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Imam sex probe…Doctor confirms boy, 8, molested

January 24, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under News

A medical examination performed on one of the two other boys who have implicated the Imam in a sex probe has confirmed that one of the two was indeed sexually molested.

A source close to the investigation has told this publication that after the examination it was concluded that the lad who is eight was penetrated. However as it relates to the second who was examined there was no penetration.
This publication was told that while being interviewed the other lad who is 10 years-old revealed that the Imam merely fondled him on more than one occasion.

Meanwhile, officials from several non-governmental organizations who have been monitoring are questioning why no charge has been laid against the Imam to date. The last that was said in the matter was that the police have sent the file to the Director of Public Prosecution for advice.

To date the police are still to institute charges against the Imam even after medical examinations performed on four lads revealed that they were sexually molested. The Imam has since been released on $150,000 station bail.

And the Child Protection Agency is working to locate four other young boys whose names have been submitted to the Agency.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Can someone help me to understand this disease with Imams and their sexual inclination for young boys?
At the same time someone can help you understand the sickness with priests and their sexual inclination for young boys.

Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Can someone help me to understand this disease with Imams and their sexual inclination for young boys?
Originally posted by Celtic:
At the same time someone can help you understand the sickness with priests and their sexual inclination for young boys.

Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Can someone help me to understand this disease with Imams and their sexual inclination for young boys?

You are quite right, priests who abuse young boys must be punished. However the Koran extols the abuse while the bible condemns it.

(QURAN 52:24): "And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if they were preserved pearls."

(QURAN 56:17): "They will be served by immortal boys."

(QURAN 76:19): "And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls."

It is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality, take their famous poet Abu Nuwas:

O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your ***** who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils
At the same time someone can help you understand the sickness with priests and their sexual inclination for young boys.

I am not excusing priests from sexually molesting children. They have been doing it for decades. Now the Imams are joining them. You should have asked my opinion on priests sexual appetite for young boys rather than putting me on the spot of being bias.
I suspect bias.
There are literally thousands of cases of priests and boys all over the world. The Vatican has paid out millions to address it.
In this instance, we know of only one Imam involved with boys. We could also make the case of a few pandits and rabbis also.
Well make the case against the pandits and rabbis.

As of today, a case has been made out against an imam ... let's deal with that.

If you think that this is the first time an imam has done this in the history of the world , make that case too, but if you think that its as prevalent as the vatican's people, MAKE THAT CASE TOO.
I think you need to make the case of the pattern of widespread Imam's behavior as claimed by Abi first. I am not interested in making cases against anyone regardless of their religion.
Originally posted by TI:
I suspect bias.
There are literally thousands of cases of priests and boys all over the world. The Vatican has paid out millions to address it.
In this instance, we know of only one Imam involved with boys. We could also make the case of a few pandits and rabbis also.
we know that because of the ease with with the complaints are made and heard. When they were kept within the purview of the church they were hidden and hardly anyone ever got into trouble for this contemptuous act.
Originally posted by TI:
I suspect bias.
There are literally thousands of cases of priests and boys all over the world. The Vatican has paid out millions to address it.
In this instance, we know of only one Imam involved with boys. We could also make the case of a few pandits and rabbis also.

I agree with NARA's comment. However, I must add that TI vision on the subject is blur. No religion ever gets a free pass on child sex abuse cases on GNI. We can count the many cases of sexual abuse on children by priests because these cases are documented and investigated in a proper manner. When it comes to Imams and child sexual cases, many would like to see it swept under the rug or silent altogether. It's well known to the world that Islamic nations are fill with male prostitution. Be it Imams or regular men who dwell in this sickness is sinful as sin itself. I get the feeling some Muslims among us didn't want this Imam to be exposed. I hope when your son becomes the victim you will excuse the perpetrator the same. This is not the time to make excuses for pedophile in our society, its time to put an end to it regardless of which religion commits the crime.
Originally posted by TI:
I think you need to make the case of the pattern of widespread Imam's behavior as claimed by Abi first. I am not interested in making cases against anyone regardless of their religion.

I cannot speak for Abi, and I am disappointed that you wished to blur the accusations against the imam by casting stones at other religious priests.

If this imam molested children, he should go down ... simple.
Originally posted by NARA:
Originally posted by TI:
I think you need to make the case of the pattern of widespread Imam's behavior as claimed by Abi first. I am not interested in making cases against anyone regardless of their religion.

I cannot speak for Abi, and I am disappointed that you wished to blur the accusations against the imam by casting stones at other religious priests.

If this imam molested children, he should go down ... simple.

I am not casting stones. There is a national pedophile database that shows Pedophilia comes in all religions, ethnicities, and occurs all over the world.
This sick perverted behavior should be punished.

