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skeldon_man posted:

Let's give The Donald a chance. We might be surprised. All I care is that he stops or slows down this out sourcing.

I agree that he need to be giving  a fair chance.

So far ge is stacking the cabinet with a lot of big shots. Let's see if they will deliver for the middle class white boys who voted for him.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Let's give The Donald a chance. We might be surprised. All I care is that he stops or slows down this out sourcing.

I agree that he need to be giving  a fair chance.

So far ge is stacking the cabinet with a lot of big shots. Let's see if they will deliver for the middle class white boys who voted for him.

Do you want white folks to continue living in trailers while you take away their jobs and cry foul that Trump hate you? You come in America and want to be wrang and strang? I should hold your responsible for being racist towards white people because they vote for Trump. Who you want them to vote for, that swingy bubby woman?

Last edited by Former Member

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