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Public-Private Partnerships on

projects…IMF warns Guyana to follow

int’l best practices

December 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

-believes that Amaila hydro will work if restructured

-cautions on rapid credit growth

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged Government to seriously consider improving how it goes about structuring its public-private partnerships (PPP) deals for large-scale projects.
The lending agency, which has over 180 countries as members, made the call in a statement from its annual review of Guyana’s economic health. That Article IV consultation by IMF’s Executive Board ended on December 9.
Acknowledging the potential benefits of a more stable and reliable source of

IMF has warned Government to rethink how it goes about structuring deals involving public/private partnerships.

IMF has warned Government to rethink how it goes about structuring deals involving public/private partnerships.

energy, IMF said that its Directors are encouraging the authorities to ensure that the Amaila Falls hydroelectric project remains financially and economically viable to curb fiscal risks.
“In this context, they saw merit in strengthening the project and debt management framework, and pursuing international best practices as regard public-private partnerships.”
The developer, US-owned Sithe Global, pulled out this year after the National Assembly failed to reach agreement on a number of legislations critical to the project becoming a reality.
The Opposition said it remained unconvinced over the details of how the money, almost US$900M, will be spent. Two key legislations were not passed, forcing Sithe Global to announce its pullout.
According to the project structure, Government under a public/private partnership would have been directly investing over US$100M and guaranteeing a significant portion. The Opposition had argued that the PPP financing structure allowed Guyana little say in the management of the 165-megawatt project for Region Eight which Government had said would have solved Guyana’s long-term power woes. The project would have been managed for 20 years by Sithe Global before being handed over.
Government had also used a similar financing structure in the Berbice River Bridge and the Marriott Hotel. Both investments, using taxpayers’ dollars, were questioned by the Opposition which said that the country was sidelined in receiving much-needed financial returns from the projects.
IMF, meanwhile, welcomed Guyana’s strong growth over the past several years, which was underpinned by favorable commodity prices and robust foreign direct investment.
Inspect the banks
But the fund warned that while the medium-term economic outlook remains positive, the authorities in Guyana must persevere in their commitment to sound policies and reforms to strengthen policy buffers, promote more inclusive growth, and further reduce poverty.
It urged reforms to ensure public enterprises improve their efficiency.

President Donald Ramotar

Donald Ramotar

“Directors considered that a modestly tighter stance of monetary policy and continued exchange rate flexibility would help safeguard international reserves, contain inflationary pressures, and reduce the current account deficit.”
Regarding the country’s financial risks, the IMF directors recommended continued vigilance.
The fund zeroed in the rapid lending growth which could pose a problem if not monitored.
“In light of rapid credit growth in recent years and high loan concentration, they advised frequent on-site inspections for larger banks and a better integrated supervision of financial business groups. It is urgent to address remaining gaps in the regime to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism.”
Commending Guyana for the progress so far in poverty reduction, IMF called for further efforts to ensure a more even distribution of the benefits from economic growth.

Increase production
“In this regard, efforts to lower the cost of energy, address skill mismatches, and improve the business environment represent important policy initiatives. Steps to increase productivity in traditional sectors, such as agriculture and mining, should also be part of a strategy to foster more inclusive growth.
Directors also encouraged further improvements in data provision and dissemination.”
According to the IMF statement, during the last decade, Guyana’s strong macroeconomic performance has contributed to a reduction in public debt levels and sustained poverty reduction. “The economy has experienced seven years of uninterrupted growth averaging about four percent annually.”
IMF is projecting a 4.8 percent in 2013, around what Government is also forecasting.

Minister of Finance, Ashni Singh

Minister of Finance,
Ashni Singh

“Twelve-month inflation is expected to remain low at around 3.5 percent by year-end. The revised 2013 budget envisages an overall fiscal deficit of 5.2 percent of GDP, largely related to worsening performance of public enterprises which are projected to return a deficit of 0.4 percent of GDP compared to a surplus of 1.3 percent in 2012.”
IMF said that higher VAT receipts are projected to raise central government’s non-grant revenue by 0.9 percent of GDP.
“The current account deficit is expected to widen to 16.8 percent of GDP in 2013, driven by higher fuel imports, lower commodity prices, and lower remittances, which are projected to fall with slowing activity in major host countries.
At the same time, with larger disbursements related to an ambitious public investment program and resilient FDI, gross international reserves are projected to remain adequate at 3.6 months of imports.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by asj:

Commending Guyana for the progress so far in poverty reduction, IMF called for further efforts to ensure a more even distribution of the benefits from economic growth.

