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Republicans are masters at growing debt. Look where Reagan left the national debt and where Pappa Bush continued it. Then Clinton came in and created a surplus which baby Bush ate out really fast and continued in the footsteps of his daddy. Then Obama came in and stopped the bleeding and now Trump is adding to that debt.

ksazma posted:

Republicans are masters at growing debt. Look where Reagan left the national debt and where Pappa Bush continued it. Then Clinton came in and created a surplus which baby Bush ate out really fast and continued in the footsteps of his daddy. Then Obama came in and stopped the bleeding and now Trump is adding to that debt.

Under Obama there was trickle growth with a sluggish economy. The country was in a crisis and as in every crisis, if enough money is thrown at it there lies the solution. Result, the economy is booming. There is growth with potentials of paying off the debt. For now, the interest charges are manageable.

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Republicans are masters at growing debt. Look where Reagan left the national debt and where Pappa Bush continued it. Then Clinton came in and created a surplus which baby Bush ate out really fast and continued in the footsteps of his daddy. Then Obama came in and stopped the bleeding and now Trump is adding to that debt.

Under Obama there was trickle growth with a sluggish economy. The country was in a crisis and as in every crisis, if enough money is thrown at it there lies the solution. Result, the economy is booming. There is growth with potentials of paying off the debt. For now, the interest charges are manageable.

So how come it almost doubled in two years?

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Republicans are masters at growing debt. Look where Reagan left the national debt and where Pappa Bush continued it. Then Clinton came in and created a surplus which baby Bush ate out really fast and continued in the footsteps of his daddy. Then Obama came in and stopped the bleeding and now Trump is adding to that debt.

Under Obama there was trickle growth with a sluggish economy. The country was in a crisis and as in every crisis, if enough money is thrown at it there lies the solution. Result, the economy is booming. There is growth with potentials of paying off the debt. For now, the interest charges are manageable.

So how come it almost doubled in two years?

Whatever it takes to make Trump's White America employable, even it tripled. In the Golden Era of America, they were innovative. They will be innovative again. In the 50's they created wealth for themselves, today they have to share it with the Americans of the zebra types.

seignet posted:
alena06 posted:

Frump threw a big tantrum and hurried back to the US to learn his fate on the impeachment. He might not get impeached.

Scheerer been saying that Trudeau speaks with forked tongue. Now Trump said he two faced. Justin not even sure about he own face, he blackens it from time to time. 

For a leader of a major country, he gossips like a lil sissy!  To talk like that with other world leaders is immature!  At the moment they may nod, but not sure they agree!

Baseman posted:
seignet posted:
alena06 posted:

Frump threw a big tantrum and hurried back to the US to learn his fate on the impeachment. He might not get impeached.

Scheerer been saying that Trudeau speaks with forked tongue. Now Trump said he two faced. Justin not even sure about he own face, he blackens it from time to time. 

For a leader of a major country, he gossips like a lil sissy!  To talk like that with other world leaders is immature!  At the moment they may nod, but not sure they agree!

I guess you need him to talk with the boys about grabbing ***** and that is more acceptable! He was recounting a specific fact not speaking about committing a rape. 

Sean posted:

The Shyte will hit the fans for the Democrats when this reaches the senate !

We know Moscow Mitch will protect Donald Putin. If you leave him alone, he will do worse. Planning to rob a bank is a crime. You don't have to commit the act. As they said, if you don't impeach him, you will never impeach another president. You commit a crime, you pay the price. All I care about is to see "IMPEACHED" alongside his name, regardless if the house or the senate does it.

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The Shyte will hit the fans for the Democrats when this reaches the senate !

We know Moscow Mitch will protect Donald Putin. If you leave him alone, he will do worse. Planning to rob a bank is a crime. You don't have to commit the act. As they said, if you don't impeach him, you will never impeach another president. You commit a crime, you pay the price. All I care about is to see "IMPEACHED" alongside his name, regardless if the house or the senate does it. 

The Democrats are YET to provide evidence. This all about dem boys seh and third and fourth hand information and “me think so” BS. The Shyte will hit the fans for the Democrats when this reaches the senate floor. Democrats just dug their political graves. Trump in 2020 ! Down with socialism ! 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The Shyte will hit the fans for the Democrats when this reaches the senate !

We know Moscow Mitch will protect Donald Putin. If you leave him alone, he will do worse. Planning to rob a bank is a crime. You don't have to commit the act. As they said, if you don't impeach him, you will never impeach another president. You commit a crime, you pay the price. All I care about is to see "IMPEACHED" alongside his name, regardless if the house or the senate does it.







The Democrats are YET to provide evidence. This all about dem boys seh and third and forth hand information and “me think so” BS. The Shyte will hit the fans for the Democrats when this reaches the senate floor. Democrats just dug their political graves. Trump in 2020 ! Down with socialism ! 

Blame the idiot. He refused to let the state department people testify and refused to turnover subpoena papers. Like you asking the democrats to squeeze honey out of baboon balls? Come on mudflat Hannity.

Baseman posted:
seignet posted:
alena06 posted:

Frump threw a big tantrum and hurried back to the US to learn his fate on the impeachment. He might not get impeached.

Scheerer been saying that Trudeau speaks with forked tongue. Now Trump said he two faced. Justin not even sure about he own face, he blackens it from time to time. 

