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Former Member

The PPP has said that it will appeal the Friday’s decision of the Guyana Court of Appeal. I don’t know how the CCJ will decide yet. Too early to tell. But let’s assume that the CCJ upholds the Court of Appeal decision, I wonder, because the Court would be setting a precedent for all countries in the Caribbean, what impact that decision would have on the rest of the Caribbean countries regarding (a) amending their individual country’s Constitution to include the majority vs absolute majority (manufactured or invented) (b) passing legislation in their own country going forward with a bare majority. Finally, would upholding the decision help the CCJ in driving the final nail in their own Coffin or would some Caribbean countries exit from the CCJ. Just a few thoughts thinking out of the box.

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The CCJ will not be setting any precedent.  It is Guyana which has a constitution that was implemented by a dictator and adhered to be subsequent power drunk regimes.  The CCJ's decision will be made based upon presentations made by the interested parties and by their analysis and interpretation of Burnham's constitution.


caribny posted:

The CCJ will not be setting any precedent.  It is Guyana which has a constitution that was implemented by a dictator and adhered to be subsequent power drunk regimes.  The CCJ's decision will be made based upon presentations made by the interested parties and by their analysis and interpretation of Burnham's constitution.


It will be!  It has nothing to do with the constitution.  It means 0.5 of a person is a whole person!


It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Serves the PPP right for adopting and embracing the constitution. Your Cousin wanted to change it. But dem na listen to him.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Serves the PPP right for adopting and embracing the constitution. Your Cousin wanted to change it. But dem na listen to him.

Bai, even the current constitution says nothing about absolute majority. Those two idiots invented that word to aid and abet the illegal squatting in government of the APNU/AFC Coalition. But we are not surprised as that is how the PNC always roll. I knew this would happen hence my caution of it in 2015.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Even if the CCJ rules against the PNC, these bullies will not relinquish power. The GDF got their backs.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Even if the CCJ rules against the PNC, these bullies will not relinquish power. The GDF got their backs.

This is so true. PNC can’t hide from their history. Especially when they refuse to correct it.


They are the most shameless, incompetent, lying, cheating bunch on the Planet. And the 2 Olige who I will not call judges have disgraced themselves to the extent that NYC Sewage is more desirable and costly than them.


The old politics of the cold war era is history.  Why would the West once again shelter an undemocratic regime in a tiny country like Guyana?  Don't you think there is some irrational thinking in many of us who are seeing parallels between the cold war politics and Oil?

Billy Ram Balgobin

I would not call it irrational but quest for wealth and power. The American Businessmen can generate vast wealth from Guyana while keeping a notorious, violent and incompetent Govt in power, who are all too willing to accept a shilling in Swiss Banks!1


From my understanding the world is now more free and close partly due to the powerful influence of social media.  Governments cannot easily stifle the voice of people by denying access to the media by their opponents. Social media kicks in like a storm and shows what is really happening. I think the powerful and greedy corporations are under scrutiny too. Exxon has already been exposed by Greenpeace for remaining mum on a whole lot of issues. The return of the Carter Center is a clear signal that Guyana has not fallen off the radar screen and democratic values will not be interned or incinerated without notice. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

I used to warn the AFC blokes that if the PNC, in its current leadership form, ever takes power, they will rapidly relapse to the old PNC!  But they were more consumed with seeing the back of BJ!!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

The CCJ will not be setting any precedent.  It is Guyana which has a constitution that was implemented by a dictator and adhered to be subsequent power drunk regimes.  The CCJ's decision will be made based upon presentations made by the interested parties and by their analysis and interpretation of Burnham's constitution.


It will be!  It has nothing to do with the constitution.  It means 0.5 of a person is a whole person!

How will it be.  The other countries have proper constitutions.  Guyana has a patchwork constitution with internal contradictions that needs to be fixed.

There is the 90 day rule.  This is subject t to GECOM claiming that they are ready.  The president remains until elections are held. Well GECOM says that they are not ready so Granger is not under any obligation to call elections until they are.

Other CARICOM nations operate under a healthier political environment and are at a loss to understand Guyana's dysfunction.

So there is no precedent.  There is no where else in the Caribbean where MPs are selected based on the whims of the party leadership. Every where else voters elect MPs and the winning party selects who the PM will be. The MPs serve at the pleasure of their voters and not at the pleasure of their party and in fact MPs crossing the floor is a fairly common occurrence. If the voters dont like that they are free to get rid of this MP in the next election.

So the Caribbean is very different and remain perplexed at Guyana's confusion.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The return of the Carter Center is a clear signal that Guyana has not fallen off the radar screen and democratic values will not be interned or incinerated without notice. 

The Carter Center is however not buying the Jagdeo narrative so I dont know what your point is.

Baseman posted:

I used to warn the AFC blokes that if the PNC, in its current leadership form, ever takes power, they will rapidly relapse to the old PNC!  But they were more consumed with seeing the back of BJ!!

And sadly the PPP remains the old PPP. A power drunk bloodthirsty and racist entity led by a thug who doesnt want to let go, so he selected a dunce who he can control. A man so stupid that when he fakes his degrees he has the Masters completed before his Bachelors.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The old politics of the cold war era is history.  Why would the West once again shelter an undemocratic regime in a tiny country like Guyana?  Don't you think there is some irrational thinking in many of us who are seeing parallels between the cold war politics and Oil?

The West doesnt care one bit about Guyana because as you said the Cold War era is history and now the major nations are all in crisis.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Even if the CCJ rules against the PNC, these bullies will not relinquish power. The GDF got their backs.