I can't see where I blurred the fact that the Imam is one of them.
What I can see is bias if is being posted that there is a widespread pattern of Imams performing this vile act.
Originally posted by Cobra:

I agree with NARA's comment. However, I must add that TI vision on the subject is blur. No religion ever gets a free pass on child sex abuse cases on GNI. We can count the many cases of sexual abuse on children by priests because these cases are documented and investigated in a proper manner. When it comes to Imams and child sexual cases, many would like to see it swept under the rug or silent altogether. It's well known to the world that Islamic nations are fill with male prostitution. Be it Imams or regular men who dwell in this sickness is sinful as sin itself. I get the feeling some Muslims among us didn't want this Imam to be exposed. I hope when your son becomes the victim you will excuse the perpetrator the same. This is not the time to make excuses for pedophile in our society, its time to put an end to it regardless of which religion commits the crime.

If you see anyone on this thread making excuses for the Iman, then you are either blind or can't read and comprehend. If you believe this behavior is rampant among Imams then you are biased also.
The 'Iman' in question is Guyana's only Mufti. For those not familiar who is a Mufti:
A Mufti will generally go through an Iftaa course and the person should fulfill the following conditions set by scholars in order that he may be able to issue verdicts (fataawa). They are eight:
1. Mastering the science of principles of jurisprudence,
2. Mastering the science of Hadith,
3. Mastering the science of Maqasid ash-Shari`ah (Objectives of Shari`ah),
4. Mastering legal maxims,
5. Mastering the science of comparative religions,
6. Mastering the foundations of social sciences,
7. Knowing Arabic, and
8. Having sufficient knowledge of social realities.

He is a very influential leader in the Muslim community here in Guyana. He usually does funerals, wedding etc at the CIOG complex at Thomas Lands and has a pristine and divine ambiance about him. This is a huge shock within the community, many of the young Muslims I spoke to look up to this guy as a saint and are very sure he is being framed.
I think the guy is a great pretender.
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by alena:
He should not be granted any bail!!

His PPP connections helped

Or his Islamic connections in the Justice system?
Them imam is bad bad homo men. They love young boys fuh molest just like them catholic priest. But the difference is that the koran condones this .

(QURAN 52:24): "And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if they were preserved pearls."

(QURAN 56:17): "They will be served by immortal boys."

(QURAN 76:19): "And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls."

It is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality, take their famous poet Abu Nuwas:

O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your ***** who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Them imam is bad bad homo men. They love young boys fuh molest just like them catholic priest. But the difference is that the koran condones this .

(QURAN 52:24): "And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if they were preserved pearls."

(QURAN 56:17): "They will be served by immortal boys."

(QURAN 76:19): "And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls."

It is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality, take their famous poet Abu Nuwas:

O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your ***** who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils

Some of you are truly shameless liars... nothing but scumbags ! I am certain that you have heard it said that it is preferable to shut your yap and be considered a jackass than to open it and remove all doubt. I am not a Muslim but I note how quickly idiots like you jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon with your garbage and lies.

I have a copy of the Qur'an; I read it and it makes perfectly good sense. None of these three verses makes mention of boys; they speak of service by youth, go read it again.

Abu Nuwas was gay .... so what ? He was a poet, not someone schooled in Islam. What do you have to say about the numerous present day educated/professional gay people around you ? How do you come to the conclusion that it is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality ? Please quote the verse(s) from the Qur'an that glorify homosexuality.
Originally posted by keffer:
Some of you are truly shameless liars... nothing but scumbags ! I am certain that you have heard it said that it is preferable to shut your yap and be considered a jackass than to open it and remove all doubt. I am not a Muslim but I note how quickly idiots like you jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon with your garbage and lies.

I have a copy of the Qur'an; I read it and it makes perfectly good sense. None of these three verses makes mention of boys; they speak of service by youth, go read it again.

Abu Nuwas was gay .... so what ? He was a poet, not someone schooled in Islam. What do you have to say about the numerous present day educated/professional gay people around you ? How do you come to the conclusion that it is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality ? Please quote the verse(s) from the Qur'an that glorify homosexuality.

This is not lies, see for yourself, browse the internet and see the profound evidence of pedophile and homosexual relations with young boys as an aphrodisiac among the Muslim men. In Afghanistan, read about the Bacha Bazi boys and the buggering that goes on there. PBS made a documentary about it a short time ago. It is a time honored tradition for Arab men to have sex with young boys as an exotic practice. Don't express outrage for you know little about:

PBS's Frontline has posted their latest piece online, and it is both fascinating and horrifying. "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" exposes the horrific practice called Bacha Bazi, in which young Afghan boys are sold to warlords and powerful businessmen to be trained as dancers who perform for male audiences in women's clothing and are then used and traded for sex. The practice is sadly making a comeback in that country.