I agree with the IMF about wise partnership with the Private Sector. On the question of Poverty, is the IMF now Communist and do they know the problem of Poverty in America??

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:

Commending Guyana for the progress so far in poverty reduction, IMF called for further efforts to ensure a more even distribution of the benefits from economic growth.

I agree with the IMF about wise partnership with the Private Sector. On the question of Poverty, is the IMF now Communist and do they know the problem of Poverty in America??

What a fool you are.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:

Commending Guyana for the progress so far in poverty reduction, IMF called for further efforts to ensure a more even distribution of the benefits from economic growth.

I agree with the IMF about wise partnership with the Private Sector. On the question of Poverty, is the IMF now Communist and do they know the problem of Poverty in America??

What a fool you are.

I rather be a FOOL than a Gaumont Prostitute. The Family Business going great I hope.


Ohh rass, I didn't know that JB family own gaumont. Now that explains why business was good under the pNC and bad under Ramoutar. Nowadays in Guyana with the economic boom , people got more money to spend and go to higher class establishment. Gaumont is for for low class.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 Nowadays in Guyana with the economic boom , people got more money to spend and go to higher class establishment. Gaumont is for for low class.

       drugabeer is out of food stamps



Originally Posted by Wally:
The IMF should practice what they preach.  These people spend money like water and they get paid (with interest also) to give countries advice. Unbelievable.  

Are you saying that the IMF should be dismantled?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:

Commending Guyana for the progress so far in poverty reduction, IMF called for further efforts to ensure a more even distribution of the benefits from economic growth.

I agree with the IMF about wise partnership with the Private Sector. On the question of Poverty, is the IMF now Communist and do they know the problem of Poverty in America??

Sorry.  Nurses in the USA are well paid.  They dont run out of money to cover basics as they do in Guyana.  This is why Guyanese nurse flee to Antigua and Barbados, and even Jamaica.


So continue to pretend as if poverty in Guyana isn't amuch more serious problem than it is in the USA.  For one thing many who are poor, using US standards, would certainly not be in Guyana.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ohh rass, I didn't know that JB family own gaumont. Now that explains why business was good under the pNC and bad under Ramoutar. Nowadays in Guyana with the economic boom , people got more money to spend and go to higher class establishment. Gaumont is for for low class.

Where is this money coming from.  Gold and remittances, neither having anything to do with the PPP.


Why do you credit the PPP for economic responsibility, yet when ever some one suggests that there is a need to transform Guyana's economy to reduce its dependence on gold and rice (both with volatile prices) you scream that govt has no place in the economy......of course ignoring Guysuco and Marriott.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ohh rass, I didn't know that JB family own gaumont. Now that explains why business was good under the pNC and bad under Ramoutar. Nowadays in Guyana with the economic boom , people got more money to spend and go to higher class establishment. Gaumont is for for low class.

Where is this money coming from.  Gold and remittances, neither having anything to do with the PPP.


Why do you credit the PPP for economic responsibility, yet when ever some one suggests that there is a need to transform Guyana's economy to reduce its dependence on gold and rice (both with volatile prices) you scream that govt has no place in the economy......of course ignoring Guysuco and Marriott.

Why are you fixated on the PPP? They are there to govern not give out free money that you were accustomed to during the Burnham years. The PPP provide an economic environment conducive to business. Of course they can't take credit but the fact is that they are the ones governing in this time of economic prosperity in Guyana. If the PNC or AFC were in charge they too would be credited. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why are you fixated on the PPP? They are there to govern not give out free money that you were accustomed to during the Burnham years. The PPP provide an economic environment conducive to business. Of course they can't take credit but the fact is that they are the ones governing in this time of economic prosperity in Guyana. If the PNC or AFC were in charge they too would be credited. 

stop the klown whining u hapless antiman

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Why are you fixated on the PPP? They are there to govern not give out free money that you were accustomed to during the Burnham years. The PPP provide an economic environment conducive to business. Of course they can't take credit but the fact is that they are the ones governing in this time of economic prosperity in Guyana. If the PNC o AFC were in charge they too would be credited.
And isn't that why I should be concerned about the PPP.  They are there to govern, but instead busy themselves with building mega projects wasting money, just so that they can steal, and taking credit for things that they had nothing to do with.

