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I’m happy to be able to bring some  joy to children who are ill at this time – President  Ramotar


There were smiling faces and a few bewildered ones on Christmas Day, when President Donald Ramotar, accompanied by First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran and other officials visited the Pediatric ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.


President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar speaking to a child at the paediatric ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation after presenting a gift on Christmas day


The   President and his wife offered gifts and words of comfort to the young children who are being treated for ailments including  burns,  broken limbs and  snake bites.


The Head of State said he was happy to be able to visit the children who are  ill and spending their Christmas away from their families. He  expressed his satisfaction with the care and service being provided by the nursing staff and doctors on duty in the various children’s units.


President Donald Ramotar gives hi-five to a child at the paediatric ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation during a Christmas day visit. The hospital’s Chief Executive Officer Michael Khan is also in photo

“I’m happy that we can afford these types of facilities and hopefully, we’ll work in the future to develop our country so that we can provide even greater care for our children and indeed all our people in Guyana,” he said.


President Donald Ramotar presenting a Christmas gift to a child at the paediatric ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran and the Hospital’s Chief Executive Officer Michael Khan is also present among those looking on

The First Lady  said this was her first visit to the institution with her husband as last year she visited alone.  She too, said she was happy to again bring some level of joy to those hospitalised at this time when many others are enjoying the holiday at  home with their families.


Mother with child speaking to President Donald Ramotar in the presence of First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran on Christmas day


Twenty -four children are currently hospitalised at the GPHC.

The annual Christmas visit by the Head of State, has been an established tradition for many years.

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