Frontline writes:

Under the guise of doing a documentary on similar practices in Europe, Quraishi gained the confidence of Dastager, a former mujahideen commander and wealthy businessman whose business interests include importing autos from the Far East. With Dastager as his guide, Quraishi takes viewers inside the world of bacha bazi, where prominent men compete to own and use the boys.
"I go to every province to have happiness and pleasure with boys," says an Afghan man known as "The German," who acts as a bacha bazi pimp, supplying boys to the men. "Some boys are not good for dancing, and they will be used for other purposes. ... I mean for sodomy and other sexual activities."
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by keffer:
Some of you are truly shameless liars... nothing but scumbags ! I am certain that you have heard it said that it is preferable to shut your yap and be considered a jackass than to open it and remove all doubt. I am not a Muslim but I note how quickly idiots like you jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon with your garbage and lies.

I have a copy of the Qur'an; I read it and it makes perfectly good sense. None of these three verses makes mention of boys; they speak of service by youth, go read it again.

Abu Nuwas was gay .... so what ? He was a poet, not someone schooled in Islam. What do you have to say about the numerous present day educated/professional gay people around you ? How do you come to the conclusion that it is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality ? Please quote the verse(s) from the Qur'an that glorify homosexuality.

This is not lies, see for yourself, browse the internet and see the profound evidence of pedophile and homosexual relations with young boys as an aphrodisiac among the Muslim men. In Afghanistan, read about the Bacha Bazi boys and the buggering that goes on there. PBS made a documentary about it a short time ago. It is a time honored tradition for Arab men to have sex with young boys as an exotic practice. Don't express outrage for you know little about:

PBS's Frontline has posted their latest piece online, and it is both fascinating and horrifying. "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" exposes the horrific practice called Bacha Bazi, in which young Afghan boys are sold to warlords and powerful businessmen to be trained as dancers who perform for male audiences in women's clothing and are then used and traded for sex. The practice is sadly making a comeback in that country.

Frontline writes:

Under the guise of doing a documentary on similar practices in Europe, Quraishi gained the confidence of Dastager, a former mujahideen commander and wealthy businessman whose business interests include importing autos from the Far East. With Dastager as his guide, Quraishi takes viewers inside the world of bacha bazi, where prominent men compete to own and use the boys.
"I go to every province to have happiness and pleasure with boys," says an Afghan man known as "The German," who acts as a bacha bazi pimp, supplying boys to the men. "Some boys are not good for dancing, and they will be used for other purposes. ... I mean for sodomy and other sexual activities."
All of this is nonsense. There is no casual relationship of one to the other. The perp here did what he did on his own volition.
Originally posted by D2:
All of this is nonsense. There is no casual relationship of one to the other. The perp here did what he did on his own volition.

What do you, an atheist, know about the Muslim religion and its condoning of of deviant behavior according to western culture? In Islam these types of sexual encounters with little boys are casual and accepted as a perk of stature. Many married muslim men of means have a little boy on the side to sodomize when they want to take a break from wifey. Take a look at the PBS documentary and educate yourself about how widespread this practice is among Muslims before you speak nonsense.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2:
All of this is nonsense. There is no casual relationship of one to the other. The perp here did what he did on his own volition.

What do you, an atheist, know about the Muslim religion and its condoning of of deviant behavior according to western culture? In Islam these types of sexual encounters with little boys are casual and accepted as a perk of stature. Many married muslim men of means have a little boy on the side to sodomize when they want to take a break from wifey. Take a look at the PBS documentary and educate yourself about how widespread this practice is among Muslims before you speak nonsense.

Stop broadcasting your ignorance for the world to see . . . the PBS documentary was about deviant practices in a tribal 'country' called Afghanistan, not about "Muslims" (or Islam)!
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2:
All of this is nonsense. There is no casual relationship of one to the other. The perp here did what he did on his own volition.

What do you, an atheist, know about the Muslim religion and its condoning of of deviant behavior according to western culture? In Islam these types of sexual encounters with little boys are casual and accepted as a perk of stature. Many married muslim men of means have a little boy on the side to sodomize when they want to take a break from wifey. Take a look at the PBS documentary and educate yourself about how widespread this practice is among Muslims before you speak nonsense.
I do not know what my atheism has to do with an answer to this question and not your adopted Episcopalianism. I am an atheist because I considered the question of religion and religious doctrine profoundly. Note when you were a Hindu I advised you on something you did not know of your religion, ie it does not believe in hell. I am sure I know more of Islam and Christianity more than you since having been profoundly interested in what they had to say and you are a mere loud mouthed dilettante on the matter.

But all of that is an aside. This is about a man who committed gross perverse sexual assaults against some boys. It is not his religion or culture that caused this. It is his deviant sexual inclinations over which his religious teachings did not reach far into his core to serve to contain his urges. I Will say without reservation you are a nut if you link religion to perversion...any religion for that matter. Religions are by definition optimized for good conduct and I do not know of any religion that see sexual perversion as a means to god.

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