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The do nothing Democrats just lost the 2020 election ! Shifty Schiff just announced that Trump will cheat the 2020 election. They just admitted defeat. 
All you knock tinin cup and dhakolay rum, the Republicans will buss all you walnuts at the senate. 
This will go down as one of the biggest hoax in American History and I will live to see a Democrat President Impeached AND removed from office. 
All skin teeth na laff. 
15,000 Americans showed up at the Trump rally in Michigan, this is just the beginning. Americans will NEVER allow radical socialists to take over their country.  


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:


Come November 2020 you will get your answer!!!!!!!

Treachery you say, Monsieur Baseman ...

Probably it is Trump's cherry that got busted and ripped up.

By the way; November 2020 indeed will be another interesting time when the Republicans will loose in numerous places and positions.

Also of specific note ...

-- Impeachment has been approved.

-- It is not automatic that Nancy Pelosi, House of Representatives, MUST forward the decisions for the Senate to render its decision.

If Nancy Pelosi is not satisfied that there will be a proper process in the Senate; she DOES NOT HAVE TO send the matter to the Senate.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Sean posted:

All you knock tinin cup and dhakolay rum, the Republicans will buss all you walnuts at the senate.

As noted in my comments to Baseman .....

"If Nancy Pelosi is not satisfied that the Senate will properly handle the process, she DOES NOT HAVE TO SEND the matter for the Senate to address issues."


Dem Democrats chicken 🐓 out already. They have the weakest case which will be promptly dismissed by the Senate. 

Hey Hey Hey 

Last edited by Former Member

Bai DG, the Republicans licking their chops right now as the Democrats will now buckle and disintegrate. Pelosi was forced by Democrat radicals and they will now have to live with political suicide. I feel very sorry for the do nothing socialist democrats. Imagine Socialist Communist Bernie is neck and neck with sleazy Joe among Democrats !
Hey Hey Hey

Sean posted:

The senate Calls the shots. 

The Senate and the House of Representatives are independent legislative bodies with neither controlling the other.

The Senate DOES NOT call the shots nor dictates on the activities of the House of Representatives.

Also, Nancy Pelosi is in an extremely strong position on this matter --- the House of Representatives has made its decision. =END OF MATTER=


Bai, you rass stubborn. 

Option 1. Democrats chicken out and not send this hoax to the senate. 

Option 2. They send it to the senate and have this hoax thrown out 

Trump approval ratings went up by SIX percent during this impeachment Hoax !

Either way, Democrats ball buss. 
Hey Hey Hey


Last edited by Former Member

How unpopular is Donald Trump?

An updating calculation of the president's approval rating, accounting for each poll's quality, recency, sample size and partisan lean.

UPDATED Dec. 18, 2019 at 6:20 PM,

Some latest information

IPSOS -- 41% Approve --- 53% Disapprove 

GALLUP -- 45% Approve --- 51% Disapprove 

NBC NEWS -- 44% Approve --- 54% Disapprove 

CNN/SSRS -- 43% Approve --- 53% Disapprove 

Sample of a few from numerous sources.

Dec. 16-17
Dec. 15-17

Rasmussen Reports/Pulse Opinion Research

Dec. 15-17
Emerson College
Dec. 14-17
NBC News/Wall Street Journal
Dec. 14-17
Prashad posted:

The Senate will never impeach Trump. He is not going anywhere. He will win the next election easily.

The senate might never get the chance to do so. As I asked before what happens if the democrats do not hand the articles to the senate? He will still be impeached without being cleared. He can never boast that he was acquitted. I hope the Democrats keep the pressure on Trump's Bitch Moscow Mitch and let him crawl to Nancy Pelosi. Dr. Larry Tribe also suggested that the Democrats do not hand over the articles. Let the prick squirm.

skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

The Senate will never impeach Trump. He is not going anywhere. He will win the next election easily.

The senate might never get the chance to do so. As I asked before what happens if the democrats do not hand the articles to the senate? He will still be impeached without being cleared. He can never boast that he was acquitted. I hope the Democrats keep the pressure on Trump's Bitch Moscow Mitch and let him crawl to Nancy Pelosi. Dr. Larry Tribe also suggested that the Democrats do not hand over the articles. Let the prick squirm.