Can you tell me why they wanted to build a dam across a river with unreliable water supply, want to build 8 jetways at CJIA which almost never has more than 4 jets on the ground simultaneously, and why Skeldon factory has been such a scandal?  These things should bother you, but I guess, confident that the PPPs mercenaries will protect rich Indians, you don't care about anything else.

You know, but for the fact that they want to encumber Guyanese with a billion dollars of debt, just so that they can steal, this would be sitcom called "Rice Republic".....because that is all I can credit the PPP for, rice.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Why are you fixated on the PPP? They are there to govern not give out free money that you were accustomed to during the Burnham years. The PPP provide an economic environment conducive to business. Of course they can't take credit but the fact is that they are the ones governing in this time of economic prosperity in Guyana. If the PNC o AFC were in charge they too would be credited.
And isn't that why I should be concerned about the PPP.  They are there to govern, but instead busy themselves with building mega projects wasting money, just so that they can steal, and taking credit for things that they had nothing to do with.

Can you tell me why they wanted to build a dam across a river with unreliable water supply, want to build 8 jetways at CJIA which almost never has more than 4 jets on the ground simultaneously, and why Skeldon factory has been such a scandal?  These things should bother you, but I guess, confident that the PPPs mercenaries will protect rich Indians, you don't care about anything else.

You know, but for the fact that they want to encumber Guyanese with a billion dollars of debt, just so that they can steal, this would be sitcom called "Rice Republic".....because that is all I can credit the PPP for, rice.

Dummy, Because they are planning for the future unlike you who gets his Paycheck on Friday and begging for a piece of cigarette Monday morning!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dummy, Because they are planning for the future unlike you who gets his Paycheck on Friday and begging for a piece of cigarette Monday morning!!!!


I couldn't have put it better. Sometimes you have moments of brilliance in between drinks. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dummy, Because they are planning for the future unlike you who gets his Paycheck on Friday and begging for a piece of cigarette Monday morning!!!!


I couldn't have put it better. Sometimes you have moments of brilliance in between drinks. 

Coming from Godey Walla, I don't know if it is a compliment.

Originally Posted by caribny:
And isn't that why I should be concerned about the PPP.  They are there to govern, but instead busy themselves with building mega projects wasting money, just so that they can steal, and taking credit for things that they had nothing to do with.

Can you tell me why they wanted to build a dam across a river with unreliable water supply, want to build 8 jetways at CJIA which almost never has more than 4 jets on the ground simultaneously, and why Skeldon factory has been such a scandal?  These things should bother you, but I guess, confident that the PPPs mercenaries will protect rich Indians, you don't care about anything else.

You know, but for the fact that they want to encumber Guyanese with a billion dollars of debt, just so that they can steal, this would be sitcom called "Rice Republic".....because that is all I can credit the PPP for, rice.


The Amelia falls project is not the brainchild of the PPP. But you who are ignorant of its genesis will rush to judgment. The dam was recommended in the current location by a pre-feasibility study conducted for the UNDP in 1974-1976 time period by  Montreal Engineering, when your hero Burnham was at the helm. This was affirmed again by  Harza Engineering Company in 1998 with a full blown detailed feasibility study.  To compensate for the low water periods, reservoirs were proposed. You see, folks like you are not interested in the facts but rather the cheap political points to be scored by sensational claims by Kaiteur.  


As mentioned, CIJA expansion is forward looking to the future, a concept foreign you who like Nehru says, will spend all your money today on sporting and beg for cigarettes on Monday. 


The Skeldon factory was a mistake perpetuated on the advice of Booker Tate management, but nevertheless a major blunder by the PPP. More credence to my claim that govt should not be running industry. Both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo were in favor of Skeldon, now they wipe their asses clean as if they never took that shyte. 


And you should shout about encumbering Guyanese with debt During your PNC years you brought the country to its knees with debt and the PPP had bail out your mistakes with its effective management and efforts to get debt forgiveness. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dummy, Because they are planning for the future unlike you who gets his Paycheck on Friday and begging for a piece of cigarette Monday morning!!!!


I couldn't have put it better. Sometimes you have moments of brilliance in between drinks. 

Coming from Godey Walla, I don't know if it is a compliment.

that it you are block

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
years you brought the country to its knees with debt and the PPP had bail out your mistakes with its effective management and efforts to get debt forgiveness. 