Well if they defy the CCJ then they become pariahs. As of now they had the right of appeal and won their case.  The PPP has a right of appeal and the decision of the CCJ stands.  If APNU tries to defy that then they lose because even much of their base will not tolerate such lawlessness.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Even if the CCJ rules against the PNC, these bullies will not relinquish power. The GDF got their backs.

Well if they defy the CCJ then they become pariahs. As of now they had the right of appeal and won their case.  The PPP has a right of appeal and the decision of the CCJ stands.  If APNU tries to defy that then they lose because even much of their base will not tolerate such lawlessness.

Huh? 28 years of tolerance and now you are preaching non-tolerance? Come on Cribby! You haven't listened to their hardcore supporters on the street and Facebook.

skeldon_man posted:



Huh? 28 years of tolerance and now you are preaching non-tolerance? Come on Cribby! You haven't listened to their hardcore supporters on the street and Facebook.

You know I can tell that you are a racist when you scream that I tolerated the PNC.   Now can you post one post that I made praising Burnham?  I am so anti Burnham that even Chief and Baseman have attacked me calling me ungrateful.

Can you post ONE thread that you made within the last month criticizing Jagdeo.

Clearly YOU are on no ground to talk about what I tolerate and what I dont, especially when YOU praise the Burnham constitution which was obtained through fraud.

Last edited by Former Member

And skeldonman you are no different from the hard core PNC element.  You all will tolerate all kinds of abusive behavior if it means that your party gets into power.  YOU tolerated Roger Khan even after he killed a PPP minister.  So if they plan a coup d'état they aren't any different from you.

caribny posted:

And skeldonman you are no different from the hard core PNC element.  You all will tolerate all kinds of abusive behavior if it means that your party gets into power.  YOU tolerated Roger Khan even after he killed a PPP minister.  So if they plan a coup d'état they aren't any different from you.

You are one of the worst racists on this site. You preached black man domination of coolies. You went so far to say a neanderthal looking negro my sister.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Dem boys running from elections.

How long do you think they can hide? 

Not Nehru but D_G here ...

It is possible that the PNC believes that they were elected to be in power for at least 50 years ... not 5 years.

Perhaps, plans are being developed for the 50-year time frame.

skeldon_man posted:

You are one of the worst racists on this site. You preached black man domination of coolies. You went so far to say a neanderthal looking negro my sister.

And what is racist about saying that a family member of yours had sex with a black man?  

Just to show your thinking a mere suggestion that a black man becomes part of your family is seen as a racist attack by you.  You see you cannot see blacks as anything other than odious.

Also note to you. Black men cannot be Neanderthal looking because we dont have that ancestry. On the other hand you might, given southwest Asian ancestries which many South Asians have

Baseman posted:

I used to warn the AFC blokes that if the PNC, in its current leadership form, ever takes power, they will rapidly relapse to the old PNC!  But they were more consumed with seeing the back of BJ!!

Well now dem gaffo tek de front ah de PNC.

Baseman posted:

I used to warn the AFC blokes that if the PNC, in its current leadership form, ever takes power, they will rapidly relapse to the old PNC!  But they were more consumed with seeing the back of BJ!!

In time, it will be much more clearer that AFC is on the same path when The United Force - TUF - was a part of the then PNC government.

Demerara_Guy posted:

It is possible that the PNC believes that they were elected to be in power for at least 50 years ... not 5 years.

Perhaps, plans are being developed for the 50-year time frame.

Also possible that the PPP believes that they have a god given right ti ruke Guyana so that even when the majority vote AGAINST them, as they did in 2011 and in 2015 they scream that the election was rigged, even though they were the gov't in power.

Notable that when APNU was in power and 2 LGEs were held NO whining by the PPP that the LGEs were rigged.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

I used to warn the AFC blokes that if the PNC, in its current leadership form, ever takes power, they will rapidly relapse to the old PNC!  But they were more consumed with seeing the back of BJ!!

In time, it will be much more clearer that AFC is on the same path when The United Force - TUF - was a part of the then PNC government.

I wonder what Manzoor Nadir would say about how the PPP treated the UF.  It was under PPP rule that the UF drew its last breath.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

You are one of the worst racists on this site. You preached black man domination of coolies. You went so far to say a neanderthal looking negro my sister.

.....On the other hand you might, given southwest Asian ancestries which many South Asians have

True, and anthropologist say they had large cocks!!  Mmm, Me thinks me have some Neanderthal genes in me!😆

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Even if the CCJ rules against the PNC, these bullies will not relinquish power. The GDF got their backs.

Well if they defy the CCJ then they become pariahs. As of now they had the right of appeal and won their case.  The PPP has a right of appeal and the decision of the CCJ stands.  If APNU tries to defy that then they lose because even much of their base will not tolerate such lawlessness.

PNC base not tolerating PNC lawlessness has to be the biggest joke of the year, nay, forever. 😀

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It matters not what the constitution says if the PNC judges are going to invent Fuzzy Mathematics to stay in power illegally.  PNC will do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Up to and including violence.

Even if the CCJ rules against the PNC, these bullies will not relinquish power. The GDF got their backs.

Well if they defy the CCJ then they become pariahs. As of now they had the right of appeal and won their case.  The PPP has a right of appeal and the decision of the CCJ stands.  If APNU tries to defy that then they lose because even much of their base will not tolerate such lawlessness.

PNC base not tolerating PNC lawlessness has to be the biggest joke of the year, nay, forever. 😀

Cribby pon Comedy Central today!


HEHEHEHEHE  Kascz, is jokey jokey Gaff, The biggest Mo Fiah Slo Fiah stooges on this planet, more obedient than Pavlov Dogs. The PNC only has to say the word and they run like roaches in GT!!!


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