Then it proves the Democrats are out to get him!  Wasn't Clinton's impeachment handed over knowing fully well it will not pass?

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

The Senate will never impeach Trump. He is not going anywhere. He will win the next election easily.

The senate might never get the chance to do so. As I asked before what happens if the democrats do not hand the articles to the senate? He will still be impeached without being cleared. He can never boast that he was acquitted. I hope the Democrats keep the pressure on Trump's Bitch Moscow Mitch and let him crawl to Nancy Pelosi. Dr. Larry Tribe also suggested that the Democrats do not hand over the articles. Let the prick squirm.

Then it proves the Democrats are out to get him!  Wasn't Clinton's impeachment handed over knowing fully well it will not pass?

Impeached 45 brought this upon himself. He thinks he is running his corrupted businesses in NY like robbing the charity and stiffing workers and contractors. He is too crooked...MAGA days are over for him. He will go nuts.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

The Senate will never impeach Trump. He is not going anywhere. He will win the next election easily.

The senate might never get the chance to do so. As I asked before what happens if the democrats do not hand the articles to the senate? He will still be impeached without being cleared. He can never boast that he was acquitted. I hope the Democrats keep the pressure on Trump's Bitch Moscow Mitch and let him crawl to Nancy Pelosi. Dr. Larry Tribe also suggested that the Democrats do not hand over the articles. Let the prick squirm.

Then it proves the Democrats are out to get him!  Wasn't Clinton's impeachment handed over knowing fully well it will not pass?

Impeached 45 brought this upon himself. He thinks he is running his corrupted businesses in NY like robbing the charity and stiffing workers and contractors. He is too crooked...MAGA days are over for him. He will go nuts.

He will be one of the greatest president!

If Christ was around today, he would have been Impeached!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

The Senate will never impeach Trump. He is not going anywhere. He will win the next election easily.

The senate might never get the chance to do so. As I asked before what happens if the democrats do not hand the articles to the senate? He will still be impeached without being cleared. He can never boast that he was acquitted. I hope the Democrats keep the pressure on Trump's Bitch Moscow Mitch and let him crawl to Nancy Pelosi. Dr. Larry Tribe also suggested that the Democrats do not hand over the articles. Let the prick squirm.

Then it proves the Democrats are out to get him!  Wasn't Clinton's impeachment handed over knowing fully well it will not pass?

Impeached 45 brought this upon himself. He thinks he is running his corrupted businesses in NY like robbing the charity and stiffing workers and contractors. He is too crooked...MAGA days are over for him. He will go nuts.

He will be one of the greatest president!

If Christ was around today, he would have been Impeached!

Base, it just depends on how you describe the greatest. It's all relative. His MAGA followers are people of very little education from down south and the inbred counties in the US. They know very little about what's going on in the country. Too much of FOUKX news.

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

The Senate will never impeach Trump. He is not going anywhere. He will win the next election easily.

The senate might never get the chance to do so. As I asked before what happens if the democrats do not hand the articles to the senate? He will still be impeached without being cleared. He can never boast that he was acquitted. I hope the Democrats keep the pressure on Trump's Bitch Moscow Mitch and let him crawl to Nancy Pelosi. Dr. Larry Tribe also suggested that the Democrats do not hand over the articles. Let the prick squirm.

Then it proves the Democrats are out to get him!  Wasn't Clinton's impeachment handed over knowing fully well it will not pass?

Impeached 45 brought this upon himself. He thinks he is running his corrupted businesses in NY like robbing the charity and stiffing workers and contractors. He is too crooked...MAGA days are over for him. He will go nuts.

He will be one of the greatest president!

If Christ was around today, he would have been Impeached!

The word "maga" means "easily fooled idiot" in Nigerian Pidgin.


Labba posted:

Bai me never tauth me go see de day when dem Republican walk de street wid more short red and pink skirt dan dem gurls by Mr Pavi favourite place...hey hey hey.

Only wan matter of time befo dem walk de street wid only tongs...hey hey hey.

Kaz what colour tongs yuh tink dem go wear? Hey hey hey...

RePOOPlicans wakin' lakka dese gurls ...


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