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LONDON: Will he or won’t he? His predecessors did. The first was as long ago as 1805. But as the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump is nothing if not a mold-breaker.

Which is why, in 2017, he became the first president for more than 20 years not to host an iftar during Ramadan or for Eid Al-Fitr.
This year, however, rumor has it that there will be an iftar gathering at the White House “in early June,” although official confirmation has so far proved hard to come by.

Relations between the new US administration and Muslims were hardly friendly during Ramadan last year. On the campaign trail in 2015, leading up to the election in November 2016, the president called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the US.
Among the first acts of the new administration was an attempt to restrict entry into the US for citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries, a policy that is still being challenged and counter-challenged in the courts.

In 2016, CNN reported that the new administration had called for surveillance on mosques, saying: “We have to maybe check, respectfully, the mosques. And we have to check other places. Because this is a problem that, if we don’t solve it, it’s going to eat our country alive, OK?”

Last year, Ramadan passed with barely a mention from the White House, apart from a statement, signed by Donald and Melania Trump and released at the end of the holy month, which said: “Muslims in the United States joined those around the world during the holy month of Ramadan to focus on acts of faith and charity. Now, as they commemorate Eid with family and friends, they carry on the tradition of helping neighbors and breaking bread with people from all walks of life.
“During this holiday, we are reminded of the importance of mercy, compassion, and goodwill. With Muslims around the world, the US renews our commitment to honor these values. Eid Mubarak.”
The statement did not appear on Trump’s social media feeds.
Thomas Jefferson, the third US president, was the first to hold an iftar when he delayed the start of a White House dinner on Dec. 9, 1805, until after sunset to accommodate his guest, Sidi Soliman Mellimelli, the envoy from Tunis.

Hillary Clinton revived the practice in 1996, when she was First Lady, hosting a reception to mark Eid Al-Fitr which was attended by about 150 diplomats, legislators and Muslim community leaders. From 1999, the iftar became a fixture on the White House calendar, continued by both George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

President Bush even held one after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, insisting that it was more important than ever to show that the White House and the US were inclusive.
“We were at war with terrorist organizations, not with Islam itself,” said James Norton, Bush’s deputy assistant secretary of homeland security. “President Bush went out of his way to wrap his arms around the Muslim community.”

Even the Israelis have celebrated iftar. In 2011, the Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, hosted an iftar dinner for the first time at his official residence in Washington. Guests broke the fast with dates, apricot juice, and soup, and were then served a full halal meal after prayers.

So it is hardly surprising that Trump was widely condemned for not opening up his White House during Ramadan last year. Haroon Moghul, a fellow in Jewish-Muslim relations at the Shalom Hartman Institute, called the decision “the beginning of his hatred of us, rhetoric unfolding into policy.”

Reuters reported that the fault lay with Rex Tillerson, then secretary of state, who refused to host a reception, rejecting a recommendation by the office of religion and global affairs in his own State Department. When asked why there was no White House iftar, press secretary Sean Spicer — rarely short of an answer — simply replied: “I don’t know.”
Others had an answer, though. “The White House has abandoned iftar since the Trump administration is not interested,” said Jalil Khan, president of PAKPAC, a Pakistani-American organization which hosted an iftar on May 23 on Capitol Hill for members of Congress.

“Our political action committee took the lead and organized iftar for the second year in a row, and we’ve been stressing the importance of political activism by Pakistani Muslims living in the US.”
This year, however, there appears to be a change of heart. The first signs were the unmistakably warm — some would say conciliatory — greeting from the president at the beginning of Ramadan. It began, rather poetically: “With the rising of tonight’s moon, I send my greetings and best wishes to all Muslims” and referred to “the richness Muslims add to the religious tapestry of American life.”

On Saturday, Trump wished “all Muslims a joyful Ramadan” on Twitter. He recalled his visit to Saudi Arabia and promised that “America will always stand with our partners against terrorism and the ideology that fuels it. During this month of Ramadan let us be resolved to spare no measure so that we may ensure that future generations will be free of this scourge and able to worship and commune in peace.”

Former US President George W. Bush speaks at a Ramadan dinner. File photo
Former US President George W. Bush speaks at a Ramadan dinner. File photo

Though the official word from the White House is “no update,” Ray Mahmood, a prominent developer with long involvement in inter-faith diplomacy in Washington, said he had heard there was to be an iftar.
“I think they are very important to the Muslim community. At least they feel the president at the White House is doing this,” he said. The favored date appears to be June 6.

Meanwhile, semi-official events have come and gone. Islamic Relief USA hosted a “grand iftar” on
May 19 and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency hosted an iftar on May 25 for Gaza. The American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee is holding an “iftar banquet” on

May 31 in Alexandria, outside Washington DC. There are fund-raising iftars, corporate iftars and even an “open mic” iftar by the DC Muslim Writers Collective.
The UAE embassy also hosted an interfaith iftar last Thursday.
But an after-sunset event at the White House will top them all.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is it about recognition? The world has greater needs rather than to worry about a priviliged group of ppl having a dinner. And after, they were trying to be righteous in the sight of god, then trying to get their superiors to recognize their efforts at righteousness. Christ spoke about such men-men pleasers.

Trump is right, the State doan have to worry about all these American tribes. Go back to Saudie Arabia and influence them, they are a homogeneous society.

I see the mayor of toronto hosted the dinner as well. And why do muslim crave for such recognition of eating food in the public. In GuYANA, they went house to house of their brethen. I doan think that would be possible in the Middle-east.


Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it? long you lived in Guyana?

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

The event at the White House has been practiced since the nineteenth century where the President hosts Muslims one night to break their fast in Ramadan. No big deal to Muslims if it is done or not. The fast doesn’t require it.

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

Knuckle Head, the people of BBP have access to Google. How about you? 


Regarding the fast in Ramadan, the vast majority of mature Muslims observe it every year. It is a monthlong observance of abstaining from food or drink as well as participating in other religious and spiritual activities.

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

Vish, don’t you represent the Guyanese culture in NY. 

Ray posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it? long you lived in Guyana?

12 years

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

Knuckle Head, the people of BBP have access to Google. How about you? 

Knucklehead...too many blackouts.

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

The event at the White House has been practiced since the nineteenth century where the President hosts Muslims one night to break their fast in Ramadan. No big deal to Muslims if it is done or not. The fast doesn’t require it.

OK. Was asking about the event at the White House, not the Ramadan celebration. 

VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it? long you lived in Guyana?

12 years are forgiven then

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

Vish, don’t you represent the Guyanese culture in NY. 

this is ah different Vish

seignet posted:

Is it about recognition? The world has greater needs rather than to worry about a priviliged group of ppl having a dinner. And after, they were trying to be righteous in the sight of god, then trying to get their superiors to recognize their efforts at righteousness. Christ spoke about such men-men pleasers.

Trump is right, the State doan have to worry about all these American tribes. Go back to Saudie Arabia and influence them, they are a homogeneous society.

I see the mayor of toronto hosted the dinner as well. And why do muslim crave for such recognition of eating food in the public. In GuYANA, they went house to house of their brethen. I doan think that would be possible in the Middle-east.

Growing up in Rosignol, muslims were very few. Fascinated with their life style of abstinance of rum. East Indian looking like the hindus but very different in life-styles. They were grocers, butchers, rice-millers, clothing stores, all those vocations needed the partonage of the hindus. The Blacks, Putagees, Chinese and Mixed People and Amerindians were into different things and not much service from the muslims.

The first time I was aware of animal scarifice and giving alms to impoverished. I thought, why kill the poor cow, unless to anger the hindus in the community.

Noticed their status of life, I wonder if it was all due to Allah. Maybe, I was about 9 years. Soon realized at that age that their status in life had to do more with the determination of doing righteous acts. Their Quranic beliefs simply ensured their way living life of brotherly love among their kith and kin.  The Christ says, do unto a brother what you have do unto you. 

seignet posted:

Is it about recognition? The world has greater needs rather than to worry about a priviliged group of ppl having a dinner. And after, they were trying to be righteous in the sight of god, then trying to get their superiors to recognize their efforts at righteousness. Christ spoke about such men-men pleasers.

Trump is right, the State doan have to worry about all these American tribes. Go back to Saudie Arabia and influence them, they are a homogeneous society.

I see the mayor of toronto hosted the dinner as well. And why do muslim crave for such recognition of eating food in the public. In GuYANA, they went house to house of their brethen. I doan think that would be possible in the Middle-east.

I suppose all Muslims are from Saudi Arabia? Based on that statement, we shouldn't see anyone of any other religion posting anything here that could be remotely construed as influential, correct? Also, in Guyana, when the muslims went house to house, it was on the last day. The day celebrating the end of Ramadan, they were invited AND as far as I remember, it was not restricted to muslims. You invited members of the mosque, your family and your neighbors.

Nehru posted:

Who the hell would have an appetite to eat sitting next to an Orange Orangutan????????????

Perhaps other Orange Orangutans, Nehru. 

On another note Nehru, while DodoDonald Trump may do as he personally wishes, Muslims will proceed with their occasions without his involvement.

ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

You are blessed my brother.

Blessings to you and your family as we are in the final lap, the 10 nights where we have to try to earn as much as possible from our creator.

Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

You are blessed my brother.

Blessings to you and your family as we are in the final lap, the 10 nights where we have to try to earn as much as possible from our creator.

Insha Allah. Same to you and your family brother.

Chief posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am predicting Trump is not doing this.

Trump is a Yo Yo.

Chief, I meant to is Tally? I haven't heard of seen him for a long time. I hope he is doing well and kindly give my regards to him.  

Ray posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

Vish, don’t you represent the Guyanese culture in NY. 

this is ah different Vish

Sorry !!

Ray posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

Vish, don’t you represent the Guyanese culture in NY. 

this is ah different Vish

Correct, he nah even know wah is "punani", kanta Guyanese!

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Siggy, where do you see Muslims craving recognition from other people. If Muslims are known for nothing else, they are known for acting as though they don’t give a shit about other peoples’ options or prejudices. They instead act as though they care only about how their actions are received by God. Did you see any Muslim lose any sleep over Trump not inviting them last year. Nobody cares for any invitation from Trump. The Eagles didn’t care for it and Lebron being the leader of the players association said yesterday that neither the Cavs nor Warriors will accept Trump’s invitation this year.

Kaz...what exactly is this event about...its not clear in the article above. Is it also a global celebration in which all muslims (sunni, shiite, etc) participate? Are Guyanese muslims aware of it?

Where have you been living?

Prince posted:
Chief posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am predicting Trump is not doing this.

Trump is a Yo Yo.

Chief, I meant to is Tally? I haven't heard of seen him for a long time. I hope he is doing well and kindly give my regards to him.  

Tally is going good. He is at the Masjid every evening.

I will tell him you say hello.


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