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..............There is no law that stipulates that the Cabinet must review the work of the National Procurement and Tender Board, constitutionally that is the role of the Public Procurement Commission, a role that was hijacked by the PPP Cabinet for devious reasons
There can be no more clarity than Section 212 of the Guyana Constitution which clearly states that the PPC is to “monitor public procurement and the procedures therefore in order to ensure that the procurement of goods, services and execution of works are conducted in a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective manner according to law and such policy guidelines as may be determined by the National Assembly.”
The PPP is fully aware of this, but continues to bamboozle the people with propaganda, distortions and untruths. These actions are contemptuous to say the least. These power grabbers will stop at nothing, they want everything for themselves.
Thus the comments from Minister Nandlall that the AFC’s position on the role of the cabinet in the awarding of public contracts is “incongruous and wrong both in principle and constitutionality” are an unfortunate disclosure from someone who was trained to know much better.  Not because one calls himself lawyer, means he/she has the right to twist the interpretation of the law to suit a particular end to the detriment of the people, common principle and common sense.
We want the PPP cabal to know that this is no hearsay about the role of the PPC, it is the law.  The PPC’s role is firmly enshrined in the Constitution and not because the PPP says the constitutional functionality of the PPC cannot be obtained means that the PPC must not be established.............Ignoring the Procurement Commission laws for selfish reasons....If these corrupt practices continue, then something urgently needs to be done. People, stand up for your rights, do not allow this regime to destroy our beautiful Guyana any further. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


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