Druggie you and your family where drinking Burnham soup when I was saying that Burnham is a dog who destroyed black people.


The PNC in 2013 said that Amaila was a bad project.  The PPP in 2013 got a childish tantrum when the PNC blocked it so your incoherent babbling about matters long gone is irrelevant.  Even Rev thanks the PNC for saving Guyana from that fiasco.


As to CJIA there will never be any time in Guyana when there will be 8 jets parked at CJIA simultaneously.  This is just a grandiose project funded by the Chinese who have factored into the  construction costs bribes for the PPP.


Many people said that Skeldon was an error.  You and others screamed that we were not being "forward" thinking.  Well several years later who is right.


And why build a huge airport when you have no proper interior roads, despite the fact that much of Guyana's future development is tied to resources in the interior?  The Brazilians will build it, but they don't pay bribes so the PPP doesn't want to deal with them, at least not the govt.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Druggie you and your family where drinking Burnham soup when I was saying that Burnham is a dog who destroyed black people.


The PNC in 2013 said that Amaila was a bad project.  The PPP in 2013 got a childish tantrum when the PNC blocked it so your incoherent babbling about matters long gone is irrelevant.  Even Rev thanks the PNC for saving Guyana from that fiasco.


As to CJIA there will never be any time in Guyana when there will be 8 jets parked at CJIA simultaneously.  This is just a grandiose project funded by the Chinese who have factored into the  construction costs bribes for the PPP.


Many people said that Skeldon was an error.  You and others screamed that we were not being "forward" thinking.  Well several years later who is right.


And why build a huge airport when you have no proper interior roads, despite the fact that much of Guyana's future development is tied to resources in the interior?  The Brazilians will build it, but they don't pay bribes so the PPP doesn't want to deal with them, at least not the govt.


Burnham did not destroy Blacks, in fact he gave them opportunities but they didn't step up to the plate and execute. Instead it was the Indians who adapted to repressive laws and prevailed, a true sign of a survivor.


The PNC embraced the Amelia falls in 1976 but suddenly fell out of favor with it ins 2013 because it was now a PPP sponsored project.  It is irrelevant what poster Rev claims , the fact is that the feasibility studies by Montreal Engineering and Harza Engineering Company recommended the current proposal of the Amelia falls.  


CJIA's proposal is for an international HUB, not to bring in tourists for the interior. 


I never supported the Skeldon Factory, it was a mistake to perpetuate any govt run industry and it encourages inefficiencies and goes counter to market forces. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

  It is irrelevant what poster Rev claims , the fact is that the feasibility studies by Montreal Engineering and Harza Engineering Company recommended the current proposal of the Amelia falls.  



Unlike your goadee, the Amelia falls drys up. These firms did not know that.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Druggie you and your family where drinking Burnham soup when I was saying that Burnham is a dog who destroyed black people.


The PNC in 2013 said that Amaila was a bad project.  The PPP in 2013 got a childish tantrum when the PNC blocked it so your incoherent babbling about matters long gone is irrelevant.  Even Rev thanks the PNC for saving Guyana from that fiasco.


As to CJIA there will never be any time in Guyana when there will be 8 jets parked at CJIA simultaneously.  This is just a grandiose project funded by the Chinese who have factored into the  construction costs bribes for the PPP.


Many people said that Skeldon was an error.  You and others screamed that we were not being "forward" thinking.  Well several years later who is right.


And why build a huge airport when you have no proper interior roads, despite the fact that much of Guyana's future development is tied to resources in the interior?  The Brazilians will build it, but they don't pay bribes so the PPP doesn't want to deal with them, at least not the govt.


Burnham did not destroy Blacks, in fact he gave them opportunities but they didn't step up to the plate and execute. Instead it was the Indians who adapted to repressive laws and prevailed, a true sign of a survivor.


The PNC embraced the Amelia falls in 1976 but suddenly fell out of favor with it ins 2013 because it was now a PPP sponsored project.  It is irrelevant what poster Rev claims , the fact is that the feasibility studies by Montreal Engineering and Harza Engineering Company recommended the current proposal of the Amelia falls.  


CJIA's proposal is for an international HUB, not to bring in tourists for the interior. 


I never supported the Skeldon Factory, it was a mistake to perpetuate any govt run industry and it encourages inefficiencies and goes counter to market forces. 

i can swear when you born your mother drop you on your head you dumb moron 


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