For a leader of a major country, he gossips like a lil sissy!  To talk like that with other world leaders is immature!  At the moment they may nod, but not sure they agree!

Banna, Trump is the biggest laughing stock of the world. It would be a dereliction if duty if other world leaders don’t laugh at him. Even he boy Johnson was laughing at him. And if he understood Russian, he would realize that he best bro Putin also laughs at him. Melania laughs at him too but he thinks it is because he is a joke in bed. Plus he sounds like an antiman. He mouth looks like wan batty. 😀

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The Shyte will hit the fans for the Democrats when this reaches the senate !

We know Moscow Mitch will protect Donald Putin. If you leave him alone, he will do worse. Planning to rob a bank is a crime. You don't have to commit the act. As they said, if you don't impeach him, you will never impeach another president. You commit a crime, you pay the price. All I care about is to see "IMPEACHED" alongside his name, regardless if the house or the senate does it.







The Democrats are YET to provide evidence. This all about dem boys seh and third and forth hand information and “me think so” BS. The Shyte will hit the fans for the Democrats when this reaches the senate floor. Democrats just dug their political graves. Trump in 2020 ! Down with socialism ! 

Blame the idiot. He refused to let the state department people testify and refused to turnover subpoena papers. Like you asking the democrats to squeeze honey out of baboon balls? Come on mudflat Hannity.

Why should he?   If it’s within his powers to bar staff and shield documents, he’s within his rights!  If not, let the courts mandate it!

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
seignet posted:
alena06 posted:

Frump threw a big tantrum and hurried back to the US to learn his fate on the impeachment. He might not get impeached.

Scheerer been saying that Trudeau speaks with forked tongue. Now Trump said he two faced. Justin not even sure about he own face, he blackens it from time to time. 

For a leader of a major country, he gossips like a lil sissy!  To talk like that with other world leaders is immature!  At the moment they may nod, but not sure they agree!

I guess you need him to talk with the boys about grabbing ***** and that is more acceptable! He was recounting a specific fact not speaking about committing a rape. 

Sour grapes or sour puss?

skeldon_man posted:

Every world leader makes him look like a fool. What a disgrace to this nation.

Yuh know those world leaders been talking since 1917 and yet the world drifts into anarchy. Pre 1917, the white ppl were really tribals. Wars were declared for the least of reasons. Today, there is nothing much to talk about, so it is a boys clubs. Trump has no time for that nonsense. Wait till Trump withdraws from NATO and see the shit that flies. Turkey takes over all muslim countries, Russia takes all of Europe and the Chinese takes Asia. 

In 2020, Trump could withdraw from NATO, his empowerment would be greater. Chaos is fast approaching, the Book sey suh. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
seignet posted:
alena06 posted:

Frump threw a big tantrum and hurried back to the US to learn his fate on the impeachment. He might not get impeached.

Scheerer been saying that Trudeau speaks with forked tongue. Now Trump said he two faced. Justin not even sure about he own face, he blackens it from time to time. 

For a leader of a major country, he gossips like a lil sissy!  To talk like that with other world leaders is immature!  At the moment they may nod, but not sure they agree!

Banna, Trump is the biggest laughing stock of the world. It would be a dereliction if duty if other world leaders don’t laugh at him. Even he boy Johnson was laughing at him. And if he understood Russian, he would realize that he best bro Putin also laughs at him. Melania laughs at him too but he thinks it is because he is a joke in bed. Plus he sounds like an antiman. He mouth looks like wan batty. 😀

All of that is just hate for the man, reread all of it.

seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Every world leader makes him look like a fool. What a disgrace to this nation.

Yuh know those world leaders been talking since 1917 and yet the world drifts into anarchy. Pre 1917, the white ppl were really tribals. Wars were declared for the least of reasons. Today, there is nothing much to talk about, so it is a boys clubs. Trump has no time for that nonsense. Wait till Trump withdraws from NATO and see the shit that flies. Turkey takes over all muslim countries, Russia takes all of Europe and the Chinese takes Asia. 

In 2020, Trump could withdraw from NATO, his empowerment would be greater. Chaos is fast approaching, the Book sey suh. 

And Trump will take Canada and Mexico and make Trudeau his water boy!  And from Mexico he will rule Latin America!

History have a way of repeating itself!

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Base, Trump runs his mouth like wan toilet.

Like one of these of Strumpovski ??

Sir, you seem to spend quite a lot of time in the toilet!!

One always need comfortable toilet time.

Basewoman however has the stuff permanently stored within himself; hence, he has absolutely no need for toilet time.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
seignet posted:
alena06 posted:

Frump threw a big tantrum and hurried back to the US to learn his fate on the impeachment. He might not get impeached.

Scheerer been saying that Trudeau speaks with forked tongue. Now Trump said he two faced. Justin not even sure about he own face, he blackens it from time to time. 

For a leader of a major country, he gossips like a lil sissy!  To talk like that with other world leaders is immature!  At the moment they may nod, but not sure they agree!

Banna, Trump is the biggest laughing stock of the world. It would be a dereliction if duty if other world leaders don’t laugh at him. Even he boy Johnson was laughing at him. And if he understood Russian, he would realize that he best bro Putin also laughs at him. Melania laughs at him too but he thinks it is because he is a joke in bed. Plus he sounds like an antiman. He mouth looks like wan batty. 😀

All of that is just hate for the man, reread all of it.

I would say hate. I know for sure that I don't like him.


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