Home affairs - Mitwah

Labour - Yugi

Legal affairs - redux

local govt - Kishan B/ Brian T


Am not derailing your thread Amral, this just reflects my thoughts on a new cabinet.





Dear kajol, thank you very much for including me in your cabinet. I must let you know, however, that having been a working-class advocate for my entire adult life, a more appropriate appointment for me would be Minister of Labour.

I must object in the strongest terms to your naming yuji the Minister of Labour. You see, kajol, yuji is an unrepentant capitalist who loves the moneyed class. He will not administer to the needs of labour fairly.





Look trouble here.


You already want my position. I am a soft hearted capitalist and will gladly give up the Labour Ministry and take on Ministry of Health.


Access to heatlh care is a right.


I will fire friends of politicians who supply medicine and medical equipment at costs the are unacceptable and open bids for contract to supply the ministry.


Time to clean up Guyana. My motto:


"A Clean and Healthy Guyana, Corruption is a Disease"


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kajol:

President - Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PM - Amral

HPS - Kari

Health - Gilbakka

Education- CaribNY

Finance - Baseman

Foreign affairs - Lucas

Agri - warrior

Amerindian affairs - Danyael

Public works - D-G

Natural resources - Skeldon_man

Youth, sport and culture- Ksazma

Home affairs - Mitwah

Labour - Yugi

Legal affairs - redux

local govt - Kishan B/ Brian T


Am not derailing your thread Amral, this just reflects my thoughts on a new cabinet.





Dear kajol, thank you very much for including me in your cabinet. I must let you know, however, that having been a working-class advocate for my entire adult life, a more appropriate appointment for me would be Minister of Labour.

I must object in the strongest terms to your naming yuji the Minister of Labour. You see, kajol, yuji is an unrepentant capitalist who loves the moneyed class. He will not administer to the needs of labour fairly.





Look trouble here.


You already want my position. I am a soft hearted capitalist and will gladly give up the Labour Ministry and take on Ministry of Health.


Access to heatlh care is a right.


I will fire friends of politicians who supply medicine and medical equipment at costs the are unacceptable and open bids for contract to supply the ministry.


Time to clean up Guyana. My motto:


"A Clean and Healthy Guyana, Corruption is a Disease"


Dear Kajol,

Thanks for your nomination as Minister of Natural Resources. I am retired and humbly decline any nomination for any position in a government. You see, I am an outdoorsman. I love to hunt and fish. During the fishing and hunting seasons, I have no time for anyone except my family. I just enjoy my freedom.

I would however, like to recommend asj for this position. He will put a stop to all the thieving of gold, rice, sugar, lumber, cocaine, cannabis etc.


Good luck putting your cabinet together. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kajol:

President - Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PM - Amral

HPS - Kari

Health - Gilbakka

Education- CaribNY

Finance - Baseman

Foreign affairs - Lucas

Agri - warrior

Amerindian affairs - Danyael

Public works - D-G

Natural resources - Skeldon_man

Youth, sport and culture- Ksazma

Home affairs - Mitwah

Labour - Yugi

Legal affairs - redux

local govt - Kishan B/ Brian T


Am not derailing your thread Amral, this just reflects my thoughts on a new cabinet.





Dear kajol, thank you very much for including me in your cabinet. I must let you know, however, that having been a working-class advocate for my entire adult life, a more appropriate appointment for me would be Minister of Labour.

I must object in the strongest terms to your naming yuji the Minister of Labour. You see, kajol, yuji is an unrepentant capitalist who loves the moneyed class. He will not administer to the needs of labour fairly.





Look trouble here.


You already want my position. I am a soft hearted capitalist and will gladly give up the Labour Ministry and take on Ministry of Health.


Access to heatlh care is a right.


I will fire friends of politicians who supply medicine and medical equipment at costs the are unacceptable and open bids for contract to supply the ministry.


Time to clean up Guyana. My motto:


"A Clean and Healthy Guyana, Corruption is a Disease"


Dear Kajol,

Thanks for your nomination as Minister of Natural Resources. I am retired and humbly decline any nomination for any position in a government. You see, I am an outdoorsman. I love to hunt and fish. During the fishing and hunting seasons, I have no time for anyone except my family. I just enjoy my freedom.

I would however, like to recommend asj for this position. He will put a stop to all the thieving of gold, rice, sugar, lumber, cocaine, cannabis etc.


Good luck putting your cabinet together. 




Kajol read us all like a book.


Natural resources fits your lifestyle. Guyana has great outdoors. Please reconsider.


How could you select the government and not one Jagan was mentioned.   Joey or Nadina should have been considered for the Presidential spot.  Another thing too me and Churchill may have our fight ups from time to time.  But the man should have been considered for the Minister of Labor position.  Some of you must have drink plenty rum when you made your lists so you came under the influence of Peter.  I am going to make my own list soon.


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